Enchantment that scale with the players level

Post » Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:33 am

I started to make mods quite a while ago, however they were mostly value changing for personal use. I made a new race, some new spells and turned a daedric mace into a magic rod. None of these things were especially complicated and they didn't involve any scripts. Recently I started working with scripts in the school, so I decided to try it in the Creation Kit.

The problem is pretty simple, I want to make an enchantment that scales with the players level in a skill, namely two handed. The first problem that I found is that there are no scripts that directly change the magnitude of an effect in proportion to something. After some research I found out that it was not possible to change it in a direct way like this. I've thought about using the "SetEnchantment" script (added in SKSE) in combination with using 101 different enchantments from 0-100 in magnitude. The script would (theoretically) consist of a "if" statement and loads of "elsif", one for each level of the skill and one for each enchantment. The script is probably wrong (it has to be, considering that i started with papyrus yesterday) but I hope someone gets the idea.

iftwohanded == 0{Weaponproperty.SetEnchantment ScalingEnchLvL0}elseif twohanded == 1{WeaponProperty.SetEnchantment ScalingEnchLvL1}

etc. etc. until lvl 100

Is using a clumsy script like this possible for an efficient mod or do I have to use a quest script to detect when the level changes and thus get the enchantment change when the skill changes.

I would appreciate any tips on how to solve the problem, the best would be a complete solution with an explanation on why it is best to do it that way.

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Post » Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:30 am

SKSE has SetNthEffectMagnitude, so you could use a script to set the magnitdue.

You might need a maintenance quest as i don't know whether this would persist through seperate playing sessions. You would then also need a quest (started via story manager) to update the new magnitude.

I was going to suggest using a perk to scale however a quick test using One-handed or Two Handed skill as the scaling factor didn't seem to work, and caused the CK to generate an error when accessing the newly created perk.

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