[RELz/Beta] Elsweyr, the Deserts of Anequina (Thread 7)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:32 pm

Thank you for your comment, I run the game with 500+ mods (thanks to TES4Gecko) and use OGE "Oblivion Graphics Extender"
25-40 FPS
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:17 am

I found a glitchy region in Helkorn Land where I fell down into a little canyon, and could not get out. I will look for the exact place and take a pic.

If you want to look for it already, I think it was located on one of the letters of Helkorn in the continental map.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:11 pm

Thank you for your comment, I run the game with 500+ mods (thanks to TES4Gecko) and use OGE "Oblivion Graphics Extender"
25-40 FPS

500+ mods? Do you experience CTD's? Could you maybe send me your load order, and a list of your merged files, as I'm trying to built a really stable and nice game myself. Thanks in advance ^_^
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Sista Sila
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:04 am

here's some visual things.
I decided to check the Township of Orcrest.
Which is just breathtaking.
A surprise on every corner and in every house, in streets that actually have been lived in.
Even though it's the filthiest place you'll get, I'd love to live there.

The aforementioned http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t318/artfact/Oblivion2010-01-1600-20-09-18.jpg.
I guess this one must be known but, http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t318/artfact/Oblivion2010-01-1600-17-51-29.jpg.

I'll say it again: I'm in love with Orcrest right now.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:54 am


Perhaps "he" is actually a "she"
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:31 pm

I experience a few CTD yes ( can go from 30 minutes to 3 hours of game play before it crashes), sacrificed stable gameplay for eye candy :rolleyes:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:05 pm

One quick note:

The key to Southern Books in Leyawiin got edited when it shouldn't have been.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:23 pm

Floating rocks in wilderness cell 7-51

I don't know if these have been reported already. I do not have the Jan 2010 installed yet. My build is the base mod plus combined July/Sept/Nov additions.

The rocks (at least 3 of them) are floating, say 30 feet up above the sea at the eastern end of the reef south of Dunori Walk. On my map (Elseweyr Colour Map), the location is south east of Dunori Walk and South West of Sararba Beach.

Apologies if this is well known/just on my computer/fixed in the latest addition.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:07 pm

here's some visual things.
I decided to check the Township of Orcrest.
Which is just breathtaking.
A surprise on every corner and in every house, in streets that actually have been lived in.
Even though it's the filthiest place you'll get, I'd love to live there.

The aforementioned http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t318/artfact/Oblivion2010-01-1600-20-09-18.jpg.
I guess this one must be known but, http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t318/artfact/Oblivion2010-01-1600-17-51-29.jpg.

I'll say it again: I'm in love with Orcrest right now.

I too saw that "door to nowhere" in Orcrest, and the http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20Oblivion/EAJan10_creature_error1.jpg. Additionally, I noticed that what is for me http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20Oblivion/EAJan10_landscape_error2.jpg (along with some surrounding trees) until one gets close to the village. Looks likes a distance landscape file is missing or not updated?

Sadly, not far up the road from where I shot the floating village I suffered my first CTD (in my case a black screen with "....stopped working" message box) of the build. This is the same general spot where I had several "...stopped working" CTDs last build. I believe it it also the same area where another poster mentioned crashing last build.

Unlike several other posters, I do not notice much lag in Orcrest, at least compared to the Nov build. If anything, it seems a bit less laggy this build, as does Corinthe.

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Brandi Norton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:49 am

None really so far really, it's all splendid.
Small things(that where probably there in the previous version anyway) are:
-in the bar of the Caravan hold, a few baskets are sticking out of the floor.
-when I got arrested by an Orcrest guard, I got brought to Riverhold(this is because Orcrest doesn't have a dungeon yet, I presume?)
cleaning with Tes4Edit yielded 1044 undeleted disable references and a 327 identical to masters.
Might be a good thing to clean before the final release.:)

What is the Caravan hold? Which city? Which building?

Yes, there are now working prisons for Riverhold and Corinthe. Orcrest will eventually get an execution tower w/ torture chamber instead. The spare gate tower is reserved for that.

The deleted references were trees. I cleared them the forests from Elsweyr before generating the desert. Undelete and disable would be a nuisance for the version of the mod I'm working on, but I guess it could be done for the release copy of the esp. I've never bothered with it in the past. It shouldn't cause any problems though, because its not Cyrodiil where mods overlap.

some things I noticed:
1.) Is it only me or are there floating flowers right above Dune's upper class district?
2.) I noticed I made a bad collision mesh for Dune's palace - you can't get to the door :banghead: I'll fix that.
3.) Orcrest has a rather bad FPS rate... guess I'll have to review the towers and gates.

