[RELz/Beta] Elsweyr, the Deserts of Anequina (Thread 6)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:36 pm

Little joy:
I installed this mod a while back but I haven't played it yet. Over the Holiday, my lovely wife decided she was going to see what all the fus was about and 'do Oblivion'. She went total stealth archer and got very used to popping just about anyhting with one arrow from about three cells away. I was watching her play when she made our joint first foray into the desert. She saw a glimmer of movement on the horizon and decided she was going to follow her usual pattern, let an arrow off and waited for her target to fall down...

It moved off to the side and she lost sight of it behind a bush. Ah well, she says and starts to close the distance to finish it off.
That's when it burst through the bush and we realised what it was and she set off sprinting away across the savannah with a terrified cry of "GAAAAAH COCKING ELEPHANT!!!!!"

So yeah, thanks for that wonderful moment!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:00 am

IMO, that pit is perfect. Just perfect :)

wow, can wait to fight in that pit :toughninja:
Great work mr_siika :foodndrink:

That's just scaringly awesome.:)

Thanks a lot!

This will be Orcrest's lower class arena. Takes a few moments to get used to ;-)

Guess there'll be no seperate worldspace, it's not that big. I'm going to fix the Orcrest houses used by the merchants now.
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:59 pm

Thanks a lot!

This will be Orcrest's lower class arena. Takes a few moments to get used to ;-)

Guess there'll be no seperate worldspace, it's not that big. I'm going to fix the Orcrest houses used by the merchants now.

Man, just how many "mr_silka's models totally PWNS!" do you want to hear on a day? :D

Again, you've done it. I really, really like it!

BTW, Iliana should be careful about where to put it. Where's the ideal position of that arena? In the middle of the main plaza of the city? Or slightly outside of it, like the lower class ancient Roman Arenas were?

"It wasn't in the center of the city, but in the small Arenas scattered around the victinity of Rome where newcoming gladiators did their first appearance on public", from "Coliseo: Ruedo mortal de Roma" documentary (sorry if the translation is a bit rough :P).
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:16 pm

The arena looks great mr_siika, :goodjob:

Maybe add some blood splatter texture here and there ?
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:15 pm

Perhaps the buildings there could be redone as well in another style. There's only four in that section -- the Inn, the Merchants Guild, the Hunters Guild, and the Slave Hall. The fifth one is a spare so can be removed if there is not enough room.

I fixed the textures, windows and doors; it looks alright now. It's not a different style though. I think the current style is not that bad, is it? What did you have in mind?

I've replaced the tribal huts with a http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/9715/huts.gif. Hope that's okay.
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:17 am

actaully, i like the ld mesh...i hope you find some way to use it as well...more diversity the better right :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:00 am

Thanks a lot!
This will be Orcrest's lower class arena. Takes a few moments to get used to ;-)
Guess there'll be no seperate worldspace, it's not that big. I'm going to fix the Orcrest houses used by the merchants now.

That's a cool little arena! You know this is really starting to hark back to the old TES:Arena game. It had a little snippet on Orcrest as part of the game's arena contest--
"You who would enter Orcrest beware! Monsters abide within these walls. They are called the Silent Ones, and you would be best to travel elsewhere . ."

I fixed the textures, windows and doors; it looks alright now. It's not a different style though. I think the current style is not that bad, is it? What did you have in mind?
I've replaced the tribal huts with a http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/9715/huts.gif. Hope that's okay.

Thats a very nice improvement. A new door type would look good as well. The wooden one I used was pretty ad-hoc. It was the only thing I could find to use at the time. I think an African style hut should have something that looks like woven twigs or grass or reeds.

The existing Orcrest oasis buildings are ok. Actually I stuck a few of those Dune domes on a few of them. I could use a few of the other Dune pieces to improve them as well.

BTW, Iliana should be careful about where to put it. Where's the ideal position of that arena? In the middle of the main plaza of the city? Or slightly outside of it, like the lower class ancient Roman Arenas were?

I think the fight ring beside the oasis somewhere would make a very nice centrepiece.

