[RELz/Beta] Elsweyr, the Deserts of Anequina (Thread 6)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:29 am

Hey Illiana, just pointing out but you should double check the doors in the Corinthe houses. I have to use tcl to be able to activate the doors to get back outside. :P
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Maya Maya
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:09 pm

A suggestion that likely won't be popular. I just finished the
Sack of Bosmer Heads
Quest, and noticed that in the process of doing it at level 3 you can
Get Elven armor long before you should be able to.
Is it possible to set up a LL for their equipment. I mean aside from the
Tribal Luck Shield
The other rewards you get, aren't really that exciting when you already got the
Elven Armor and sword of depletion (Unless that was a random magic item)
off the targets.

Wow that's a lot of spoiler tags.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:17 pm

I have to aggre with you Andruck, a custom set of elven armor would be needed for this quest !
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:22 pm

Isn't Fluffball one of the fat lady's kitties?
I haven't been to Elsweyr on my current save, but I found him DEAD near the Ayleid well by Nenyond Twyll, which is pretty far away :o

Yes, I've noticed some NPCs occassionally appear in odd places. I saw Orbias Tumnus the miner in Leyawiin once. It completely contradicts all their AI!
I have added several hundred npcs though, so I guess a few odd ones mightl glitch now and again.

On my way down south i still notice lots of floating rocks and trees. One of the more obvious is the one between the plantation and the beach. There's also a massive amount of floating rocks at Corinthe in the room on the far end of the garden.
Here's a pic of the floating tree:
Floating rocks in Corinthe:

You shouldn't be able to reach that unused section of Corinthe. Its outside of the playable area. Perhaps I forgot to lock a door somewhere.

Are there any plans to include the Halls of the Colossus from Arena? That would be a cool dungeon.

Only as part of some sort of main quest. I wouldn't include it as just a random dungeon you can stumble across.

Hey Illiana, just pointing out but you should double check the doors in the Corinthe houses. I have to use tcl to be able to activate the doors to get back outside. :P

See my last note--

You have downloaded some extra meshes I never provided with any of my uploads. Those files were only intended for me to look at, but some others, like you downloaded them.
You should restore the original interior meshes I provided with the June release for the Corinthe and Orcrest buildings, and the houses will be fine.

A suggestion that likely won't be popular. I just finished the
Sack of Bosmer Heads
Quest, and noticed that in the process of doing it at level 3 you can
Get Elven armor long before you should be able to.
Is it possible to set up a LL for their equipment. I mean aside from the
Tribal Luck Shield
The other rewards you get, aren't really that exciting when you already got the
Elven Armor and sword of depletion (Unless that was a random magic item)
off the targets.
Wow that's a lot of spoiler tags.

That quest was intended for high level characters.
I'm not sure how you managed to kill a lvl16 Bosmer warrior dressed in full elven armor with his two compatriots at lvl3, and the tribal village would also be hard to conquer at that level.
I try and make quests suited to different levels rather than having them all levelled which is just way too hard to do.
The quest reward is really everything that you get from the quest, not just what the quest-giver gives you at the end.
The main point of the end reward is an initiation into G'juna's tribe with a faction rank and matching armor, to tie into some future quests to do with his tribe and village.

I have to aggre with you Andruck, a custom set of elven armor would be needed for this quest !

There is. You get a few unique items from the quest--
A set of golden-brown elven armor from the desert scouts and the decorated armor and shield of G'juna's khajiit tribe with an enchanted spear. It shouldn't be easy though, there are alot of high level npcs you need to kill.

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Jani Eayon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:15 am

You shouldn't be able to reach that unused section of Corinthe. Its outside of the playable area. Perhaps I forgot to lock a door somewhere.

