Ely's Uncapper Mod - Modification Question

Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:56 am

I like Vanilla's way of a level cap of either getting 100 in all stats or get all your majors to 100. I picked up the uncapper because I wanted stats/skills past 100 to matter from things like enchantments on armor or spell buffs. I don't like how the mod allows me to level those skills normally past 100; is there a way to maintain the leveling stat/skill cap of 100 but have modified values past 100 matter?
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:08 pm

I like Vanilla's way of a level cap of either getting 100 in all stats or get all your majors to 100. I picked up the uncapper because I wanted stats/skills past 100 to matter from things like enchantments on armor or spell buffs. I don't like how the mod allows me to level those skills normally past 100; is there a way to maintain the leveling stat/skill cap of 100 but have modified values past 100 matter?

I have not used it myself but this mod actually requires Elys Uncapper.

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Dan Endacott
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:55 pm

I don't know of a way, but I also don't know the Construction Set. What I do know is that AV Uncapper uncaps not just skills and attributes, but almost every value in the game. i.e. Sneak Detection Values, Armor Rating, Armor Base Health, and in some cases even changes the values to not be so overpowering. It sounds like what you are looking for.
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anna ley
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:14 pm

I like Vanilla's way of a level cap of either getting 100 in all stats or get all your majors to 100. I picked up the uncapper because I wanted stats/skills past 100 to matter from things like enchantments on armor or spell buffs. I don't like how the mod allows me to level those skills normally past 100; is there a way to maintain the leveling stat/skill cap of 100 but have modified values past 100 matter?

As funnyfiggy said, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34841 is probably your best bet. It allows you to set the caps on skill/attribute application separately from the caps on how high you can raise them by practice and leveling.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:11 pm

As funnyfiggy said, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34841 is probably your best bet. It allows you to set the caps on skill/attribute application separately from the caps on how high you can raise them by practice and leveling.

Yeah I just found this mod but im having difficulty getting it set up, I really like the diminishing returns so that you don't become "OP" I dont want the game to get [censored] easy with 1000 damage 1 magicka cost nukes, I just want stuff like enchants and all to matter POST cap, otherwise they're kinda pointless; but at the same time I don't want to be OP.

The instructions and the INI file that comes with the attachment mod just seem really convoluted (to me) so it's going to take me a but to figure out how to turn on all the diminishing returns but also set the caps to not 255 or 200 (I was thinking maybe more like 150) I just really want there to be a soft cap where you cant level the stats/skills anymore but enchantments and buffs will still benefit over that cap.... if that makes any sense.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:31 pm

AV Uncapper is super-useful once setup, but it does have some of the most nonsense documentation of any mod I've seen. I've taken university level calculus, but when I'm setting up a mod I don't really want to have to break that out :P.

Make sure you also download http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35675 which allows you to set the AV Uncapper settings via an INI file rather than messing around with script in the construction set. Use its included ESP file instead of the one included with the original AV Uncapper.

Here's an INI file that I've modified from mine to do what you said:

; ===============================================; ====== Actor Value Uncapper Settings Ini ======; ====== This file belongs in "Data\Ini" ========; ====== AVUncapper by JRoush, ini by JCN =======; ============== Ini version 1.01 ===============; ===============================================; NOTE: Refer to the AVUncapper manual (AV Uncapper Features v1_beta1.pdf) for in depth descriptions of all functions.; ===== PRESETS =======================; Note: The rest of the INI will be ignored if using a preset.set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuUsePreset					to	0		; 0: Do NOT use presets.												; 1: Uncaps all stats and skills, allowing them to level past 100.												; 2: Uncaps all stats and skills as well as enabling diminishing returns for Chameleon, Reflect Damage, Resist Normal Damage, Spell Resist, Spell Reflect, and Spell Absorb. (Decay rate of 1.12, growth rate of 0.83); =====================================; ===== STAT UNCAPPING ================; These settings control your maximum skills and attributes gained through leveling. Maximum possible setting is 255. To prevent skills and attributes from going too high (via Fortify, etc) and being reset to 1, don't use values over 200.set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuMaxAttributeBase				to	100		; Vanilla: 100, Recommended uncapped: 200set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuMaxSkillBase					to	100		; Vanilla: 100, Recommended uncapped: 200; These settings set the max effective levels for skills and attributes. Vanilla is 100, set to 0 to uncap.set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMaxAlchemyEffectiveSkill			to	0set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMaxCasterSkillCostSkill				to	0set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMaxDetectionSneakSkill				to	0set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMaxHandDamageAttribute				to	0set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMaxHandDamageSkill				to	0set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMaxWeaponDamageAttribute			to	0set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMaxWeaponDamageSkill				to	0set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMaxWornArmorSkill				to	0; =====================================; ===== DIMINISHING RETURNS ===========; These settings control the use of diminishing returns (DR). Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable.set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuBlindnessUseDR					to	1set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuBlockDamageReductionUseDR			to	1set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuChameleonUseDR					to	1set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuDefendBonusUseDR				to	1set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuMagicCasterSkillCostUseDR			to	1set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuMagicEffectResistUseDR				to	1set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuMagicItemResistUseDR				to	1set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuReflectDamageUseDR				to	1set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuResistNormalWeaponsUseDR			to	1set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuSpellAbsorbUseDR				to	1set JCNAVUncapQuest.iavuSpellReflectUseDR				to	1; These settings control how strong the diminishing returns (DR) are.; For example DR rates and charts, refer to Data\Docs\AVUncapper - DR Example Rates.txtset JCNAVUncapQuest.favuBlindnessDecayRate				to	1.12		; Default 1.12set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuBlindnessGrowthRate				to	0.83		; Default 0.83set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuBlockDamageReductionDecayRate			to	1.12set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuBlockDamageReductionGrowthRate			to	0.83set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuChameleonDecayRate				to	3.00set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuChameleonGrowthRate				to	0.35set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuDefendBonusDecayRate				to	1.12set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuDefendBonusGrowthRate				to	0.83set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMagicEffectResistDecayRate			to	1.12set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMagicEffectResistGrowthRate			to	0.83set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMagicItemResistDecayRate			to	1.12set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMagicItemResistGrowthRate			to	0.83set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuReflectDamageDecayRate				to	1.12set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuReflectDamageGrowthRate				to	0.83set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuResistNormalWeaponsDecayRate			to	1.12set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuResistNormalWeaponsGrowthRate			to	0.83set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuSpellAbsorbDecayRate				to	1.12set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuSpellAbsorbGrowthRate				to	0.83set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuSpellReflectDecayRate				to	1.12set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuSpellReflectGrowthRate				to	0.83set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuMagicCasterSkillCostSkillOffset			to	33.299999set JCNAVUncapQuest.fActorLuckSkillMult					to	0		; Vanilla: 0.4,	For DR: 0set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuActorLuckSkillDecayRate				to	1.02		; Vanilla: 0,	For DR: 1.02set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuActorLuckSkillGrowthRate			to	0.831		; Vanilla: 0,	For DR: 0.831set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuActorLuckSkillOffset				to	50.0		; Default: 50; =====================================; ===== OTHER STUFF ===================; Controls whether to use only your base Alchemy, your current Alchemy, or some combination of the two. (Example: 0.5 and 0.5 would use the average of the two.)set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuAlchemyEffectiveSkillBaseMult			to	0		; Vanilla: 1set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuAlchemyEffectiveSkillCurrentMult		to	1		; Vanilla: 0; This setting allows Reflect Damage to also reflect a portion of ranged damage when set above 0. (Example: 0.5 would reflect ranged damage at half the normal rate.)set JCNAVUncapQuest.favuReflectDamageProjectileMult			to	0.5		; Vanilla: 0; Controls how effective blocking is (0.75 = 75% max damage reduction from blocking).set JCNAVUncapQuest.fBlockMax						to	0.95		; Vanilla: 0.75; Controls the maximum armor rating.set JCNAVUncapQuest.fMaxArmorRating					to	95		; Vanilla: 85; =====================================

I changed it like you said to make the maximum you can get through levelling to be 100, instead of the 200 default. I don't think there's a way to limit how high things can be fortified, but due to the way AV uncapper works going from say 150 to 200 is a pretty minor difference. Edit: to make it so that you can level to 150 instead of 100, just change those two lines near the top.

Other changes from default settings:
I changed chameleon so that 100 points of chameleon gives you closer to 95% rather than the 85% of default AV uncapper. If you want to reverse this just change the 3.00 and 0.35 back to 1.12 and 0.83.
Alchemy is set to use your current (fortified) level, rather than your base skill level. I believe this also adds the bonus from your luck ability.
Reflect Damage is set to reflect 50% of the damage from arrows and similar projectiles. To reverse this, change the 0.5 near the bottom back to 0.
Block's maximum effectiveness is increased from 75% to 95%, and max armour rating from 85 to 95. Those settings are also at the bottom.

Be aware that AV Uncapper can have some surprising effects on game mechanics if you haven't read through to understand the documentation. For example, fortifying a skill skill from 100 to 120 should give you far less than a 20% increase in abilities.

Hope this helps :).
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:46 pm

AV Uncapper is super-useful once setup, but it does have some of the most nonsense documentation of any mod I've seen. I've taken university level calculus, but when I'm setting up a mod I don't really want to have to break that out :P.

