[RELz/Beta] Elsweyr, the Deserts of Anequina (Thread 6)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:00 pm

Yay! Interiors! :)

I have a bunch of unused textures I can send you which different modders sent me earlier this year. Some are from the Den Orden(?) mod which I think you also helped out with. They include various floor tiles and other pieces for a desert palace interior. Maybe some will come in handy for Dune.

Yes, I did some work together with the "der Orden" team - they are using my Griffon fortress for example.
Would be great to have those textures, "der Orden" stands for extremely high quality standards.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 am

Yes, I did some work together with the "der Orden" team - they are using my Griffon fortress for example.
Would be great to have those textures, "der Orden" stands for extremely high quality standards.

There has been some time since I last heard any news from this mod. How is it doing?
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:51 pm

There's a beta test phase at the moment, there should be a release soon.

Iliana, did you get textures from "der Orden" or from "Orden des Drachen"?
(both stand for high quality, so it does not make any difference)
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louise fortin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:07 am

There's a beta test phase at the moment, there should be a release soon.
Iliana, did you get textures from "der Orden" or from "Orden des Drachen"?
(both stand for high quality, so it does not make any difference)

Ryan from Orden des Drachen sent those to me, they were created for the desert worldspace in their mod. There's a few other things he sent me as well which would come in handy including some background music for interiors and new animations.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:46 pm

Dune is so close to playing...I am starting to freak out!!!!!

By the way...I just love playing in a sandstorm. It is really EPIC.
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:12 pm

Hey anyone got a map that can scroll further south, I noticed that one of the Port settlements in Elsyweyr is just a tad too far south for my map to allow fast travel once discovered, the one where you can get to the ship by boarding a boat?

nevermind think I got one
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 am

Hey anyone got a map that can scroll further south, I noticed that one of the Port settlements in Elsyweyr is just a tad too far south for my map to allow fast travel once discovered, the one where you can get to the ship by boarding a boat?

nevermind think I got one

I had a similar problem, but now have one that shows the map WAY FAR SOUTH.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:47 pm

@ richardrocket009
Yeah, i just saw the sand storm for the first time last night... pretty intense...
What is the map you are using... it would be kool to have a link... i also have the southiest village over screen...

@ Iliana
New animation and music, sound good to me... may i ask what kind of new animation,(if it's not to much of a spoiler to ask) ?
And about the sand storm; would it be possible to make it appear more frequantly, and also in more cells block (beside outside orcrest) in a future updates ? that would be a huge plus to the mod (in my opinion)...
Was there any reason why it was only there that you choose to make it happen ?

@ Mr_Siika
You know what would be unusual and great to see as a new model in Anequina... (i know Iliana might not agree with this, but still take a look Here:
This statue with a Kajiit face but with the same long ears... this would look great in front of the dune palace, No ?
Maybe you have some other plan ? !!!
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:53 am

@ Iliana
New animation and music, sound good to me... may i ask what kind of new animation,(if it's not to much of a spoiler to ask) ?
And about the sand storm; would it be possible to make it appear more frequantly, and also in more cells block (beside outside orcrest) in a future updates ? that would be a huge plus to the mod (in my opinion)...
Was there any reason why it was only there that you choose to make it happen ?
@ Mr_Siika
You know what would be unusual and great to see as a new model in Anequina... (i know Iliana might not agree with this, but still take a look Here:
This statue with a Kajiit face but with the same long ears... this would look great in front of the dune palace, No ?
Maybe you have some other plan ? !!!

The animations are for dancing and I think a cross-legged seated posture. I'm not familiar with setting up new animations in the cs so haven't looked at them properly yet.
Sandstorms occur throughout the northern desert with a % chance like any other weather system. So anywhere between Orcrest and Dune and the surrounding desert.
I'm not too keen on including ancient Egyptian stuff in the mod. Its too familiar from the real-world and doesn't really gel too well with the khajiit homeland.

Could you give me a list of cells you've used? I'll start posting all those in the OP to start keep track of things.
&& yours too Uglulyx.

