Heh. I am preemptively shutting down violence arguments regarding Radiant AI. Whenever Radiant AI is talked, people bring the reasons Beth gave for its lobotomy, like NPCs killing each other for smallest conflicts. Much like how you pick up a cabbage and everyone becomes a murderer lusting for your blood, NPCs also suffer from that without a quicksave option. It supposedly makes ghost towns down the line. I think, that is a super weak argument. Make NPCs behaviors less violent, less crimey. This has been like this since Morrowind.
A goal is something I define as the answer to the question "WHY?". So here the answer is because a game designer put a schedule on the NPC, "17:00, 18:00 EAT". Where I expect it to be "because I am hungry." on NPCs behalf. Internal clocks vs. game designer. One is meaningful internal logic, the other is external. One is autonomous, the other is "scripted".
Packages contain behaviors which are pretty autonomous and they are quite impressive. So I believe the abstraction should arrive one level later. Instead of, giving it a duration and a position and a target and a weapon by game designers, it should be a simple "NPC's goal is to practice bows until he gets mastery". That's more like it. The rest of the values should also be automatic. So the NPC can select places and time to practice himself too.
This shows there must be a division between unique personal goals like "mastering archery" and general goals like eating, sleeping...
Binding the autonomous systems to schedules makes the whole thing a streamlined "scripted events" template for designers' convenience. I believe Radiant AI systems are pretty advanced but also heavily underutilized. They should update the level of abstraction regarding Radiant AI, it has been almost 10 years since Oblivion. That's my criticism.