Elven Armor

Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:52 am

I think the armor looks quite cool when used with a red hood stolen from a Mythic Dawn body as the hood matches with the red sash. Elven armor also has the added bonus is that one of the horse armors matches it.

I am just making a Dark Elf (role playing character who specializes in light armor, blade, bow, conjuration & alchemy) and I've decided the best armor for him is Elven Armor (with red hood)

My thoughts are who in Tamriel makes the armor as it just says elven.

I think many assume that Altmer / High Elves are the main Elves but they are no more elven than the others - they just think they are. According to a book in Morrowind it mentions how the Orcish armor was copied and modeled on Altmer armor giving an idea on Altmer armor. Altmer armor I guess is more Japanese Samurai / Chinese looking in design when looking at Morrowind.
Altmer are also naturally very poor with light armor so I am guessing that the armor is gueered more to Dark Elven and Wood Elven as both are naturally suited to light armor..
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:20 am

I would say the High Elves. I think it's related to the Ayleids and therefore, the High Elves.
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anna ley
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:58 am

I didn't vote because I don't have a clue who makes it. I would assume the high elves would have designed such armor since they seem the most technologically advanced, but since the poll seems to contradict this, I haven't a clue, then. :shrug:

Dyan phor a'Cauz (my paladin doing FG and KotN) is the only character of mine who actually owns a nearly-full set of elven armor. Unfortunately, she lost the helmet somewhere, but found a gold-colored Dwarven helmet at some point as a replacement. I don't like it as much as the Elven helmet; the Dwarven one covers up the wearer's face. :(

She got her set of Elven armor from some Fighter's Guild quest I think, after defeating whatever boss she had to defeat. Since her game is at Level 8, she is the only one who actually owns a set of Elven armor, making her set unique in her game. :D All the other FG members are sooo jealous. :o
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:20 pm

I think its old ayleid armour tbh, hence the ayeids wearing armour that looks exactly the same (the statue ayleids that is!)
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P PoLlo
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:16 pm

Elven armor is an elegant armor made by the high elves of the Summerset Isle

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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:42 pm

I voted that the Altmer made/make it.
The lore nut in me wants to say it is no longer made because of the destruction of the Hist forests outside of marsh land areas. It used Hist sap as glue in the lamination process.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:42 am

I have voted for the Wood Elves. The question set answers listed already discounts the Altmer. The Dunmer are of the Land Of Dagoth Ur, the Black Mountain. The best light armour material mined there is the volcanic Glass material. I would put that as the main armour smithed by the Dunmer. This leaves the Wood Elves, who are of the Forests. The Elven I have observed is either the bright, almost forest tone, in colour and design. The other Elven is the Night Elven , darker, and IMHO, would be sourced from those Wood Elves keen on gaining the secrets of the Necromancer league in Cyrodil. For a stealthy Dunmer, I like a combination of the Blue Glass (when I can find it) and the Night Elven Armour.

Just by Lore, the classic Elven Armour should be Wood Elven sourced.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:36 am

Other. Namely- Ayleid
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:20 pm

Orcish armor. Because when you just need to get the job done.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:23 pm

I think there is too much of it around to be Aylied.

I would assume (guess) that the Altmers designed it. Maybe the Altmers started with an Aylied design. Than they robably contracted out to someone else to actually do the dirty work of building it.

EDIT: Oh after I posted the above I say the link that says the High Elves of Summerset Isle are responsible. So I guess I guessed right!
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:04 pm


That doesn't prove anything. Whoever wrote the article may claim that it's made by Altmer, but doesn't present any evidence for it whatsoever.

I have never seen it written or said who makes the armor, but I suspect it's of Ayelied origin beased on the bird motive which is also common in the statues of their ruins and the similarity with the http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Artifacts#Ayleid_Crown_of_Lindai.

I think there is too much of it around to be Aylied.

I blame the messed up level scaling for that. I don't recall it being any more common than Dwarven or Daedric armor.
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