I used a lot of cast on use enchanted items in Morrowind to preserve magic, and yes they was overpowered, you could make a ring with weakness to fire 100%+ fire damage 100 in 30 feet, with enchant skill 100 this had over 30 charges rate of fire was as fast as you could press the button. Also had a restore health 100 item.
Recharging items over time is ok as long as it's pretty slow, perhaps have it constant like 1-3 magic/ second for everyting, making a powerful weapon with lots of charges takes longer to fill up.
I do not like lots of the ideas here, people want to dumb down the game :banghead: . Yes I see removing charges as similar to removing the magic pool, just let you cast, to balance it just nerf spells to 1/3 of Oblivion strength. This would make mages far easier to play and boring as mud.
I don't see how removing the charges on an enchant is similar to removing the magic pool. :huh: In my opinion, enchants shouldn't be such a huge factor in terms of damage. It should help you, but not make you OP. You even state that you don't want enchants to be like that, SO; Remove the charges AND make them
weaker. Everyone wins!
Edit: I missed your earlier post there; Yes it would seem kind of dumb to have an enchant that does 5 damage and you're level 50, but maybe they can scale it? I'm not good on progamming, but I don't see why not. Also, I want to point out that enchants shouldn't be doing half of your weapon's damage. They should be helpful and add a little damage, but not to an excessive amount. Otherwise, if you want a powerful enchant, then fine, add the charges to make it fair, what I'm saying is to make them have no charges
and make 'em weaker, say maybe 25 pts of fire damage at 50?