None really so far really, it's all splendid.
Small things(that where probably there in the previous version anyway) are:
-in the bar of the Caravan hold, a few baskets are sticking out of the floor.
-when I got arrested by an Orcrest guard, I got brought to Riverhold(this is because Orcrest doesn't have a dungeon yet, I presume?)
cleaning with Tes4Edit yielded 1044 undeleted disable references and a 327 identical to masters.
Might be a good thing to clean before the final release.

What is the Caravan hold? Which city? Which building?
Yes, there are now working prisons for Riverhold and Corinthe. Orcrest will eventually get an execution tower w/ torture chamber instead. The spare gate tower is reserved for that.
The deleted references were trees. I cleared them the forests from Elsweyr before generating the desert. Undelete and disable would be a nuisance for the version of the mod I'm working on, but I guess it could be done for the release copy of the esp. I've never bothered with it in the past. It shouldn't cause any problems though, because its not Cyrodiil where mods overlap.
some things I noticed:
1.) Is it only me or are there floating flowers right above Dune's upper class district?
2.) I noticed I made a bad collision mesh for Dune's palace - you can't get to the door :banghead: I'll fix that.
3.) Orcrest has a rather bad FPS rate... guess I'll have to review the towers and gates.
Could you take a screenshot? I can't find any like that myself.
But reworking all the terrain involved moving hundreds of rocks and flowers and unfortunately harvestable plants can sometimes get fixed in a save game. So they could be left overs from an old working version of the esp.
Yes, I noticed that about the Dune palace just now. I only added it in a couple of days ago and hadn't tested it. The palace interior also has a bad fps rate. I think it might be the throne. If I face away from it it appears normal.
I don't have any fps problems in Orcrest myself. Perhaps it only happens with RAEVWD on top of everything else?
You know what would also be good for Dune is to have a working town gate rather than a load door gate. A load door makes the AI very tricky to cater to. I had to include a subspace over the entire lower town and then hide some NPC transit rooms beneath the approaches to it.
I've just reinstalled and cleaned my Oblivion installation. Do you need more testers for that "beta release"? Or should I wait for the final update and download it via TesNexus?
If you like.

The quests also need testing, of course. They are more complex script and dialogue wise than anything I've made before.
Orcrest's problems come from the insanely high polygon counts on the trees there. I've noticed that if more than one is on screen, things bog down badly. I know very few people have access to Speedtree but they seem like prime candidates for that treatment. If that's not an option, maybe something can be done to lower the poly counts on those trees?
Yes, those date palms have are very large files. They aren't speed trees though, just standard meshes. I once tried creating a forest of about 20 of them and that was a disaster! So they are only ever used sparingly.
- 1.) (with NPC ID at screen top for easy identification). Notice the red cord connecting NPC to ceiling-light.
- 2.) Anomaly (landscape tear) circled in red, with Corinthe in background. This might have existed in the previous build, but if so I never noticed it (or have forgotten) despite having traveled the road many times.
That's it for now. I'll give a detailed report once I've had time to do more extensive testing.
The first is easy to fix. I gave the NPC the wrong skeleton type. She needs a beastskeleton.
The landscape issue is not really fixable. Its those horribly inexact LOD meshes. They never join up very well.
My barbarian character first trip to Elsweyr:
Very nice. :goodjob: That set up makes everything look so much more atmospheric.
I found a glitchy region in Helkorn Land where I fell down into a little canyon, and could not get out. I will look for the exact place and take a pic.
If you want to look for it already, I think it was located on one of the letters of Helkorn in the continental map.
Something more specific would be good. I could hunt for hours and never find it otherwise.