Then there is enchanting. I still haven't found any way to get enchants besides on found items (which doesn't sound so appealing for a smith who would rather wear what he makes) and I've never as much as tried to make an enchant, yet I want enchants.
So my question is, should I start to religiously train my enchanting skill despite never having had any intention of being an enchanter much like I have no intention of being an alchemist, or is there any way for me to get an enchanting service without doing it myself ? Can I even do anything decent with 20 or less enchanting...
I mean I'm a smith so that's not an issue and even if I wasn't a smith I could buy armor, if I need potions there are plenty for sale all around and I don't have to learn the skill any to get by with my potion needs, but when it comes to enchants it seems to me like it's a skill that is mandatory to have... or is it ?
So let's say I've never done anything with enchanting and I'm level 34 but want to enchant my armor with some magic resistance, what do I do now ?