I'm having a little trouble with CTD in and around desert areas of elsweyr. Specifically I noticed a crash at Wilderness (1,-18). Now I checked that area in TESCS and the only thing in the area was a Leveled spawn for a monster. I checked the monster spawns and found that the following spiders I can not view without crashing TESCS.
The look like this in the editor http://bayimg.com/image/bajgjaacj.jpg
and then the editor will crash. I'm wondering if maybe thats why the game CTD'd. I checked the other spiders and they all work fine but one other ANQCreatureSpiderTarantula2 has a 0 size. I dont think its used though. In any case at the least the spiders that use the above 4 nif's nuke TESCS and Oblivion maybe. I tested the RAR and re-extracted the mesh files but they still choke TESCS.
Great mod by the way. Love the desert area's, been playing a lot of Khajiit characters lately thanks to this. Gives me a home country to return to when I get run out of a city for thiev... erm, borrowing stuff.

On a side note the following things I have noted while exploring the Elsweyr area:
ElsweyrAnequina.esp Wilderness (8,-49) 33968 -196904 2509 "large palm tree floating above a large rock"
ElsweyrAnequina.esp Wilderness (10,-42) 42276 -168236 8502 "floating rocks"
ElsweyrAnequina.esp Wilderness (10,-42) 42339 -168084 8545 "floating rocks"
ElsweyrAnequina.esp ANQCorintheGateSouth (3,-42) 13036 -170302 9688 "floating rocks"
ElsweyrAnequina.esp Wilderness (2,-39) 10053 -158046 9175 "miss aligned small rocks, showing hollow underside"
Oblivion.esm Wilderness (12,-28) 50232 -112832 8585 "floating tree"
That last one I'm not sure about, its kind of on the border area. I saw some zebra in the area and it was still sort of savanna so
Thanks for the awesome mod! Sorry to bother, I'm just kind of on a CTD hunt right now after oblivion imploded on me this Wednesday.