Actually the Anvil Arena which never was would have been directly opposite the cathedral (the cell is still marked AnvilArena). So the arenas are often in the very heart of a town.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:30 am

These are visual wet dreams!
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:59 am

I like the oasis position. It somehow fits it.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:30 pm

Thanks a lot!

This will be Orcrest's lower class arena. Takes a few moments to get used to ;-)

Guess there'll be no seperate worldspace, it's not that big. I'm going to fix the Orcrest houses used by the merchants now.

Would it fit better outside the walls of the oasis district?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:17 pm

Would someone generate a new LOD texture for me in the CS for the quad containing Dune?

My computer is not good enough to generate those. Either it creates half of one with the other half black or spits out an "insufficient virtual memory" error.

Here is a temporary ElsweyrAnequinaLODTexture.esp I made for generating the LOD and the faulty LOD texture I did generate.

It can be generated from the cell ANQDuneGate, and the texture file produced is named

Here's a pic of the half that did work!--

Would it fit better outside the walls of the oasis district?

I'll have a look when I go to place it. It hasn't been added into the mod yet.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:44 am

I'll see if I can help you with that.
btw I've made a new mesh to replace the caravanserie. It looks almost the same, but I did it from scratch, as the old mesh was... beyond repair.

I'll create some houses for Rimmen now. Iliana, if you have any other requests, just post them here, I'll surely have time for them afterwards.
Two things are still on my list: a new "desert fortress" mesh (to replace the old one) and a new mesh for the temple of the two moons. Perhaps something more impressive. If you have any ideas, please tell me.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:47 am

It can be generated from the cell ANQDuneGate, and the texture file produced is named

I have the same problem. The "left" half of the texture is black, the "right" half is perfect. No idea what causes this. Not an expert though.
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:22 pm

(...)a new mesh for the temple of the two moons. Perhaps something more impressive. If you have any ideas, please tell me.

I've http://blog.lib.umn.edu/drube004/architecture/image/Taj%20Mahal.jpg, if you're up to it :D
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:18 pm

Visited southern Elsweyr for the first time. Still amazed at how I'm discovering new things each time I play. Spent some time on the jungle beach which is now my favourite area, then I nearly got my ass handed to me by a giant tiger. It was that huge race of Khajiit. Forgot the name but it hit like a freight train
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:50 pm

Visited southern Elsweyr for the first time. Still amazed at how I'm discovering new things each time I play. Spent some time on the jungle beach which is now my favourite area, then I nearly got my ass handed to me by a giant tiger. It was that huge race of Khajiit. Forgot the name but it hit like a freight train

Damn it, now I need to install this mod. Big ass cats need big ass swords/thermonuclear blasts, yes? I'll be DLing in a flash.
*Flashes everyone*
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:32 am

I have the same problem. The "left" half of the texture is black, the "right" half is perfect. No idea what causes this. Not an expert though.

Hopefully Arthmoor will do it for me. :) He did the original ones back in April or May.

The CS gobbles up an awful lot of memory generating them or compiling the pieces into one file and if it runs out it will only do half.

I'll see if I can help you with that.
btw I've made a new mesh to replace the caravanserie. It looks almost the same, but I did it from scratch, as the old mesh was... beyond repair.
I'll create some houses for Rimmen now. Iliana, if you have any other requests, just post them here, I'll surely have time for them afterwards.
Two things are still on my list: a new "desert fortress" mesh (to replace the old one) and a new mesh for the temple of the two moons. Perhaps something more impressive. If you have any ideas, please tell me.

That's great, so much stuff upgraded!

I would prefer Two Moon Temple kept the same approximate size and tower shape. Its just a small monastery of khajiit priestesses so nothing to elaborate. But you could redesign the exterior, perhaps identifying the building more closely with the twin moons somehow. The Egyptian relief on the front can definitely go. That was always a bit out of place.

The desert fortress is intended as a fortress gateway with a passage through the mountainside to another valley (in a separate world space). So something like that which can be placed against the mountain would be good, and perhaps a matching small mountain entranceway for the other side.

