I actually consider it pretty good news. I mean, go load up Oblivion and play the Dark Brotherhood. That's Emil's work. Quest design-wise, he can do solid work and make some fun stuff, it's just the writing he produces is lacking. As I said, someone recognized the successes of the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild, but recognized them for all the wrong reasons, accidently assigning Emil as lead writer when he should've been lead quest designer, whereas the Thieves Guild guy could've been fired for all we know. I've actually posted this before and I like to entertain the thought that they read it and said "my god he's right, quick switch your jobs!!" but I know better and of course that's pure fantasy on my part. 
The topic of "gameplay and character design systems" makes me nervous in general, cause that's something where like if we heard FO4 had no SPECIAL or only 7 skills total, then that's an absolute deal breaker for me, BUT we've no reason to believe Emil couldn't handle this; on the contrary he's only given us good evidence to go off of in this category.
So yeah, bottom line? Anyone is better as lead writer. They could give some 21 year old wannabe writer the job and it's like AT LEAST we're trying something new that might hit or miss. The position they moved Emil to sounds more up his alley aswell.
My only concern is I vaguely recall Bethesda hiring some ex-Bioware workers. I think that'd be a step up from before, but the similarities between this art style and Bioshock Infinite make me a bit nervous, and I'd hate it if these bioware writers were one trick ponies and all they could do was turn Fallout into a Bioware game. I could be mistaken here though.