Could you take a screenshot? I can't find any like that myself.
But reworking all the terrain involved moving hundreds of rocks and flowers and unfortunately harvestable plants can sometimes get fixed in a save game. So they could be left overs from an old working version of the esp.

Yes, I noticed that about the Dune palace just now. I only added it in a couple of days ago and hadn't tested it. The palace interior also has a bad fps rate. I think it might be the throne. If I face away from it it appears normal.

I don't have any fps problems in Orcrest myself. Perhaps it only happens with RAEVWD on top of everything else?

You know what would also be good for Dune is to have a working town gate rather than a load door gate. A load door makes the AI very tricky to cater to. I had to include a subspace over the entire lower town and then hide some NPC transit rooms beneath the approaches to it.

I've just reinstalled and cleaned my Oblivion installation. Do you need more testers for that "beta release"? Or should I wait for the final update and download it via TesNexus?

If you like. :) The quests also need testing, of course. They are more complex script and dialogue wise than anything I've made before.

Orcrest's problems come from the insanely high polygon counts on the trees there. I've noticed that if more than one is on screen, things bog down badly. I know very few people have access to Speedtree but they seem like prime candidates for that treatment. If that's not an option, maybe something can be done to lower the poly counts on those trees?

Yes, those date palms have are very large files. They aren't speed trees though, just standard meshes. I once tried creating a forest of about 20 of them and that was a disaster! So they are only ever used sparingly.

  • 1.) http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20Oblivion/EA_Jan10_error1.jpg (with NPC ID at screen top for easy identification). Notice the red cord connecting NPC to ceiling-light.
  • 2.) http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20Oblivion/EA_landscraqe_error1.jpg. Anomaly (landscape tear) circled in red, with Corinthe in background. This might have existed in the previous build, but if so I never noticed it (or have forgotten) despite having traveled the road many times.

That's it for now. I'll give a detailed report once I've had time to do more extensive testing.

The first is easy to fix. I gave the NPC the wrong skeleton type. She needs a beastskeleton.

The landscape issue is not really fixable. Its those horribly inexact LOD meshes. They never join up very well.

My barbarian character first trip to Elsweyr:

Very nice. :goodjob: That set up makes everything look so much more atmospheric.

I found a glitchy region in Helkorn Land where I fell down into a little canyon, and could not get out. I will look for the exact place and take a pic.
If you want to look for it already, I think it was located on one of the letters of Helkorn in the continental map.

Something more specific would be good. I could hunt for hours and never find it otherwise.
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:22 pm

The aforementioned http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t318/artfact/Oblivion2010-01-1600-20-09-18.jpg.
I guess this one must be known but, http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t318/artfact/Oblivion2010-01-1600-17-51-29.jpg.
I'll say it again: I'm in love with Orcrest right now.

The door is not missing. That is the gate that opens into the vege garden. The activator for the gate is misplaced, but that is a problem with the vanilla mesh. The item is just a regular working Bravil fence gate. Just click on that icon and you will see, the vege garden gate will open and close.

Which house is the sunken thing in?

I would need a modeller to fix the croc. The creature is a resource from the Lore Creatures Expansion pack. It wasn't created specifically for this mod.

One quick note:
The key to Southern Books in Leyawiin got edited when it shouldn't have been.

That was deliberate. I use it in a quest. The form had no users in the cs and its just a key.

I experience a few CTD yes ( can go from 30 minutes to 3 hours of game play before it crashes), sacrificed stable gameplay for eye candy :rolleyes:

Its more than just eyecandy. I've put alot of effort into building quests and adding functionality to the mod.

I too saw that "door to nowhere" in Orcrest, and the http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20Oblivion/EAJan10_creature_error1.jpg. Additionally, I noticed that what is for me http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20Oblivion/EAJan10_landscape_error2.jpg (along with some surrounding trees) until one gets close to the village. Looks likes a distance landscape file is missing or not updated?
Sadly, not far up the road from where I shot the floating village I suffered my first CTD (in my case a black screen with "....stopped working" message box) of the build. This is the same general spot where I had several "...stopped working" CTDs last build. I believe it it also the same area where another poster mentioned crashing last build.
Unlike several other posters, I do not notice much lag in Orcrest, at least compared to the Nov build. If anything, it seems a bit less laggy this build, as does Corinthe.

That only floats because you are using RAEVWD. Those huts don't appear in the LOD in the regular mod. The LOD ground mesh only estimates the land, so little hillocks like the one the building sits on are flattened. Including small objects in the LOD will always cause problems like this. Its also a problem with small trees like the palmettos. Many of the Shivering Isles trees have the same problem.
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:23 pm

That was deliberate. I use it in a quest. The form had no users in the cs and its just a key.

