So one thing Ive been thinking on is how much more relaxed the leveling system is this time, there really isn't a reason to not level, unless you wanna buy some trainer points, but one thing that bugs me is how tedious smithing, enchanting and to a lesser extent (because you use it much more) alchemy is to level. Right now I counted (using the Warrior Stone) around 6-11 Iron daggers (scaling from level 30 to 100) per level needed to raise it. Being that if I'm just playing "Naturally" unless I have some ore and leather Im not going to improve or smith something more than say 20-50 times a game, so if I want to benefit from 100 something I need to power level it, if I want to stay balanced I need to do it in increments ie up to level 50 until Im level 30 then 70 until 40 then 100 until I make a new char. Im not saying you should get 1 level every iron dagger but lessening it would both make it more clearly marked as a skill to level as you go and would make it probable to level to 100 just playing "laissez-faire"
I like the current leveling. if u dont fasttravel to get new resources to powerlevel, smithing is decent. You need lot work till you master it. If you want to play the game like real RPG, and you just buy the raw materials (or even mining it), then you smelt it, then you craft, you will level slow. If u want to power level, you fast travel, buy stuff, craft, fast travel ... till youre at 100.
In this game you are able to do almost anything as you wish. HC players can get to 100 in 1-2 hour, normal players can hang around game for days and playing playing what real smiths would do. Many ppl just like to powerlevel any skills (what is wrong imo, i think its lame MMOstyle where you need to grind), decent players want to live the game as intended. But, they made the game so great, that any kind of player can play their style.