Elven armour-- really ayleid armour?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:24 pm

That's Dragonscale armour. They've updated it since Morrowind, but you can tell. Check out the scales that are protecting the warrior's groin. I'm 99% sure of it.

I agree with this. What people are calling green looks a lot more like silver or steel with some mild tarnish.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:35 pm




Even though Stahlrim was used by the Nords for burial purposes, the skin of the Falmer would work well with the Ice armor. Being impervious to frost would help out while wearing ice armor. By being magic users, a medium armor would allow ample protection, while not hampering their movement.

EDIT: Even though they say that Stahlrim was reserved for the Nord's, Solstheim was inhabited by Falmer, and such they should have had access to it. Otherwise, I'd assume they were unarmored.

It did not say anything under Lore:Falmer that tehy were nomadic. It just said that they could not find any cities.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 am

Its still a valid hypothesis that they were nomadic peoples, or even semi-nomadic like the Mongolians were. Come to think of it, the Falmer and Mongols have quite a bit in common. Same general geography, both (possibly nomadic), and both energetic peoples.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:42 pm

Its still a valid hypothesis that they were nomadic peoples, or even semi-nomadic like the Mongolians were. Come to think of it, the Falmer and Mongols have quite a bit in common. Same general geography, both (possibly nomadic), and both energetic peoples.

The accounts of Ysgramor's colonists in Skyrim make it fairly clear that they face a well-establish, developed civilization, not nomadic tribes. If they were nomadic, they still had advanced metalworking techniques somehow.
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:14 pm

The accounts of Ysgramor's colonists in Skyrim make it fairly clear that they face a well-establish, developed civilization, not nomadic tribes. If they were nomadic, they still had advanced metalworking techniques somehow.

http://www.imperial-library.info/book/export/html/896 -> "hese first settlers named the land "Mereth", after the Elves that roamed the untamed wilderness which then covered the whole of Tamriel."
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:44 pm

The idea of 'Elven' armor goes all the way back to Arena, it's been in every game but Morrowind, where it was seemingly replaced with Indoril and/or Bonemold. It has also never been attributed to a specific race. The new elven armor also looks much less like a LotR knock-off than Obilvion's.

Actually, Glass armor in MW was considered "elven" (I believe the one smith in Suran referred to it as being of Altmer make), and the local Dunmer armors (Bonemold, Indoril, Chitin, Dreugh) existed in the game along with it.

Still, naming it "elven" does present a problem when you've got several different types of "elves", each with their own unique styles and cultures.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:22 pm


Compare to:


Look pretty similar to me.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:06 am


Compare to:


Look pretty similar to me.

Thats comparing two Oblivion items. The Ayleids were craftsman, but were based in Central Tamriel. The Skyrim "Elven" helmets dont have that Ayleid Elvish look. Looks more Bosmer than anything, but its all up to interpretation.
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:42 pm

Look at the GI reveal article. The mace that hangs from the belt of the character in elven armor, is CLEARLY of the same armor/weapon set as the unidentified female armor concept. So whatever that mace is, that armor is also. I'll bet a collectors edition of Skyrim on it.

Arguing about it being green OR gold is silly imo. It's clearly both. The GI article makes the green pop hard on the mace, an what other armor can you think of that is even green let alone pops off the screen.

imo the 2 images are both Elven. At least in origin. The male being Altmer, same as what has been seen in Oblivion. The female one could be the female counterpart to the male version, or possibly a new armor type.

It being Glass is also a good chance imo, Glass is also constructed with Elvish techniques and style. Using rare metals, special alloys, intricate details and of course the rare glass material. Crafted by the most masterful elvish blacksmiths. Making it the highest quality elvish armor available. Techniques that are probably only known to Altmeri smiths or perhaps passed to Dunmer smiths as well. It looking gold or being gilded makes perfect sense, it has to look expensive, gold will increase the enchant potential of the armor. And hell it might not even be gold, just a obscure elvish yellow alloy, perhaps actually using gold because of it's special properties like conduction and anti corrosion.

At first I completely dismissed the possibility that it is Glass armor. But seeing the in game mace counterpart to that armor, I think it has good odds of being Glass, even though stylistically it looks nothing like you'd imagine.

The good news is, if that is glass armor concept, it looks elvish in style, and the green color on the mace looks really nice.
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:10 pm

I subscribe to the idea that Oblivion Elven armor is High Elf. The argument that it must be Ayleid can be explained simply:

It is a known fact that High Elves mimicked the original Aldmer. Assuming that Elven armor design has a basis with the original Aldmer, the design could have easily propagated throughout Tamriel and been replicated by the Ayleids (whom are also closely related to the Aldmer). This would also explain the design difference between Skyrim and Oblivion Elven armor (if such an explanation is necessary). All we are seeing is a different style from the High Elves. I'm really not sure why this idea has not been said before, it seems elementary.

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