[RELz/Beta] Elsweyr, the Deserts of Anequina (Thread 6)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:26 pm

Elsweyr, the Deserts of Anequina

Download at TES Nexus

Previous forum thread:-- http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1061217

From Leyawiin to Bravil a broad range of mountains divides the verdant valleys of the Niben valley from dry plateau of central Elsweyr. Step across the border and explore a new desert land!

This mod transforms the unused across-the-border Elsweyr region into a brand new playable area with a variety of distinct landscapes, settlements, monster spawns, and NPCs. The ring of hills keep the deserts self-contained, invisible from the green of Cyrodiil.

The mod has its roots in TES lore. Anequina is the name of the northern region of Elsweyr province, and its cities Corinthe, Riverhold, Orcrest, Dune all appear on TES maps of the land. The minor place names are also taken from the TES Arena map.
You can read more about the province on the TES wiki :-- http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tamriel:Elsweyr

Reference, Tamriel worldspace vanilla cells edited by mod (but not including new cells added to the missing quad)--






* The November add-on pack includes an expansion of the town of Orcrest, some new creatures and a revamp of the alchemical ingredients.

* The September add-on pack includes a few new quests, a coral reef, and the main keeps of two Imperial forts.
* Silent mp3 files to slow down the dialogue.




Elsweyr's Kingdom of Rimmen, a town founded by Akaviri refugees near the Cyrodiil border

"Cursed" A WIP quest mod for Elsweyr by Uglulyx.


A special thanks to the modders who have created all of the wonderful resources I've used in the making of this mod :

DarknessEternal (Desert Architecture), TheKarithian (Desert Architecture), IronicEcho (Tents), SevenRavens (Tribal Hut), Siegfried (Obelisks)

Addiktive (Desert Textures), Koniption (Trees, Plants, Ingredients), Texian (Water Rapids & Coastal Waves), Siegfried (Palmetto Trees), DeathlessAphrodite (Cacti & Baobab trees), DarkRider (Sandstorms), Mr Siika (Seagulls & Vultures), Arthmoor (WaterLOD), Sachiel (Rock Formations)

AlienSlof (Khajiit retextures "Cathay & Suthay"), Luchaire ("Ohmes"), Veld (Khajiit "Tojay"), Corthian (Tsaesci)

Trollf (Desert Chain, Leather, Mithril Pit, Chain, Elven & Daedric Armors, Daedric Collar & Skirt), Ghogiel (Bonemold Armor), Koniption (Maomer Armor), Frank (Tribal Shields), Frankpants (Lamellar Armor), Uglulyx (Retexs of Lamellar & Pit Armor, and Hide Cuirasses), Ayhan (Ottoman & Archer Helms), AlienSlof's Orc (Tribal Fur Armor), Exanimis (Elephant Shield), Corthian (Scale armor)

Trollf (Peasants' Weapons), Exanimis (Tribal Weapons), Waalx (Khajiit blades), Hel Borne (Broad Spear, Trident), Koniption (Meat Cleaver)

Trolff (Misc Robes & Clothing), KrimsynKane & Kikaimegami (Scarves), Waalx (Fat clothes), Pale Rider (Straw Hat)

Koniption (Ingredients, Canoes,Nets, & Misc Clutter), Hel Borne (Orc Skulls), Senten (Road/Shop Signs & Tree fix), Lazarus (Tall baskets), Meo3000 (Moon globes, Open books), McMuffin (Skooma Pipe), Der Kriger (Mounted Heads), DavidWhitefang (Foods), Phaedra (Vomit, Urine), Khugan (Gold & Silver Bars), LiquidGraph (Magic Lamp), Trolff (Portable lamps & candles), MrMuh & RPG-BlackDragon (Havoked crates, barrels, sacks) Mr Siika (Animal skull), Chigga (Brazier), DominickCryomonde (Khajiit Skulls)

InsanitySorrow (Brown Troll), Cryonaut (Red Wolf), Mr Siika, Divine Avenger & Yarharhar (Elephants, Elephant Mount), Mr Siika, Corepc & Jdfan (Durzogs) Francesco (Goats, Cats), Cyronaut, Malo, Elveon & AlienSlof (Spiders), AlienSlof (Tiger), Skingrad24 (Zebra), Corepc (Red & Black Boars, Fat Bellied Minotaurs), Cryonaut, Xmarksthespot & Grimdeath (Pahmer & Crocodilion), Argentsol (Skavens "Desert Goblins"), DeathlessAphrodite (Red Sand Crabs), Sharks & Fish (Sjors Boomschors, Toru Miyazawa), Hel Borne (Orc Zombies), b3w4r3 (White Deer), Prometheus & Xilver (Lizard, Glyptodon, Ape, Sandcrawler), CGChaos & Infiniti (Sea Lamia, Spore Cat, Marine Abominations)

DavidWolf, Watadarkstar (Custom loadscreens)

DaemonDarque & Sen-Chan (Roberts Male Body Adjustments)

And a special thanks to Mr Siika, PacificMorrowind, Arthmoor, Wakadarkstar, Siegfried, Uglulyx, Senten, Rentner and Worm82075 who have helped me out with things in the mod. And also RichardRocket, Zuperbuu and others for Beta testing.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:57 am

First post :-)

Upper class interiors finished. Iliana, I'll send them to you. Now moving on to the palace-interiors.

