» Wed May 09, 2012 1:54 am
Don't even bother with this ArchiveInvalidation.txt file anymore. This is from a far-too-outdated solution, which never really worked reliably to begin with, whether it was you manually adding files into this list or a mod tool doing this for you automatically, the game using the file itself is what never really worked reliably, no matter how it was created.
For Archive Invalidation nowadays we use the BSA Redirection approach, putting an empty dummy BSA file into your data folder and altering your Oblivion.ini to use this at the one place in "sArchiveList" the only BSA ever requiring invalidation is at. So now the empty dummy is the only BSA the contents of which ever need invalidation anymore, thus we technically eliminated the need for any Archive Invalidation at all now once and for all. This is a one-time-only step which only has to be repeated when your Oblivion.ini got modified and this entry from "sArchiveList" vanished for some cause.
BSA Redirection can be applied through OBMM's Utilities and sticking to the default settings (BSA Redirection has no options at all, touching any could only mess things up, likely won't though), Wrye Bash (don't remember how anymore though), or installing the famous mod "ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!". All do the same, with only different filenames for the dummy.
Once BSA Redirection got applied though it is paramount to get rid of any left-over "ArchiveInvalidation.txt" files in your folders (yes, different tools can even have placed them into different subfolders, get rid of them "all"). A remaining "ArchiveInvalidation.txt" file will keep instructing the game to use external file X over its internal counterpart, which isn't inside the now-empty dummy BSA anymore to begin with, and this will cause multiple random issues.
Erroneous left-over instructions inside such a file can also be the cause for multiple weirdnesses, if you uninstalled a mod with its assets but didn't remove these entries from the file, as now this is telling the game the files you just removed were still to be used over the internal ones, and as it doesn't perform any checkups, this is like "forcing" a missing texture error ingame.