» Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:06 pm
The western names have always been used in the character screens, even in Morrowind, while the elven names were often used in dialog (And the dialog topics on different races were written as Dunmer, Altmer and Bosmer.) when you chose your race, it still said "Dark Elf" or "High Elf" or "Wood Elf". If even a game that takes place an an elven province doesn't call them "Somethingmer" in the character screen, do you really expect one set in a human province to do so?
I'd imagine it's going to be like in pretty much every other game, where they're called "Something Elf" in the menus, but in dialog, they're either "Something Elf" or "Somethingmer" depending on who you're talking to, and this makes sense, because both terms are recognized in the setting, even if "Somethingmer" is what they prefer to call themselves, and using the western names in character creation makes sense because we're in a province whose natives would likely call them elves, not mer.