Here all links again:

Upper class:

Lower class:
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:03 pm

Totally Awesome Mr siika

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Lavender Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:30 pm

Agreed. Very awesome.
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:40 pm

Just joining the admiring masses here. Everything is so beautiful! :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:58 am

Downloading the november add-on pack now. I can't wait to see all of Orcrest! (although admittedly, i did a bit of console cheating to get a sneak preview ;) )
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:17 pm

Just joining the admiring masses here. Everything is so beautiful! :)

A good cause, welcome.:)

Those interior parts would be fitting for an Arabian Nights tale Mr_Siika, can't wait to see them furnitured and all magically:P
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 pm

No words, It will simply be awesome... Just like the rest / total of the mod...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:33 pm

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Valerie Marie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 pm

I do not remember if I mentioned this before, so I will repeat it...

Once, I was walking along the southwest wall that goes around the passage between the two sections of Orcrest. I was outside the city. I found that the wall does not line up exactly with one of the city sections, so it leaves an ugly looking space. Maybe it could be repaired a little?
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:16 pm

Thanks you Iliana and all Elsweyr tem for all the work you do. Eagerly waiting to see the day when this mod comes to his final version.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:05 pm

The field trip didn't end well...After getting out of Orcrest (the skulls and corpses were creeping out the apprentices, and the guards were mean-mugging us), we ran into a cougar whilst working our way south that managed to kill both the apprentices, and the only reason the scholar hadn't died was because she was essential! The scholar and I are attempting to flee south to the Imperial Fort, and next time i head out to Elsweyr with any non-essential followers, i'm bringing some fighter's guild escorts!
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:12 pm

nice work on dune so far mr siika! cant wait for it to be released!
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A Dardzz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:10 am

Thanks for all the nice comments! I think the palace interiors will be even better (let's hope so ;-) )

Totally Awesome Mr siika

Hi Thay, nice to hear from you again!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:56 am

:foodndrink: Thread six allready? Wow, this is fast. I'm eagerly anticipating the next update. Interiors looking very good.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:50 pm

Wow. You guys amaze me! It's all so professional. There's quite some talent on the team.

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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 pm

Mr. Siika, that's art. It's art. It just is. I really like it that Oblivion modding has become a form of art. Well, not officialy, but you could call it that. Well, it is art. Or not? Yes it is.

Ah well, just thanks for your awesome models Mr Siika :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:03 am

Mr. Siika, that's art. It's art. It just is. I really like it that Oblivion modding has become a form of art. Well, not officialy, but you could call it that. Well, it is art. Or not? Yes it is.

Ah well, just thanks for your awesome models Mr Siika :P

It's a form of creativity, which counts in my book.


Isn't Fluffball one of the fat lady's kitties?
I haven't been to Elsweyr on my current save, but I found him DEAD near the Ayleid well by Nenyond Twyll, which is pretty far away :o
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:53 am

There's a rumor I hadn't hear before...or at least not payed attention to.
"No news from Elsweyr, at least not since everyone...vanished."
What's that all about than?:S

Edit: Late...need sleep...not try to form sentences..
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:09 am

That's Aleswell.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:31 pm

That's Aleswell.

No news from Aleswell, not since everyone vanished xD

You must be really tired Artfact :snoring:
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:43 pm

Hey Iliana, do you happen to have a heightmap of Elsweyr or an approximation? I wanna accentuate the mountain regions on my WIPz map and my cs keeps crashing when I try to view the heightmap in the mod itself. Checking it ingame is possible but I find it hard to get an overall picture that way. :(

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Daniel Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:04 pm

No news from Aleswell, not since everyone vanished xD

You must be really tired Artfact :snoring:

Oh, dear, that's bad!>.<
Yes, sleep was well needed:P.
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:22 am

There has been some time since I last saw such talented team working together on a single project. And what I like the most is how spontaneously this group has been created.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:43 am

First post :-)
Upper class interiors finished. Iliana, I'll send them to you. Now moving on to the palace-interiors.

Yay! Interiors! :)

I have a bunch of unused textures I can send you which different modders sent me earlier this year. Some are from the Den Orden(?) mod which I think you also helped out with. They include various floor tiles and other pieces for a desert palace interior. Maybe some will come in handy for Dune.

Hey Iliana, do you happen to have a heightmap of Elsweyr or an approximation? I wanna accentuate the mountain regions on my WIPz map and my cs keeps crashing when I try to view the heightmap in the mod itself. Checking it ingame is possible but I find it hard to get an overall picture that way. :(

Here's a heightmap of the entire Tamriel worldspace made by Worm, so you can get a feel for it--

I haven't made any major changes to the Elsweyr portion of it, except to extend that mountain range south in the missing quad. I think it goes south as far as about -8,-40.
The hills south and west beyond that (like the volcano peaks on the horizon far to the west of Corinthe) only appear in the LOD files supplied by Bethesda. So you cannot view them in the heightmap editor. I guess if you tlc'd up really high and took some screenshots you could at least get a feel for that phantom section of the map.

I do not remember if I mentioned this before, so I will repeat it...
Once, I was walking along the southwest wall that goes around the passage between the two sections of Orcrest. I was outside the city. I found that the wall does not line up exactly with one of the city sections, so it leaves an ugly looking space. Maybe it could be repaired a little?

Yes, I notice I missed a spot.

The field trip didn't end well...After getting out of Orcrest (the skulls and corpses were creeping out the apprentices, and the guards were mean-mugging us), we ran into a cougar whilst working our way south that managed to kill both the apprentices, and the only reason the scholar hadn't died was because she was essential! The scholar and I are attempting to flee south to the Imperial Fort, and next time i head out to Elsweyr with any non-essential followers, i'm bringing some fighter's guild escorts!

Its an ugly, rough city! Not the best place for a guild field trip. The wilderness can be a little savage as well! ;)

"No news from Elsweyr, at least not since everyone...vanished."
What's that all about than?:S

Too many similar-sounding place names. ;)
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