Enchantment help please?

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:51 am

As the description says, what determines the %boosts my items will get when enchanting? is it my level?

I just learnt the "one handed do x% extra damage" enchantment. However im only level 31 in the skill and the boost it will give my ebony gauntlets is only 13%. How can I get this higher?
What impact will different type of soul gems have as well?
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Heather Dawson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:49 pm

As the description says, what determines the %boosts my items will get when enchanting? is it my level?

I just learnt the "one handed do x% extra damage" enchantment. However im only level 31 in the skill and the boost it will give my ebony gauntlets is only 13%. How can I get this higher?
What impact will different type of soul gems have as well?

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Baby K(:
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