The door on the far end of the garden in Corinthe isn't locked. It leads all the way to the back where the floating rocks are.(no "tcl" function used) :nerd:
I also noticed the body textures of your custon Khajiit races are a little off when using Roberts/HGEC. The game only uses the male texture for both six. There's a fix for it on Nexus but only for the default Khajiit race. Will we expect a fix for it in the future?
Oh yeah, I unlocked that door when I was going to work on the Corinthe Mages Guild in the little corner just beyond the gardens and forgot to lock it again.

There are some Roberts Male replacer files for this mod which Daemondarque created for this mod back in July. Its a separate download listed in the optional ones on TESNexus.
Maybe you or someone else could implement a level check like the Daedric Quests in the main game. I mean I did die once
. Is it possible that the targets level with the player even though there armor does not?
Also the idea of
is really cool! Oh I also noticed
Spoiler That when you attack one, the other's don't rush to his help there by drowning you against multiple foes. Except maybe the ones in Valenwood I'd have to try again.
Erm, sorry it is a great quest though!
Yes, I could make the quest level specific. Its just a matter of adding a dialogue line "I don't think you're strong enough to help me yet" or something like that. I'll think about it.
All the elves should attack together. I might need to retest it. It used to work, but I did change something in the faction.
Downloaded a couple of hours ago, so far loving it. Feels like it truly is a part of the vanilla game. It's not like, "Oh I want to go to Elsweyr, I'll just disable these mods, load this one, head to this guy and teleport there then set it all up." It's simply, "Oh I want to go to Elsweyr, I'll just head there."
Really impressed with the way it just seamingly integrates with the world map. Flawless job. I think voice acting would enhance it, but that's just a personal preferance.

That's one bonus of extending the Tamriel worldspace for Elsweyr, you can just trot across the border anywhere between Skingrad and Leyawiin.
Please, don't use Levelled List on Elsweyr...we have had enough of the flawed vanilla leveling system.
I've used a different format than the vanilla levelled lists. The lists are still levelled near the roads and the wilderness nearby, but you can still encounter weaker monsters at high levels.
Then further away from the roads in the deep wilderness I've placed some unlevelled lists. So even at level1 you can meet an elephant bull or a pahmer.
The quest creatures and NPCs aren't levelled though.
Anyways, I wanted to pop in and say what great work thus far! I never knew about Alabaster (I don't know how I missed it...) and when I first came upon it, it instantly became my favourite town. I hope there may be an expansion for it in the future. Also, some of the corners need either closed off, or the seams patched. I managed to find the entrance to the center of the earth.

That's a forgotten little town which no one mentions! It is used as a very minor location for a couple of quests,
Spoiler but is really intended for something in the future about the Renrijra Krin.
I was sure I had fixed all those seams in one of the updates a couple of months ago. The pieces don't fit together perfectly because of how they are used. I hid a few of the unfixable ones behind ivy.
I personally use NPCs leveling mod to remove the sense of "enemy keep leveling up with you", and to at least have some feeling of achievements for improving the characters, as opposed to the vanilla leveling system where this is almost non-existant and make leveling up the character almost pointless (apart from doing certain quests). But, if you're feel comfortable with bandits wearing glass or daedric armors everywhere once your character started to go above level 17, that's fine for me.

My bandits also wear levelled armor but at high levels there is still more chance of them having the cheaper stuff than the better stuff. You have to kill an awful lot of bandits if you want to collect a set of bonemold or desert mithril armor! It only shows up now and again on a few.