Keep in mind there is no guarentee that the elven armor in Skyrim shares the same origins as its Oblivion equivalent. While the use of the same name would suggest it is, the fact is that calling something "elven" is sufficiently vague to allow for different origins, when your setting has multiple different races of elves. It would be like if there was "Human armor" and "human weapons", it could be made by Nords, Redguards, Bretons or Imperials, in fact, when you get down to it, technically dwarven armor in the Elder Scrolls could also qualify as "elven" armor, as could the chitin, bonemold, and other native Dunmer armors seen in Morrowind, because they are all created by races of elves. I could certainly buy it being of different origins from Oblivion's elven armor, on the other hand, it could just as easily be made by the same race. After all, it's not like all armor made by whatever undefined elven race made the armor found in Oblivion would look identicle realistically, and from the concept art, the style is close enough that I could believe that it's the same kind of armor, just with a new design to fit the art direction of the game.
So is it Ayleid armor? I had always assumed Oblivion's elven armor was that, but I don't think Skyrim had many Ayleids, so maybe it's from a different race of elves, or maybe not, we'll see, or maybe we won't, since the origins of elven armor were never clearly explained in Oblivion, will it be explained in Skyrim? We don't know yet.
I think he refers to Elven Armor, being pretty similar to this. Although my problem with elven armor wasn't thire similarity. It was how horrible boots and helmet were...
I can agree that they're pretty similar, though different enough that there's no copyright issues. And I didn't like the elven helmet either, though the same goes for a lot of helmets in Oblivion, I noticed, I don't mind the cuirass, gauntlets, and greaves, but I could have done without the "antlers", as for the boots, I think the biggest problem is the "toes" at the front.
In my opinion if this is really Ayleid armor, they should also name it as such. Same with Dwemer armor. I was a little annoyed by the Elven Armor/Dwarven Armor name approach in TES4 as it was just too generic fantasy for my tastes and just confuses people that actually read the lore of the gameworld.
The dwarven thing makes perfect sense as that name is in fact used in the setting, in fact, I'd go as far as to say calling it "dwarven" armor in Oblivion makes MORE sense because the term Dwemer would usually be used by elves who haven't adopted Imperial culture or scholars who research the subject. To the average people in Cyrodiil, calling them dwarves would be much more common, so your character is much more likely to think of the armor as dwarven armor than Dwemer armor, and if you're going to complain about that, you might as well also complain about the races being called "Dark Elves", "High Elves" and "Wood Elves" in the race selection screen and character stats screen instead of "Dunmer", "Altmer" and "Bosmer". Which has not changed in the series since the series existed.
"Elven" though is a stranger choice