Why not simply create a new one? It's possible the Unofficial Oblivion Patches have (or will, thx to Arthmoor efforts) fix that, adding the key to the Orc propietor of the shop and fixing the functionality, so we'd have a mod conflict. I think it's better to be safe than sorry...:)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:33 pm

Why not simply create a new one? It's possible the Unofficial Oblivion Patches have (or will, thx to Arthmoor efforts) fix that, adding the key to the Orc propietor of the shop and fixing the functionality, so we'd have a mod conflict. I think it's better to be safe than sorry...:)

No. Editing the key itself won't conflict with any mods which add that key to the proprieter. I do add it to his inventory myself but through a quest script rather than editing the NPC directly. At worse he will have two of the things.
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:59 am

Its more than just eyecandy. I've put alot of effort into building quests and adding functionality to the mod.

His post was about his 500 mods and how he tries to get the absolute most graphical goodness out of Oblivion even if it brings CTDs. He wasn't stating that your mod is unstable eyecandy, which, of course, it isn't. :)

I can't wait to try the new update and visit Dune. :D
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:35 pm

The door is not missing. That is the gate that opens into the vege garden. The activator for the gate is misplaced, but that is a problem with the vanilla mesh. The item is just a regular working Bravil fence gate. Just click on that icon and you will see, the vege garden gate will open and close.

Which house is the sunken thing in?

I would need a modeller to fix the croc. The creature is a resource from the Lore Creatures Expansion pack. It wasn't created specifically for this mod.

Ah! How stupid, I was looking at the crate to be doing something all the time that I didn't notice the gate!
I like that little garden.:)

The bar is in the King's Hall, sorry couldn't remember the name just than.

Ah, yes, the were croc.:)
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:01 pm

Why not simply create a new one? It's possible the Unofficial Oblivion Patches have (or will, thx to Arthmoor efforts) fix that, adding the key to the Orc propietor of the shop and fixing the functionality, so we'd have a mod conflict. I think it's better to be safe than sorry...:)

It's not a problem. It looked like a wild edit, but after looking at how it's being used, the edit doesn't hurt anything.

The UOP already adds this key to the shop owner's inventory, and has for some time I'd imagine since it's not a fix I did. The quest flag on the key should get removed though and for now Iliana's edit is the only thing doing that. It won't bother the UOP when I add that fix, and it isn't going to hurt anything for the shopkeeper to have 2 keys.
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:11 pm

It's not a problem. It looked like a wild edit, but after looking at how it's being used, the edit doesn't hurt anything.

The UOP already adds this key to the shop owner's inventory, and has for some time I'd imagine since it's not a fix I did. The quest flag on the key should get removed though and for now Iliana's edit is the only thing doing that. It won't bother the UOP when I add that fix, and it isn't going to hurt anything for the shopkeeper to have 2 keys.

Nice, good to know :)

BTW, I've a graphical bug report (don't know if it has been reported or not), but palm trees in Orcrest have their top foliage dissapeared when you're looking up.


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Peter lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:08 pm

Could you take a screenshot? I can't find any like that myself.
But reworking all the terrain involved moving hundreds of rocks and flowers and unfortunately harvestable plants can sometimes get fixed in a save game. So they could be left overs from an old working version of the esp.


Yes, I noticed that about the Dune palace just now. I only added it in a couple of days ago and hadn't tested it. The palace interior also has a bad fps rate. I think it might be the throne. If I face away from it it appears normal.

It could also be because you used a lot of light in the throne hall. Maybe a combination of too much light and the (rather high-poly, I admit) throne.
Iliana, I sent you the palace mesh with the new collision mesh.

I don't have any fps problems in Orcrest myself. Perhaps it only happens with RAEVWD on top of everything else?

I don't use RAEVWD. Perhaps it's really the trees, as Arthmoor suggested?

You know what would also be good for Dune is to have a working town gate rather than a load door gate. A load door makes the AI very tricky to cater to. I had to include a subspace over the entire lower town and then hide some NPC transit rooms beneath the approaches to it.

Working? You mean animated like the cloudruler gate?

I would need a modeller to fix the croc. The creature is a resource from the Lore Creatures Expansion pack. It wasn't created specifically for this mod.

I'll have a look.

BTW, I've a graphical bug report (don't know if it has been reported or not), but palm trees in Orcrest have their top foliage dissapeared when you're looking up.

