Questions concerning Jan 2010 Elsweyr OMOD build.
I just downloaded your two Jan updates. My plan is to add them to my existing Nov-Dec_09 Elsweyr build. This build has worked well for me; no visual anomalies and only a very few crashes (mostly outside Orcrest in the same general area mentioned by another poster).
My current build consists of, installed it order:
- 1.) Your full Nov-Dec (09) download (containing a compilation of prior builds).
- 2.) ElsweyrOrcrestTextureSizeFix from the Sept_09 optional download, replacing existing files if and when necessary.
- 3.) Arthmoor's Elswery RAEVWD add-on (all but the trees), again replacing existing files if asked.
Once those were combined, I did the following:
- 4.) OMOD created and activated.
- 5.) ESP positioned with OBMM.
- 6.) ESP cleaned by TES4edit to "Undelete and Disable References".
- 7.) TES4LODgen.
Now my questions:
My Nov-Dec OMOD construction folder (incorporating mentioned optional additions) still exists. I plan to add your Jan updates to that, then create a new OMOD. Is it safe to do so? Do I need to wait for an update to the RAEVWD add-on before it's usable due to Dune and Orcrest architecture charges?
Arthmoor recently made an optional "AnequinaCreatureTextureFix" available. I downloaded but have not installed it. Has it been incorporated into your Jan 2010 updates, or do we still need to add it separately? If separate, should it be installed before or after the Jan updates?
My proposed new build, if starting afresh (not the case) would look like this:
- 1.) Your full Nov-Dec (09) download (containing a compilation of prior builds).
- 2.) ElsweyrOrcrestTextureSizeFix from the Sept_09 optional download, replacing existing files if and when necessary.
- 3.) Arthmoor's Elswery RAEVWD add-on (all but the trees), again replacing existing files if asked.
- 4.) Jan_2010 main update files, overwriting existing files as needed.
- 5.) Your Jan_2010 texture fixes, overwriting as needed.
Notice I did not include Arthmoor's "AnequinaCreatureTextureFix" in the above. I'm not sure when to add it. Seems to me it could be either between 3 and 4, or between 4 and 5, assuming that it's not been incorporated into your own new updates.
One last question. As mentioned, for Nov-Dec I cleaned via "Undelete and Disable References" but not "Remove "Identical to Master" records". I will of course do the former again (unless you say you have already done so). Is it safe to do the latter, or should I leave well enough alone?
Thanks again for this mod!