[RELz/Beta] Elsweyr, the Deserts of Anequina (Thread 6)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:42 pm

Great! A new arena would be so awesome!

that just dumb-struck me for a moment...I can't Imagen how slanderous it'll be to walk through those halls in game.

Edit: Did I say slanderous? :confused: glamorous, of course! :hehe:
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Sam Parker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:25 pm

Wow, those shots are amazing, once again, you've created a masterpiece!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:30 pm

The palace interiors looks amazing mr_siika :foodndrink:

Suggestion on the arena, something like this:

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnZg8vvnZTo
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Anna Watts
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:17 pm

The palace interiors looks amazing mr_siika :foodndrink:

Suggestion on the arena, something like this:

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnZg8vvnZTo

Haha, that's exactly what I was thinking of when I read Mr_Siika's post! It'd be excellent to have a small, claustrophobic arena like that one! And the PC could fight in and win the title of governor of Ca-errr-Orcrest! :)
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:09 am

I don't think you'd notice the difference, to be honest.
Btw I was thinking: wouldn't it be cool to have a little arena in Orcrest? Some hole in the ground with spikes where Orcish fighters battle against desert creatures and each other...
Do you think there's room for such a thing somewhere? Maybe even in a little ring outside Orcrest (though it would be better inside... perhaps a third ring?)
I'll fix the collision things, no problem. I'll see about the door frames, but I never needed one during testing... in fact it makes it more difficult, because it limits your possibilities when placing a house.
The is a nice Orcrest door (I think) that can be placed "into" the walls without looking unrealistic.

Yes, you are probably right, the curve of the walls would only be very slight anyway, so it wouldn't be worth it.

I did plan for a fight-pit Arena in the middle of the palace throne room. The current interior was custom made to include that.

Would you be interested in completely redoing the Orcrest palace interior with a new, better fight pit? It could be bigger, there is plenty of room inside the building.

Oh, I've also added some of your minotaur oxen to Orcrest--

Perhaps a hole in the ground with spikes at the edges... if Iliana likes it, I'll come up with a quick concept.
Dune palace interiors are as good as done. Here some more pics:

The palace throne room looks beautiful! :)

I've started looking at decorating the upper class Dune interiors and have decided on a style like this--

Cherim Hall where wealthy khajiit gather to socialise--
Upper class house, with a little rope ladder up to sleeping loft--

Could I request two more items!?

It would be really handy to have one of these room screen panels as a separate item which I could then also place in different locations as a furniture piece--

Also I've managed to generate a decent landscape mesh for the LOD quad around Dune (after a couple of dozen tries mangling the base terrain). The only thing that is really needed is a flat square LOD object for the ground of the palace square. The actual ground is correct, but since the LOD only estimates it always subsides the steep edges

How about door frames as a separate NIF, so they can be placed anywhere around the building, or even on multiple different building NIFs?

Yes, that is what I was thinking too. A separate door frame item for those lower class Dune houses would be handy. I have one of those for the Orcrest and Corinthe ones but it wouldn't really suit Dune even with a retexture.

I decided i'd do a bit of video recording, but i've never recorded any video in OB. i decided i'd give Riverhold the honor of being the setting for this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inXi2SVuUdk

lol. The town does have lots of nice big drops. Battling the locals with fireballs can be funny, from the upper levels you can send them flying into the air for miles!
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:08 am

First post in this thread (although I'm following it from some days). What can I say except that everything is just fantastic? :) Keep up the good work.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:50 pm

How about door frames as a separate NIF, so they can be placed anywhere around the building, or even on multiple different building NIFs?

Done ;-)

I did plan for a fight-pit Arena in the middle of the palace throne room. The current interior was custom made to include that.

Would you be interested in completely redoing the Orcrest palace interior with a new, better fight pit? It could be bigger, there is plenty of room inside the building.

I'll see what I can do. I mean the palace propably needs some attention anyway. It would be cool to have a second, smaller arena outside the palace, to determine who's allowed to fight in front of the king(?).
I'm saying that because the first circle (the one with the lakes) looks a bit empty and lifeless. Having a small crowd gathered around fighting orcs in nothing more than a muddy hole with some wooden grandstand...
This might mean that you'll have to place the first ring in its own worldspace as well...

Oh, I've also added some of your minotaur oxen to Orcrest--

Nice! Are they slaves?

I've started looking at decorating the upper class Dune interiors and have decided on a style like this--
Cherim Hall where wealthy khajiit gather to socialise--

Hm... Not sure about the floor... that texture is important for the palace, maybe we should not use it in this house as well. What do you think?

It would be really handy to have one of these room screen panels as a separate item which I could then also place in different locations as a furniture piece--

Also I've managed to generate a decent landscape mesh for the LOD quad around Dune (after a couple of dozen tries mangling the base terrain). The only thing that is really needed is a flat square LOD object for the ground of the palace square. The actual ground is correct, but since the LOD only estimates it always subsides the steep edges

You'll get those things with the next "shipment" ;-)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:08 am

I'll see what I can do. I mean the palace propably needs some attention anyway. It would be cool to have a second, smaller arena outside the palace, to determine who's allowed to fight in front of the king(?).
I'm saying that because the first circle (the one with the lakes) looks a bit empty and lifeless. Having a small crowd gathered around fighting orcs in nothing more than a muddy hole with some wooden grandstand...

