Enchanted Weapons and Dual Wielding

Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:30 am

Hey forum,

You know how you, on the PS3, can bind two identical weapons (Dwarven Sword (2) ) to one hotkey, and then press the hotkey twice to dual wield them? Well, I'm trying to do this with enchanted weapons, but even if I make them completely identical, and get them to stack nicely in my inventory, I just cant seem to get them to dual wield properly. The favorites says "1. Weapon A (2)" but when I press "1." twice, all that happens is I equip, than instantly unequip my weapon. Does anyone know a solution?

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Angus Poole
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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:27 am

This has been a horrid issue with the hotkeys and DW since the release. I'm afraid, aside from using mods, it's not possible on the console. DW was introduced late in the development and was never actually set up properly with regards to the functionality of the limited hotkeys.

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An Lor
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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:39 pm

It svcks, maybe try naming your weapons differently?
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:30 am

It does work properly with... IIRC.. iron daggers and steel daggers. However, the second you improve them or enchant them, it throws them back into the realm of sux to be you.

I want to start throwing things at that point. Well, I used to.

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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:43 am

Of course I could them differently, and use the set up I use now - in other words keep one weapon equipped in the off hand as often as possible, pull the main hand one with .1 and switch spells with .2 and favorites menu. I could also bind two spells to .1 and .2 and equip my weapons from the favorites menu, but my plan in the first place was to create identical weapons to duplicate the way you can double tap .1 or .2 when using regular identical weapons to draw them both.

Unfortuanly, it doesnt seem to be a way to do that. Guess I will either do as I've done up until now, or reset my enchanting perks and go a different route.

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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:44 pm

My assumption would be-- you can never make two identical weapons.

If you look in the CK of a PC version, you'll see there's only one version of "Iron Sword", for example-- so even though you have twenty of them in your inventory, they all have the same Editor ID, because they use the same Base. When you Enchant a Weapon or Item, the new one is "created" as part of the Save with its own ID-- so, even though you have two identical weapons enchanted the same with the same name, their internal IDs are going to be different I would assume. From the game's perspective, they're as different as an Iron Dagger is to a Deadric Sword.

Is there an item duplication glitch in Skyrim? That might solve the problem, but I've no idea if it actually would for certain... :/

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David Chambers
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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:43 am

If you name your weapons differently, you can favourite them separately and then select them as if you had two completely different weapons.
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