Got the first palace interior ready: it's obviously not from the main building, but from the less spectacular ones surrounding it.
Those palace halls are looking very nice with the red marble floors.
The deserts on the distant seems to be green in color after i use the TES4LODGen. Everything is just incredibly greenish and ugly. I made a backup of the DistantLOD files before using the application but i can't seem to restore it back to normal even after replacing it. Any solutions?
*edit* reinstalled Oblivion and problem is now gone.

If you ever lose them again just download the ElsweyrLanscapeLOD files on tesnexus. These files are shared by the Tamriel worldspace so some other mods may sometimes overwrite the ones I provided. That small extra download will restore mine in the region.
TES4LODGen doesn't generate the ground textures and meshes, only the distant objects. So the only way to get those back if they are lost to add the ones I provided.
My heart is split over the Trident weapon. On the one hand, it looks great, has incredable range for a melee weapon, and is very distinctive. On the other hand, the icon occasionally dissapears and is replaced with the melee icon even though it is still equipped (the proper Trident icon reappears if I reequip it) and it really seems like it should be a two-hander given how long it is.
The ancient Greek trident was a one-handed weapon used for spear-fishing. And the god Poseidon uses it as his weapon like so--
Admittedly you can't actually wield the thing like a proper spear in Oblivion because the game doesn't have the proper animations for that.
Its very strange about the changing icon. There is only a single field for an icon given to a weapon in the CS, so it should always use the one assigned to it.