Here's a few new images --
I've been looking at all existing maps which add Elsweyr into the existing vanilla map, but it seems none have Riverhold city drawn on it, even though it was the first city to be built!

Yes, poor Riverhold. It has been neglected. : ( On the map it would be about the same size as Bravil residential area.
I can't enter the new territory. I walked all the way to the border, and I'm told to "turn back" and I can't evean reach the border

Am I doing something wrong?
Here's a copy paste answer.

You need to turn off the in-game borders before playing this mod.
Just open up the file --
My Documents/My Games/Oblivion/Oblivion.ini
Find the setting "bBorderRegionsEnabled=1" and change that "1" to a "0"
Save and close. All done!
The bBorderRegionsEnabled setting is below the heading [General] but before [Display] in the ini's list.
Had to push up my modding motivation by installing the newest Elsweyr additions. And it worked, of course

. Especially in contrast to this Bruma weather outside running around in Elsweyr was a real pleasure. I could really feel the heat in the desert ...
Found the following issues: Zebra body and Pahmer head meshes contain bad texture paths (slashes, not backslashes) in the Part 1 file. The merged updates file and the new file both don't contain fixed versions. Did a search for 'Zebra' backward in the old threads, but noone else mentioned this error. Does nobody get Zebras without body and Pahmers with violet heads except me?
Dune's nice 'RunningWater01.nif' fountain is somewhat quiet, is that intended?
Nobody has mentioned problems with those animals before, but I've since redone all the creatures addresses. I wanted to give them unique ones anyway to prevent conflicts and file overrides. Its time for a proper V2 release of this mod, so I'll tidy up all these loose ends now.
Yep, I should add some little sound emitters around those fountains, I often forget about those. There are quite a few different sounds you can hand place.
I still have think which ones to place next to the noria's waterwheel. I guess the ship rigging one sounds a bit like wood creaking, unless there is something better.