For a weapon you'd do cast on strike. For the rest you're overlooking a couple of things: it doesn't cost Magicka, and it has zero spellcasting time. Get a large shield with a large targeted absorb health enchantment for instance and you've just made a semi-automatic gun.
Actually, you can do a cast when used for weapons (Devil Katana/Tanto, for example: frost/fire shield and summon longsword/dagger).
The reason you would use a cast when used is the same as having any item cast on use: to get spell effects you otherwise couldn't cast (low magicka, low intelligence, not being skilled in a type of magic). So for a dagger with a paralyze when used, you can paralyze when you don't have skill in illusion or even if you don't have magicka at all. I prefer on-strike, but of course, that's only with certain spells.
Shield on strike would be a disaster...