firstly i dont want to have to worry about recharging my items. I want that to do it on it's own
secondly it might be cool if items had fast charges and fast depletion rates, causing the player to give it all to one boss or group of enemies, run out of charge, change weapon and then change back.
i would like more complicated soul gems too. creatures should again have soul points. i prefer numbers to words here. soul gems should also have the name of the capture on it
what would be nice is if soul gems of different things gave advantages in specific enchantments. For example A soul of a frost atronach may make better elemental effects and even better frost effects whilst the soul of a mudcrab might make better fatigue effects.. they should not limit the players choices but simply effect them.
lastly... since there is dual wiedling... i wouldnt mind being able to put a soul gem in my hand so that i can choose what is used.