Make sure you also download http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35675 which allows you to set the AV Uncapper settings via an INI file rather than messing around with script in the construction set. Use its included ESP file instead of the one included with the original AV Uncapper.

Here's an INI file that I've modified from mine to do what you said:

I changed it like you said to make the maximum you can get through levelling to be 100, instead of the 200 default. I don't think there's a way to limit how high things can be fortified, but due to the way AV uncapper works going from say 150 to 200 is a pretty minor difference. Edit: to make it so that you can level to 150 instead of 100, just change those two lines near the top.

Other changes from default settings:
I changed chameleon so that 100 points of chameleon gives you closer to 95% rather than the 85% of default AV uncapper. If you want to reverse this just change the 3.00 and 0.35 back to 1.12 and 0.83.
Alchemy is set to use your current (fortified) level, rather than your base skill level. I believe this also adds the bonus from your luck ability.
Reflect Damage is set to reflect 50% of the damage from arrows and similar projectiles. To reverse this, change the 0.5 near the bottom back to 0.
Block's maximum effectiveness is increased from 75% to 95%, and max armour rating from 85 to 95. Those settings are also at the bottom.

Be aware that AV Uncapper can have some surprising effects on game mechanics if you haven't read through to understand the documentation. For example, fortifying a skill skill from 100 to 120 should give you far less than a 20% increase in abilities.

Hope this helps :).

Thanks for the input, I was really hoping there was a way to separate leveled cap v.s. effective cap but that might be too complicated for mod programming or something, maybe those two elements tie into each other and there's no way to separate them. I thought from what I read in the readme that AV puts in diminishing returns on the uncapped stuff so they aren't so linear after 100 to make you overly powerful, so that if you buffed Destruction to 120 from 100 with fortify or something you would get a magic cost reduction but not as much as the old formula but it was still beneficial. Also doesn't luck affect things better now?
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:40 pm

Also doesn't luck affect things better now?
You can set it up so that luck multiplies your skills rather than adding a set amount to them. This feature was added by request for a specific mod; your mileage may vary with it.

Thanks for the input, I was really hoping there was a way to separate leveled cap v.s. effective cap but that might be too complicated for mod programming or something, maybe those two elements tie into each other and there's no way to separate them.

That is exactly what the mod does. The two settings iavuMaxAttributeBase and iavuMaxSkillBase control how high your skills can get through normal experience/leveling. All the other settings control how the skill values are used.

Example: Casting Spells
iavuMaxSkillBase = 150favuMaxCasterSkillCostSkill = 300iavuMagicCasterSkillCostUseDR = 1favuMagicCasterSkillCostSkillOffset = 33.3

With these settings:
- Casting spells will steadily level up your base skill up to 150, but no higher.
- Your effective skill for spellcasting, which is your base skill plus any buffs from magic, potions, scripted bonuses, and Luck, cannot exceed 300.
- Spell cost will be determined using the Dimishing Returns formula. Assuming you don't have any other mods that change spell cost settings, it will look something like this:

Effective Skill     Spell Cost (Base Cost = 500)---------------     ---------------------------      0                     700      5                     682     10                     662     20                     611     30                     535     40                     424     50                     333     75                     183    100                     100    150                      30    200                       9    300                       1
These specific numbers are for a spell that would cost 500 magicka at skill level 33 in vanilla Oblivion, like "Fire Damage 50 pts for 3 sec on target".
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:30 am

You can set it up so that luck multiplies your skills rather than adding a set amount to them. This feature was added by request for a specific mod; your mileage may vary with it.

That is exactly what the mod does. The two settings iavuMaxAttributeBase and iavuMaxSkillBase control how high your skills can get through normal experience/leveling. All the other settings control how the skill values are used.

Example: Casting Spells
iavuMaxSkillBase = 150favuMaxCasterSkillCostSkill = 300iavuMagicCasterSkillCostUseDR = 1favuMagicCasterSkillCostSkillOffset = 33.3

With these settings:
- Casting spells will steadily level up your base skill up to 150, but no higher.
- Your effective skill for spellcasting, which is your base skill plus any buffs from magic, potions, scripted bonuses, and Luck, cannot exceed 300.
- Spell cost will be determined using the Dimishing Returns formula. Assuming you don't have any other mods that change spell cost settings, it will look something like this:

Effective Skill     Spell Cost (Base Cost = 500)---------------     ---------------------------      0                     700      5                     682     10                     662     20                     611     30                     535     40                     424     50                     333     75                     183    100                     100    150                      30    200                       9    300                       1
These specific numbers are for a spell that would cost 500 magicka at skill level 33 in vanilla Oblivion, like "Fire Damage 50 pts for 3 sec on target".

Ahh ok that makes alot more sense now, i'll have to play with the settings now, thank you both.
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