Play a warrior and smith as you go, if you reach 100 by the end of the game I will concede, but you won't smith up weps you find as there isnt profit, and you won't make your own weps because you can just find them, so at best you will spend your time improving found weps you want to equip, which will take you up to level 50 at best
Also I laid out the numbers, I need to smith approx 110 items from 90 to 100, I won't make 110 items in a single entire game unless I'm power smithing
I think you and I have different definitions of "smith as you go" and "powerleveling".
I raised smithing "as I went", using materials I'd found in the game world. That doesn't mean I only made items I would use - I still made a bunch of jewelry, weapons, armor, etc, and sold them off. I didn't "power level" - i.e, I didn't sit at the vendor, and keep doing "Wait -> Buy iron -> Make daggers -> Repeat".
I don't see doing a "smithing session" and using my materials to produce a bunch of items and a few skill levels as "power leveling". I see it as working on my Smithing as I went. It led me to a skill level of ~70 and the ability to make Glass armor, in the mid-high 30's.
Perhaps I'm too used to games where you need to make many items to level up crafting (previous TES games, MMOs, and others) - I don't see "make lots of items" as powerleveling. I see forcing the issue and manipulating game mechanics (like Wait, and vendor stocks) to make lots of items
ahead of the game's speed, as powerleveling.