The door on the far end of the garden in Corinthe isn't locked. It leads all the way to the back where the floating rocks are.(no "tcl" function used) :nerd:

I also noticed the body textures of your custon Khajiit races are a little off when using Roberts/HGEC. The game only uses the male texture for both six. There's a fix for it on Nexus but only for the default Khajiit race. Will we expect a fix for it in the future?
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Lucie H
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:04 pm


That quest was intended for high level characters.
I'm not sure how you managed to kill a lvl16 Bosmer warrior dressed in full elven armor with his two compatriots at lvl3, and the tribal village would also be hard to conquer at that level.
I try and make quests suited to different levels rather than having them all levelled which is just way too hard to do.
The quest reward is really everything that you get from the quest, not just what the quest-giver gives you at the end.
The main point of the end reward is an initiation into G'juna's tribe with a faction rank and matching armor, to tie into some future quests to do with his tribe and village.

There is. You get a few unique items from the quest--
A set of golden-brown elven armor from the desert scouts and the decorated armor and shield of G'juna's khajiit tribe with an enchanted spear. It shouldn't be easy though, there are alot of high level npcs you need to kill.

I think part of it was I got
G'juna to travel with me to the locations as a companion and he's set to essential.
Plus my character is the "Bushwhacker" from the Strategy Guide under suggested custom classes,
Bosmer under the thief Sign with a Stealth specialization Class Atts. Agility and Speed, with the major skills of Marksman, Sneak, Light Armor, Alchemy, Illusion, Conjuration and Blade
the little blurb states his strength is one hit kills from a distance. I also had supreme magicka and LAME (LAME first, SM second) with SM's Sustained Summons on... granted it was only a skeleton and it went down right away.

Maybe you or someone else could implement a level check like the Daedric Quests in the main game. I mean I did die once
At the tribal camp
. Is it possible that the targets level with the player even though there armor does not?
Also the idea of
becoming part of a tribe
is really cool! Oh I also noticed
That when you attack one, the other's don't rush to his help there by drowning you against multiple foes. Except maybe the ones in Valenwood I'd have to try again.
Erm, sorry it is a great quest though!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:50 pm

Downloaded a couple of hours ago, so far loving it. Feels like it truly is a part of the vanilla game. It's not like, "Oh I want to go to Elsweyr, I'll just disable these mods, load this one, head to this guy and teleport there then set it all up." It's simply, "Oh I want to go to Elsweyr, I'll just head there."

Really impressed with the way it just seamingly integrates with the world map. Flawless job. I think voice acting would enhance it, but that's just a personal preferance.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:07 am

Please, don't use Levelled List on Elsweyr...we have had enough of the flawed vanilla leveling system.
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:40 am

Please, don't use Levelled List on Elsweyr...we have had enough of the flawed vanilla leveling system.

What you call flawed, I call awesome.
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sunny lovett
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 am

What you call flawed, I call awesome.

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Stacey Mason
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:02 pm

What you call flawed, I call awesome.

I Third It.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:30 am

Please, don't use Levelled List on Elsweyr...we have had enough of the flawed vanilla leveling system.

What you call flawed, I call awesome.

While my personal preference leans toward a non-leveled system, I don't think the vanilla system is as flawed as its opponents claim it to be. Some things need to remain a challenge, while there are plenty of others that should hold static as time goes on.
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sam westover
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:02 pm

While my personal preference leans toward a non-leveled system, I don't think the vanilla system is as flawed as its opponents claim it to be. Some things need to remain a challenge, while there are plenty of others that should hold static as time goes on.

In terms of designing and releasing a sandbox style game, it's the safest and most logical bet.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:33 am

I say let it be what it will be - I'm not making this mod, it's not my blood and sweat coursing through Elseweyr's veins, it's not my call. I enjoy this mod for what it is thus far, and I can trust myself to the judgment of the modders who are toiling on it.

Want better? Do better. Modders do, players play.

Anyways, I wanted to pop in and say what great work thus far! I never knew about Alabaster (I don't know how I missed it...) and when I first came upon it, it instantly became my favourite town. I hope there may be an expansion for it in the future. Also, some of the corners need either closed off, or the seams patched. I managed to find the entrance to the center of the earth. ;)
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Floor Punch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:22 am

In my opinion Levelled Lists on oppenents at a lower level is nice... (hell I die enough without any of the overhauls that increase the range, then again I build characters on concept not effectiveness) but once you start getting up there, I doubt there would be 10 Goblin Warlords in one Dungeon without some major internal struggle, or the Daedric/Glass Armor on every bandit you meet, (I've actually never gotten up higher than level 16, but I've seen my dad play.) are those types supposed to be rare cause they're so powerful?