Is the Noria and rideable lizard-bird ready? I don't have those. I'm going to place the Noria in the hollow beyond the crossroads near Dune.
I'm also missing one of the palace textures -- textures\anequina\architecture\dune\palace\goldwallornaments.dds

Visited southern Elsweyr for the first time. Still amazed at how I'm discovering new things each time I play. Spent some time on the jungle beach which is now my favourite area, then I nearly got my ass handed to me by a giant tiger. It was that huge race of Khajiit. Forgot the name but it hit like a freight train

He's a vicious fella. Makes the trip to the beach more fun. ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:14 pm

Could you put in a roaming astologer into each town? This would just be for fun/some reality. They would charge maybe a medium amount for telling your stars, and maybe an exorbinant amount for adding a little more info in. A total ripoff, really, but they have to make money somehow. I already wrote up a small request thread for astrologers in Cyrodiilian towns.

Here is the link to the request thread... http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1067325
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Wayne W
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:28 am

Would someone generate a new LOD texture for me in the CS for the quad containing Dune?

My computer is not good enough to generate those. Either it creates half of one with the other half black or spits out an "insufficient virtual memory" error.

I'll take a crack at it. The usual trick I use is to load the mod and then use the Leyawiinworld worldspace to generate from. All you have to do is move the viewing window into the right area of landscape, then generate from there. Doesn't take nearly as much memory and is considerably faster since it won't be trying to load all the clutter. Al you have to do afterward is make sure you rename the file so it starts with 60. instead of whatever number Leyawiinworld uses.

One caveat I've found regardless, once you start generating textures, DO NOT change focus to any other window on the system. As soon as you do, any cells it was going to output get spit out as black squares.

If I try and use the Tamriel worldspace the CS dies on me too.
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:38 pm

I'll take a crack at it. The usual trick I use is to load the mod and then use the Leyawiinworld worldspace to generate from. All you have to do is move the viewing window into the right area of landscape, then generate from there. Doesn't take nearly as much memory and is considerably faster since it won't be trying to load all the clutter. Al you have to do afterward is make sure you rename the file so it starts with 60. instead of whatever number Leyawiinworld uses.

One caveat I've found regardless, once you start generating textures, DO NOT change focus to any other window on the system. As soon as you do, any cells it was going to output get spit out as black squares.

If I try and use the Tamriel worldspace the CS dies on me too.

Thanks. :) That quad with Dune should be relatively clutter free. I actually deleted the whole town from that temporary esp so there aren't any major structures at all in the quad. Half of the quad is also the near empty Valenwood.

The new LOD texture is an absolute must for the next update because the vertex shading for the old Dune layout just doesn't fit with the new city. I also removed vertex shading in that temp file from other locations that you wouldn't want to see in the LOD, and obscured the view of some of the desert roads as well.

Could you put in a roaming astologer into each town? This would just be for fun/some reality. They would charge maybe a medium amount for telling your stars, and maybe an exorbinant amount for adding a little more info in. A total ripoff, really, but they have to make money somehow. I already wrote up a small request thread for astrologers in Cyrodiilian towns.
Here is the link to the request thread... http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1067325

Maybe I'll add one in Dune one day. It would be fairly easy to have different lines of dialogue. They could be tied in with completed quest stages which would make the replies vary over time.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:13 am

New LOD texture PM'd over.
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John N
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:47 pm

Are you making it compatible with the german Vallenwood mod?

Post Data: I loved the path you made through Vallenwood with guards and so. I wouldn't like to see it gone.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:13 pm

That's great, so much stuff upgraded!

I would prefer Two Moon Temple kept the same approximate size and tower shape. Its just a small monastery of khajiit priestesses so nothing to elaborate. But you could redesign the exterior, perhaps identifying the building more closely with the twin moons somehow. The Egyptian relief on the front can definitely go. That was always a bit out of place.

What do you think about http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Koutoubia_Mosque for the Two Moon Temple design?
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Avril Louise
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:20 pm

With the added ability of BMS to support the Elsweyr system... I was wondering, what do you guys think would be a good music type.... Arabic or Japanese ... for the overall setting of Elsweyr music ... or anyone have thoughts on the music style popular in Elsweyr?
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:25 pm

When I think of what type of music would fit Elsweyr, I would go with a hint of egyptian/persian

Something like this:

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7rBFFs03tM
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