Okay, I have a few hours to fix this so hopefully you guys can throw some solutions at me!
I have a simple setup; one quest completes via dialogue, it completes itself and marks the next quest for start, then stops. The issue is that the next quest won't start. Breaking the quest line. I haven't touched this setup in a long time, so I'm not sure what caused it to break.
The odd thing is that you can start the quest up with the console just fine using setstage. The script simply refuses to start it. I tried having it all in the end fragment of the dialogue, as well as setting the stage of the current quest. Then putting a fragment in that stage to start the next quest. Neither works. The current quest is completed and all goes well there, but the next one is never booted up.
This is NOT an alias issue, or setup issue with the second quest. It starts just fine via console, as well as the testing cell I have set up that plops you down right at it's start. It just refuses to start from this quest.
I'm wondering if scripts are lagging for some reason. So I'll be messing with when I tell the current quest to stop. But in the meantime, I'd appreciate if you guys could throw any suggestions you have at me! I'm releasing my mod tomorrow, so I need to figure out what the heck is going on here.