ENB issue

Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:59 pm

Hey guys i thought after years of watching the tes V threads i thought i might as well make an account and start posting.

So my problem..

*sigh i can't post links so i cant show you pictures or the thread i am talking about -.-*

I spent all day googling this issue. I came across one result that is or is atleast similar to my situation.

The clouds around the mountains during the day are black instead of that nice white/ grey-ish colour.

Here are some examples:

Without ENB:

With ENB:

With ENB again:

Changing the volumetric fog or the fog colour and curve doesnt do anything.

I when i change other values like the sky intesity, bloom or pretty much any other setting it becomes apparent in the game. The only settings that take no affect seems to be the fog settings.

I am using the Nvidia 314.22 drivers (purposely downgraded after hearing about issues).

ENB & environment appearance mods:

  • Project ENB Final Edition for Climates Of Tamriel v3_1-20781-FINAL. (i have made the required edits in the SkyrimPrefs.ini)
  • Project Reality Climates of Tamriel V3

There are no other mods that i use that could possibly affect clouds or fog, the only other mods relating to the environment i can think of are:

  • Better dynamic snow
  • CLARALUX More Brighter Lights V2
  • W.A.T.E.R.

Im very sure these shouldnt affect the ENB in the fog area.

Can anyone tell me whats wrong?


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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:51 pm

You seem to know what you're doing, but just to get it confirmed - you're using ENBSeries v0.119, right?

Also, you can't attach pictures here, so those aren't showing up. You have to link to them.

I used the same combo just some weeks ago (except CLARALUX, which shouldn't affect it I think), w/o issues.

EDIT: Saw that you say that you can't post links. Weird.

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James Shaw
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:06 pm

Are you using the Particle Patch in the "Updates" section of the mod page?

If you're using a newer version of ENB, you can try tweaking LightInfluenceDay under Volumetric Fog or play with the Particle settings (Intensity and Light Influence).

But from what I remember, Volumetric Fog settings should change those mountain clouds. Make sure you're changing the setting for day and not night or interior.

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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:05 am

I cant post links because i am a forum newb.

& yes i am using ENBSeries v0.119

No i wasn't using the Particle patch.

I just installed it and it has changed nothing.

There is no "LightInfluence" settings in the enbseries.ini

Edit: i will quickly uninstall Project ENB and install K ENB just to ensure that the problem is 100% with Project ENB

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John N
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Post » Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:14 am

Yes, that's because you're using 0.119 (not that that's a wrong thing, since the mod author recommends that version). I think the other settings were introduced in newer versions of ENB (the Particles section too, so you won't have that either).

You could also try just changing the binary to a newer one and tweaking in game, with the ENB menu (really handy feature). But that might change the 'look' of the config you're using, since it was built around 0.119.

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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:39 pm

Well if by ENB menu you mean the in game post process injector (shift+enter to edit the ENB settings in game) i don't have that for Project ENB. I have no config menu for Project ENB i have to make changes through notepad or by using ENB Customizer.

Also i reinstalled K ENB and the clouds were normal along with all of the setteings functioning properly.

So the problem is with Project ENB.

What version of ENB series do you suggest i use and how do i obtain it along with ENB menu?

& ty for your help.

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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:31 pm

Yup, that's the menu I'm talking about. It's not available for 0.119 (don't remember when it was introduced). EDIT: it seems the GUI was introduced in 0.139

What version you use depends on what configuration you use, since most are made for a specific binary. But I have used configurations with newer binaries and tweaked them here and there where needed.

I used 0.157 for quite a while and now I'm on 0.168.

The binaries are found on the ENB site only http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.htm Download from there what version you want, then grab the d3d9.dll (usually from the Wrapper folder, I never used Injector) and use the other configured files from your preferred mod.

Just keep in mind that if the mod is configured for a different binary you might not get the same results as in the mod's screenshots.

The config menu you bring up by pressing Shift+Enter, like you mentioned.

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