I agree with that. I've to say that I half liked and half disliked the "arena-inside-palace" idea. I like it because it can give a different feel, and it's just suited if the governor of Orcrest is the "tyranic and sadisc m******" style. But I disliked it because I didn't wanted to drop the idea of a decadent, outside of palace pit. Having both and splitting the Arena questline into two would be awesome!
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:17 pm

It would be cool to have an arena BOTH in the palace, maybe reserved for the orc "aristocrats" and have one in town for the locals.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 am

I've redone the palace of Orcrest. Now moving on to its interior.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:20 am

Absolutely bloody brilliant mr_siika. :celebration:

The palace really gives me that orcish feeling of mighty and brutal.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 pm

Absolutely bloody brilliant mr_siika. :celebration:

The palace really gives me that orcish feeling of mighty and brutal.

That's just the same that I thought....lol
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:59 am

I've redone the palace of Orcrest. Now moving on to its interior.

Simply awesome! Congratulations. :tops:
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:15 am

Here are some arena pictures for inspiration mr_siika:

- http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/5466/pedrootelcanaarenaconce.jpg

- http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/5557/cw35clanorcarena.jpg
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:40 pm

Done ;-)
I'll see what I can do. I mean the palace propably needs some attention anyway. It would be cool to have a second, smaller arena outside the palace, to determine who's allowed to fight in front of the king(?).
I'm saying that because the first circle (the one with the lakes) looks a bit empty and lifeless. Having a small crowd gathered around fighting orcs in nothing more than a muddy hole with some wooden grandstand...
This might mean that you'll have to place the first ring in its own worldspace as well...
Nice! Are they slaves?
Hm... Not sure about the floor... that texture is important for the palace, maybe we should not use it in this house as well. What do you think?
You'll get those things with the next "shipment" ;-)

Yes definitely, go for it! An arena in the oasis district would be really cool. :)
Perhaps the buildings there could be redone as well in another style. There's only four in that section -- the Inn, the Merchants Guild, the Hunters Guild, and the Slave Hall. The fifth one is a spare so can be removed if there is not enough room.

The minotaur oxen are tamed, I guess you could say. The orcs keep them for heavy labour just as they have worker ogres in Orsinium and working goblins in the Summerset Isles.

Yes, the floor of Cherim Hall could be retextured. I agree that it is best saving that type for the palace itself.

I've redone the palace of Orcrest. Now moving on to its interior.

That's fabulous! I love the giant cat-skull sculpt on the front. Its really eye-catching! :)

Here's a few of my screenshots--

New Orcrest

Bad camel! (I think I need to recheck those path grids!)

Ri'Thibb's Clutter Shack, a claustrophobic junk shop in Dune (not quite finished yet)
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:35 am

Looks lovely Iliana :goodjob:

"Bad camel! " :rofl:
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:04 am

Bad camel! (I think I need to recheck those path grids!)

Larger creatures (like horses, cows, camels, elephants) will have trouble with pathgrids which NPCs have no trouble with. This is because NPCs and creatures aim to stand or walk through the centre of a pathnode as they walk the pathgrids, so if the node is close to a static object, while an NPC can just walk past it, larger creatures will attempt to walk through it to reach the centre of the path node. To avoid, you either need to give all statics a wide berth with the path nodes, or keep the large animals from travelling too close to statics.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:33 pm

I've redone the palace of Orcrest. Now moving on to its interior.

Love the new look...appears more orcish and brutal now.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:13 pm

Larger creatures (like horses, cows, camels, elephants) will have trouble with pathgrids which NPCs have no trouble with. This is because NPCs and creatures aim to stand or walk through the centre of a pathnode as they walk the pathgrids, so if the node is close to a static object, while an NPC can just walk past it, larger creatures will attempt to walk through it to reach the centre of the path node. To avoid, you either need to give all statics a wide berth with the path nodes, or keep the large animals from travelling too close to statics.

Bad Bethesda for designing such a chinsy method...
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 am

Bad Bethesda for designing such a chinsy method...

I believe this is common practice for gaming with pathgrids.

Fuzzy logic might have been better however, registering a certain level of proximity rather than requiring exact positioning. "Hey, I'm near enough, who cares for accuracy. Where's the next node?"
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Ellie English
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 pm

Fuzzy logic might have been better however, registering a certain level of proximity rather than requiring exact positioning. "Hey, I'm near enough, who cares for accuracy. Where's the next node?"

Dear Bethesda game designers...THIS MIGHT BE A GOOD TIP FOR ES V.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:28 pm

Update on Orcrest's palace:
Interior's done.

Now I can start with the "outdoor" arena (the lower class one).
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clelia vega
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:59 pm

Update on Orcrest's palace:
Interior's done.

Now I can start with the "outdoor" arena (the lower class one).

IMO, that pit is perfect. Just perfect :)
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:49 am

wow, can wait to fight in that pit :toughninja:

Great work mr_siika :foodndrink:
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:52 pm

That's just scaringly awesome.:)
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