I have an extreme level of Empathy, and have for almost as long as I can remember. When someone else feels pain, physical or emotional, I often find I can feel exactly what they are feeling. This often makes watching movies or certain tv shows a bit hard, and even listening to music can lead to strange emotions. For example: In comedies, when a character does something extremely stupid, I often have to turn away, because I far to easily put myself in that exact situation, and I know exactly how I"d feel if something like that were to happen to me. In horror movies, I get so close to characters, that if they die, or are feeling extreme fright, it can be a chore to stop myself from turning it off(despite the fact that it doesn't personally make me scared). In Romance/Drama movies, I often come close to tears during very sad moments a character endures(losing a loved one, having the love of their life shatter their heart by telling them they aren't interested, etc), even knowing I probably wouldn't react the same way in real life. I often find myself yelling at the TV when someone is overly obnoxious(example: My wife watches Jersey shore, and some of the stupid crap that goes on in that show, it drives me up the wall, I feel like I want to go through the TV screen and smack them, it's like what they are doing or saying is personal). Music is the same way depending on what it's about, and the general beat/flow/melody of the song. I often find myself getting worked up over other peoples problems in real life as well, as if the hardships they are going through I am dealing with as well.
Does anyone else have problems with extreme amounts of empathy, or am I alone in this? I really wish I could find the off-switch for this, it can be very frustrating to "connect" with EVERYTHING and EVERYONE all the time.
i think that last sentence sounds something that your whateveritisinyouravatar was chosen on, judging by the avatar.
with that said... i sometime find myself flinch, slightly to definitely visible, when someone on TV or movie gets hurt or something. i think its safe to say that mine is lesser than yours, though. i just remind myself that is only a movie, a show, etc, not real, and does not require any reaction from me. so you might want to try not think about them; sure it happens, but don't dwell on it, just switch focus and attention to something equally or more captivating, let this die out through non use, starve it to submission by not giving it what it wants, your attention. and no, sorry, no switch unless you are willing to accept and explore the realm of spiritual and spiritual explanation of it. but even then the switch won't work all the time without commitment, your will power will still feed what you want to feed.
now, its not that your "connecting", as you put it, is bad, don't be quick to think that. it just needs to shift from being "connected" to virtual and real to only being "connected" to real. and then be used in real life, for like, in a compassionate job(s)(eh, caretaker, something else?). and if it does not apply to real life with the same tenacity as to virtual, then i'd have to question its validity: virtual feels connected(because for one it does not imply commitment of any kind), but in real life it does demand a commitment to willfully maintain it at times, which, if not given, then i can't help but wonder about the validity of these "connecting".
simply put, no commitment to maintain these in real life if they are removed from virtual, then its time to question validity of it all, valid things imply commitment, fake things demand no commitment.