Anyways, this mod is great and I'll play it however Illiana and crew (I think there's a small team on this one) decide for Elsweyr.

can't wait to see the finished product! I love what's in it so far.
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gemma king
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:03 pm

OOO for the win. That mod does it best, IMO - NPCs level within a given range and cap out, whereas you keep going and can eventually become more powerful.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:16 pm

I love this mod. It is excellent. I also love how people are releasing independent house mods and expansions for it. It has almost been adopted as "official" by the community. It is what I like to see.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:50 pm

In terms of designing and releasing a sandbox style game, it's the safest and most logical bet.

Well, that's true for you, and true for some others, but it doesn't make it true for anybody else. This is one of those many things in life where everybody is correct--for themselves. The only ones who aren't right on the subject are the ones who insist everybody else is wrong. ;)

I personally use NPCs leveling mod to remove the sense of "enemy keep leveling up with you", and to at least have some feeling of achievements for improving the characters, as opposed to the vanilla leveling system where this is almost non-existant and make leveling up the character almost pointless (apart from doing certain quests). But, if you're feel comfortable with bandits wearing glass or daedric armors everywhere once your character started to go above level 17, that's fine for me. :)

Also, let's not derail this great modification thread into arguments over leveling system ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:14 am

The door on the far end of the garden in Corinthe isn't locked. It leads all the way to the back where the floating rocks are.(no "tcl" function used) :nerd:
I also noticed the body textures of your custon Khajiit races are a little off when using Roberts/HGEC. The game only uses the male texture for both six. There's a fix for it on Nexus but only for the default Khajiit race. Will we expect a fix for it in the future?

Oh yeah, I unlocked that door when I was going to work on the Corinthe Mages Guild in the little corner just beyond the gardens and forgot to lock it again. ;)

There are some Roberts Male replacer files for this mod which Daemondarque created for this mod back in July. Its a separate download listed in the optional ones on TESNexus.

Maybe you or someone else could implement a level check like the Daedric Quests in the main game. I mean I did die once
At the tribal camp
. Is it possible that the targets level with the player even though there armor does not?
Also the idea of
becoming part of a tribe
is really cool! Oh I also noticed
That when you attack one, the other's don't rush to his help there by drowning you against multiple foes. Except maybe the ones in Valenwood I'd have to try again.
Erm, sorry it is a great quest though!

Yes, I could make the quest level specific. Its just a matter of adding a dialogue line "I don't think you're strong enough to help me yet" or something like that. I'll think about it.

All the elves should attack together. I might need to retest it. It used to work, but I did change something in the faction.

Downloaded a couple of hours ago, so far loving it. Feels like it truly is a part of the vanilla game. It's not like, "Oh I want to go to Elsweyr, I'll just disable these mods, load this one, head to this guy and teleport there then set it all up." It's simply, "Oh I want to go to Elsweyr, I'll just head there."
Really impressed with the way it just seamingly integrates with the world map. Flawless job. I think voice acting would enhance it, but that's just a personal preferance.

Thanks. :) That's one bonus of extending the Tamriel worldspace for Elsweyr, you can just trot across the border anywhere between Skingrad and Leyawiin.

Please, don't use Levelled List on Elsweyr...we have had enough of the flawed vanilla leveling system.

I've used a different format than the vanilla levelled lists. The lists are still levelled near the roads and the wilderness nearby, but you can still encounter weaker monsters at high levels.
Then further away from the roads in the deep wilderness I've placed some unlevelled lists. So even at level1 you can meet an elephant bull or a pahmer.
The quest creatures and NPCs aren't levelled though.

Anyways, I wanted to pop in and say what great work thus far! I never knew about Alabaster (I don't know how I missed it...) and when I first came upon it, it instantly became my favourite town. I hope there may be an expansion for it in the future. Also, some of the corners need either closed off, or the seams patched. I managed to find the entrance to the center of the earth. ;)

That's a forgotten little town which no one mentions! It is used as a very minor location for a couple of quests,
but is really intended for something in the future about the Renrijra Krin.

