Is there an enchantment that is useful for mining?
If I can cast Turn Undead for 30 secs on it but can't use it to fight with, what is the point of enchanting it?
Anyone with any idea?
The point is, you CAN use it to fight with, same as the woodcutters axe. I enchant everything (almost), raises the value for lining my greedy pockets with Gold coins.
There is a woodcutters axe with +dmg to critters or smtg like that. Clearly its not a woodcutters axe.. is it?
No, especially not when it's called a Poacher's Axe.
I disenchanted it so that I could use the Huntsman's Prowess enchantment on a sword and hunting bow combined with a soul trap enchantment, for when I feel like going on a hunting safari.