I am just making a Dark Elf (role playing character who specializes in light armor, blade, bow, conjuration & alchemy) and I've decided the best armor for him is Elven Armor (with red hood)
My thoughts are who in Tamriel makes the armor as it just says elven.
I think many assume that Altmer / High Elves are the main Elves but they are no more elven than the others - they just think they are. According to a book in Morrowind it mentions how the Orcish armor was copied and modeled on Altmer armor giving an idea on Altmer armor. Altmer armor I guess is more Japanese Samurai / Chinese looking in design when looking at Morrowind.
Altmer are also naturally very poor with light armor so I am guessing that the armor is gueered more to Dark Elven and Wood Elven as both are naturally suited to light armor..