I was sure I had fixed all those seams in one of the updates a couple of months ago. The pieces don't fit together perfectly because of how they are used. I hid a few of the unfixable ones behind ivy.

I personally use NPCs leveling mod to remove the sense of "enemy keep leveling up with you", and to at least have some feeling of achievements for improving the characters, as opposed to the vanilla leveling system where this is almost non-existant and make leveling up the character almost pointless (apart from doing certain quests). But, if you're feel comfortable with bandits wearing glass or daedric armors everywhere once your character started to go above level 17, that's fine for me. :)

My bandits also wear levelled armor but at high levels there is still more chance of them having the cheaper stuff than the better stuff. You have to kill an awful lot of bandits if you want to collect a set of bonemold or desert mithril armor! It only shows up now and again on a few.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:18 pm


In this thread I was told that you were working with a team who were working on Valenwood - is that true?

If so what project/link?

When you did Elsweyr did you do all the land first then go back and started populating it?

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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:38 am

In this thread I was told that you were working with a team who were working on Valenwood - is that true?
If so what project/link?
When you did Elsweyr did you do all the land first then go back and started populating it?

That is the German mod Valenwood Improved by Eldarie. Her team were going to create a patch for it but I think it proved too difficult. I think it spilled over into Elsweyr so they would have had to remove half of my northern desert, including the city of Dune, the oasis, etc.

No, I didn't start with the land first. Actually I made the mod in a pretty chaotic sort of way. First I started with the town of Riverhold which took me several months and released that as a mod. Then I created a new region generator for the badlands, adding a section of the area around Corinthe, then started working on the river, and the exterior of Corinthe with its NPCs. Corinthe was already well-populated before I even generated the northern deserts and savannah!
Doing only one thing at a time in perfect order would be pretty boring. If I had done that I think I would have got bogged down pretty quickly.
Instead I switched from one thing to another and back again, a bit of city work and npcs here, some landscaping, monsters, small locations, interiors, etc.
I also return to things and change them. Like the badlands region suddenly sprouted cactus plants in July after I received some cacti plants to add in. And right now I'm overhauling the savannah by adding in baobab trees and cattail trees for variety.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:56 pm

With each passing day...I dream more of how this mod is going to just knock me out more with each successive release. OMFG!!!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:26 am

A small teaser: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/cyrodiil_elsweyr_redux.jpg?t=1261825543 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/cyrodiil_elsweyr_redux_2.jpg?t=1261825544 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/cyrodiil_elsweyr_redux_v2.jpg?t=1261825545 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/cyrodiil_elsweyr_redux_v3.jpg?t=1261825545 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/cyrodiil_elsweyr_redux_v4.jpg?t=1261825546. :) As you can see it is nearing completion, I'm currently doing the Tenmar Forest region and then it's just the final blending of all the text.

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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:25 am

A small teaser: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/cyrodiil_elsweyr_redux.jpg?t=1261825543 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/cyrodiil_elsweyr_redux_2.jpg?t=1261825544 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/cyrodiil_elsweyr_redux_v2.jpg?t=1261825545 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/cyrodiil_elsweyr_redux_v3.jpg?t=1261825545 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/cyrodiil_elsweyr_redux_v4.jpg?t=1261825546. :) As you can see it is nearing completion, I'm currently doing the Tenmar Forest region and then it's just the final blending of all the text.


It looks very good! May I suggest that you use 'burn tool' along the land on the shore of Elswyr? That way it would match the shore of Cyrodiil more.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:06 am

It looks very good! May I suggest that you use 'burn tool' along the land on the shore of Elswyr? That way it would match the shore of Cyrodiil more.
Yes I plan to, together with tuning other areas. All that falls under "Overall Prettyfication", which comes at the end. My main goal is to have Elsweyr match Cyrodiil as closely as possible in terms of style and such (like the shore as you suggested). :)
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