Re-posted as it seems to have been buried in a thread.
On a very similar subject I have set up a drawbridge using a few "spare parts" and the retractable bridge Activator + a lever. Setup works perfect except on my drawbridge I have added chains so it looks like something is supporting it, chains hang off a gantry. When drawbridge is open it looks good, but when closed (up) the chains hang supporting nothing. So I thought a simple enable/disable on activate script should do it. I put a reference on 1 chain as the "master" and the other as a "slave" (activate parent setup basically 1 chain takes its enable/disable property from the other) I wrote the script and put it on the lever - chains don't disable/enable. So I put it on the drawbridge, same result no enable/disable on the chains. The script looks fine to me but can't figure out what object to put it on. Help please.
ObjectReference Property myObj01 AutoEvent OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() If myObj01.IsDisabled() Enable() EndIfIf myObj01.IsEnabled() Disable()EndifEndifEndEvent