I've also noticed that. Apart from that, the trees have no collision. I'll fix that.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:55 pm

BTW, I have to say that you can't really appreciate all the work being done in this mod until you try it (especially Orcrest). It's just art. Pure art. ^^

Ah, http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/594/screenshot11cz.jpg :D
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:32 am

While I'm thinking about it, what modeling program is being used to work on the various meshes? There is a Corinthe interior mesh included with this last update that has the inefficient bhkNiTriStripsShape type of collision. The bhkMoppBvTreeShape variety is much easier on framerates and is usually what Blender saves things in. It's basically all I did when I updated the Corinthe meshes before to optimize the collision there, and it made a huge difference in performance.
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:45 pm

Wow. This may sound really really stupid. But how can I check that i've downloaded everything I need to...

I downloaded a while back now what I remember to only be one file, however I don't know if I got the other two... or the addon packs.

Is there any way I can check? Because although, I say nothing is missing in game, i've not checked everywhere, and I wouldn't know what was and wasn't missing.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:41 am

Wow. This may sound really really stupid. But how can I check that i've downloaded everything I need to...

I downloaded a while back now what I remember to only be one file, however I don't know if I got the other two... or the addon packs.

Is there any way I can check? Because although, I say nothing is missing in game, i've not checked everywhere, and I wouldn't know what was and wasn't missing.


You need to download:

- The main mod (parts 1/3).
- The merged updates (the "until Nov" ones).
- Jan update.
- Jan update texture patch.
- Optional files from the pack that you need (for example, I'm using Robert's body patches from there).
- (Optional) Merged map.

You can download it all from Elsweyr' page on TesNexus (except the Jan updates, and the Merged map).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:52 am

I'd have to say as far as any user made land mods that I have (this one, as well as Nascosto Isles, Silgrad Towers Morrowind, The recently as last week uploaded Skyrim Improved, and Stirk) That your Elswier Deserts of Anequina mod is by far the best one to me! (Perhaps because I like cactus deserts, red rock canyons, and palm beaches!)

I may adds some pics of my Elswier travels later on!

Btw, I haven't noticed any bugs on the mod on my game yet! (And I just about went thru almost all the mod!)
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:53 pm

It could also be because you used a lot of light in the throne hall. Maybe a combination of too much light and the (rather high-poly, I admit) throne.
Iliana, I sent you the palace mesh with the new collision mesh.
I don't use RAEVWD. Perhaps it's really the trees, as Arthmoor suggested?
Working? You mean animated like the cloudruler gate?
I'll have a look.
I've also noticed that. Apart from that, the trees have no collision. I'll fix that.

Mmm, that is very strange about that floating flora. Firstly its tropical stuff which I only use in Corinthe and the coastal jungle, and when I check the Dune cells I can find no record of them in the cells. Do you have any Elsweyr dependent esps active which could have placed them?

Yes, I imagine any Orcrest fps problem must be to do with the date palms. Perhaps the palace building could do with proper _far.nif also. The current one is for the old building and is a full-sized mesh.
Ah, and I thought of one more thing -- the mesh for OrcrestBuilding01 needs to be optimised. Arthmoor updated all those meshes for me except for that one, so it is probably to blame for the fps hit. Although none are visible in the oasis district they do exist in the exterior mock-up of the township beside it.

An animated gate like the Cloud Ruler one for Dune would be much better. The sub-space fix I used for the lower district causes a few oddities with the NPCs.

While I'm thinking about it, what modeling program is being used to work on the various meshes? There is a Corinthe interior mesh included with this last update that has the inefficient bhkNiTriStripsShape type of collision. The bhkMoppBvTreeShape variety is much easier on framerates and is usually what Blender saves things in. It's basically all I did when I updated the Corinthe meshes before to optimize the collision there, and it made a huge difference in performance.

That one isn't a new mesh, just a duplicate of the existing one for that interior with the floor removed. It was for the Corinthe prison.

Wow. This may sound really really stupid. But how can I check that i've downloaded everything I need to...
I downloaded a while back now what I remember to only be one file, however I don't know if I got the other two... or the addon packs.
Is there any way I can check? Because although, I say nothing is missing in game, i've not checked everywhere, and I wouldn't know what was and wasn't missing.

You could just grab that file sitting on Megaupload which I've listed on the tesnexus page. That contains all the basic stuff.
Then throw this latest update on top of it.
Anything else is optional.
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Stryke Force
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:54 pm

You could just grab that file sitting on Megaupload which I've listed on the tesnexus page. That contains all the basic stuff.
Then throw this latest update on top of it.
Anything else is optional.

Y'know, I think that's what I did the first time round, because I only remember downloading one thing.

Nevertheless I got all 4 downloads from TesNexus, 3 parts and the updates. :)
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