ENB dramatically decreases performance - Help me!

Post » Sun May 26, 2013 5:05 pm

I've got a top-end gaming rig with 2 7970's in Crossfire and a i5-2500k processor (right now I don't have it overclocked). I have 100 FPS regularly without ENB but when I turn on ENB I get 15-30. I have also got 8 GB of RAM but I've heard Skyrim cant even utilize more than 4GB of RAM, so that RAM surely can't be the reason?

EDIT: But my problem was: When I activate crossfire with ENB it has no effect, l get 20 FPS with and without crossfire.. In normal game I get alot higher and crossfire actually increases performance (as it should). So, this can't be down to my GPU's, dont you think? So I'm guessing there is something in the ENB that makes a component in my PC bottleneck my graphics cards! Something in ENB's that are notoriously tough on CPU's or something? Any info?

There's gotta be some part of my rig bottlenecking, because when ENb is active the game runs at the same FPS with crossfire and without. In other words, when ENB is active, activating the second monster-GPU doesn't improve FPS, which it obviously would in normal cases, if there wasn't a bottleneck.

So, do you think my CPU is the culprit? Also, the SSD Ive got Skyrim on has less than 10GB of room. Could that be the reason aswell?

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Laura Richards
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 4:16 pm

Crossfire has no benefit for this game, same with most of them really. So, it won't have any impact on your framerates. As I have already told you.


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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 3:15 pm

Hi! Well, when I'm not using ENB, enabling crossfire actually has a huge difference, from 50FPS with a few lag spikes without, ~80 avg.. So, for me, crossfire does work, at least. :smile:

But my problem was: When I activate crossfire with ENB it has no effect, l get 20 FPS with and without crossfire.. (I am sure Skyrim recognizes the Crossfire because ENB gives me a graphical bug, but that's not the problem, I know how to fix it aswell). In normal game I get alot higher and crossfire actually increases performance (as it should). So, this can't be down to my GPU's, dont you think? So I'm guessing there is something in the ENB that makes a component in my PC bottleneck my graphics cards! Something in ENB's that are notoriously tough on CPU's or something? Any info?

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Ymani Hood
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 2:41 pm

Which ENB are you using? I run Sharpshooter's with minimal performance loss.

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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 12:27 pm

I run the Wilds ENB.

Because with two 7970's you definitely should be able to play ANYTHING. And it's not down to RAM because I got 8GB, so surely it must be the CPU?

I'll just test overclocking my CPU and see if I get increases in FPS.

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