I don't know the reason why we could not enchant arrows in OB, even tho there were arrows that had enchanted effects (they were not allways common or available), whethor it was an intentional ommision or an over sight. imo we should be able to enchant our own arrows as much as we could put poisen on them. I don't think that enchanted arrows in OB were over powered so I don't know why they would intentionally leave the option out.
So the only thing that causes me to think that we could enchant arrows in SK is that the enchantment skill has returned and so that must mean the found several new ways to make the skill more relevent. (since they cut out other usful skills based on claims they were useless). so what do other people think.
In oblivion I always used the multiply glitch to get a ton of enchanted arrows. So in a way I was "creating my own enchanted arrows".... eh, not the same is it?
I agree with you, being able to enchant arrows in bulk would be great. Say it cost you 100gold to enchante 50arrows or somthing at a vender.