» Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:39 am
I'm with the Empire, there's no way Skyrim can defend itself from the Dominion if they throw there full military might against them (manipulating KGB Thalmor aside). In fact, the Thalmor themselves bring up a good point, with how many Thalmor agents that are in Skyrim, that only makes things worse. With the Blades being seemingly rebuilt, they most likely will go back to the Empire's service (I don't see them remaining an Independant organization for long, and with Ulfric's Thalmor influence the Baldes won't side with him). So the Empire is the only one who can hope tomatch the Dominion blow for blow. Yes, Hammerfell fought the Dominion out of their lands, but they had many of the Legion's 'invalids' to help them. If the Dominion threw everything they had at the Hammerfell, they would have lost.
The only choice for the survival of Men is a united Empire. Though I don't think Great War II should be fought right after Skyrim, I think the Empire should try to bring the Black Marsh back into the Imperial fold. (which is what I think TES:VI will be about) Think about it, if the Empire takes back Black Marsh, they can also then help the Dunmer resettle Vvardenfell and the rest of Morrowind. With one victory the Empire can win the loyalty of two whole races (yes that's a 'best case senario, but stranger things have happened in TES MQs).