Hey anyone got a map that can scroll further south, I noticed that one of the Port settlements in Elsyweyr is just a tad too far south for my map to allow fast travel once discovered, the one where you can get to the ship by boarding a boat?
nevermind think I got one

The marker just sticks its head out at the very bottom of the regular map. I originally designed the mod with just the vanilla one in my game so squeezed it in there before the cut-off.
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:22 am

Here's a heightmap of the entire Tamriel worldspace made by Worm, so you can get a feel for it--

I haven't made any major changes to the Elsweyr portion of it, except to extend that mountain range south in the missing quad. I think it goes south as far as about -8,-40.
The hills south and west beyond that (like the volcano peaks on the horizon far to the west of Corinthe) only appear in the LOD files supplied by Bethesda. So you cannot view them in the heightmap editor. I guess if you tlc'd up really high and took some screenshots you could at least get a feel for that phantom section of the map.
Cool thanks. I remember finding that map before but somehow I didn't realize it was an actual heightmap, dunno why, maybe I was expecting more red areas or something. :shrug:
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:42 am

Just so you know, we're getting a lot closer to our big reveal :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:30 pm

He he, i knew you would'nt like my Statue idea...(not a big deal) I know you dont want to mix thing up here.
And about the cell i've used...it's the same as V_1, (sorry, i'm not in CS right now)... The only thing i've change was to expend the interior cell, so if you check it out at the 2 location modified by my mod, you'll find out right away !
By the way, i'm on my last mille in V_2, almost finish the pyramid interior...

@ richardrocket009
Still waitting new's of that map !
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:51 pm

@ richardrocket009
Yeah, i just saw the sand storm for the first time last night... pretty intense...
What is the map you are using... it would be kool to have a link... i also have the southiest village over screen...

I'm using Tamriel Wordlspace Complete World Map. It is really cool...especially the colored version of Elsweyr.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:50 pm

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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:46 pm

Got the first palace interior ready: it's obviously not from the main building, but from the less spectacular ones surrounding it.
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:02 pm

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24044 Adrius.
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:31 pm

Thank for the link !
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:53 am

Here you go, Adrius.

Thanks :)

Got the first palace interior ready: it's obviously not from the main building, but from the less spectacular ones surrounding it.

Dude. You are magic.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:31 pm

Got the first palace interior ready: it's obviously not from the main building, but from the less spectacular ones surrounding it.

Even so, the Prince of Persia would feel at home.:)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:30 pm

The deserts on the distant seems to be green in color after i use the TES4LODGen. Everything is just incredibly greenish and ugly. I made a backup of the DistantLOD files before using the application but i can't seem to restore it back to normal even after replacing it. Any solutions?

*edit* reinstalled Oblivion and problem is now gone. :)
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:06 am

My heart is split over the Trident weapon. On the one hand, it looks great, has incredable range for a melee weapon, and is very distinctive. On the other hand, the icon occasionally dissapears and is replaced with the melee icon even though it is still equipped (the proper Trident icon reappears if I reequip it) and it really seems like it should be a two-hander given how long it is.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:08 pm

Got the first palace interior ready: it's obviously not from the main building, but from the less spectacular ones surrounding it.

Those palace halls are looking very nice with the red marble floors.

The deserts on the distant seems to be green in color after i use the TES4LODGen. Everything is just incredibly greenish and ugly. I made a backup of the DistantLOD files before using the application but i can't seem to restore it back to normal even after replacing it. Any solutions?
*edit* reinstalled Oblivion and problem is now gone. :)

If you ever lose them again just download the ElsweyrLanscapeLOD files on tesnexus. These files are shared by the Tamriel worldspace so some other mods may sometimes overwrite the ones I provided. That small extra download will restore mine in the region.

TES4LODGen doesn't generate the ground textures and meshes, only the distant objects. So the only way to get those back if they are lost to add the ones I provided.

My heart is split over the Trident weapon. On the one hand, it looks great, has incredable range for a melee weapon, and is very distinctive. On the other hand, the icon occasionally dissapears and is replaced with the melee icon even though it is still equipped (the proper Trident icon reappears if I reequip it) and it really seems like it should be a two-hander given how long it is.

The ancient Greek trident was a one-handed weapon used for spear-fishing. And the god Poseidon uses it as his weapon like so--
Admittedly you can't actually wield the thing like a proper spear in Oblivion because the game doesn't have the proper animations for that.
Its very strange about the changing icon. There is only a single field for an icon given to a weapon in the CS, so it should always use the one assigned to it.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:39 pm


I just stoped by to say thanks for making this amazing mod. I hope you guys will keep working on it to make it even more beautiful than it is. Thanks again and keep up the good work! ;)

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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:20 pm

On my way down south i still notice lots of floating rocks and trees. One of the more obvious is the one between the plantation and the beach. There's also a massive amount of floating rocks at Corinthe in the room on the far end of the garden.
Here's a pic of the floating tree:

Floating rocks in Corinthe:
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P PoLlo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:26 pm

Are there any plans to include the Halls of the Colossus from Arena? That would be a cool dungeon.
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