Does anyone have screenshots from the beta of the Emperor being announced and/or the leaderboard for RvR?
Does anyone have screenshots from the beta of the Emperor being announced and/or the leaderboard for RvR?
Yes, they are in my brain.
It comes up on the screen like an announcement, nothing special really.
I can link a video showing some guy getting crowned and using skills etc.
There is a vid here. Some guy named Clydus.
Emperor armor at 6:11
Emperor annoucement at 3:49.
I want to click and look, but then again I want to experience it myself and not know what will happen beforehand Oo
High chance I will never be emperor, but who knows.
I have screenshots of me becoming Emperor and killing people as Emperor, but they're pre-watermark removal and cannot be shared because reasons.
To become emperor:
1. Your faction must win the campaign
2. You must own the statistics meter. To achieve this you must stick to the main zerg, die very rarely (not at all would be great), and be very active and do lots of damage or healing (or both?). Ganking stragglers will not get you the throne nor even the title of royal chamber pot emptier.
3. You must not take breaks or logout through the entire campaign duration, lest other pretenders to the throne will catch up to your stats.
haha yes that third part was exactly what I were thinking about too ^^ "sad but true"
P-pot nearby or a hole in the chair preferably and a maid/butler.
There's been a lot of Emperors at this point. I'm sure someone who managed to snag it during one of the weekend tests was smart enough to record it.
awesome I can barely stand waitin to try all this, its going to be epic
Nitpick: OP asked for screenshots, and instead got yootoob links.
That's weird, both play when I go to Youtube. Got any weird settings blocking them?
It's okay. I'll play the vids on high res and take screenshots of my own .
Deaths don't deduct stats directly, it's just that you spend alot of time running back to the frontline, time during which you are not raking up numbers while your competitors to the throne maybe do.
Has to be something, they're just regular Youtube links.