Enclave Discussion

Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:02 am

This is a post from a thread in the FO:NV section. I want to put it here however, just to give it more exposer and see what more people think. I am arguing that the Enclave is not entirely destroyed. I read on almost every post about the Enclave that they are done for, but these are some counter points to what people have said about that.

That's was done before FO3. FO3 says that the Enclave travelled East. Navarro could still be there and there could still be Enclave but after 38 years I am sure they would have A: Said to hell with it and went Merc or just looted everything and left. B: NCR finally made it to Navarro and took it. C: The BoS made it to Navarro and took it. D: The Shi might have even taken it. E: Enclave looted everything of Value and went East. Also Navarro was not that big and there would not be enough troops to stay behind to make the Enclave a worthy faction for New Vegas, plus Navarro is far way from New Vegas. Not all the troops at Navarro had PA.

If remnants of the Enclave remain, I find it likely that 40 years out from the events of FO2, most would have left for the east coast to take part in the disastrous plan of President Eden, especially those in a position of power or authority. Surely if the Enclave planned to usher in a new age by creating an area of pure humans in one part of the country, most of the organization would have been there or on route. Any Enclave members left behind to maintain the bases or foothold in the West would quickly fall into disarray with no purpose and no leader to give them a new one. They likely would have disbanded and gone their own ways, either to assimilate into the local population or become highly effective raiders with their advanced gear.

Even if the remaining Enclave in the West didn't disband, this shortly after FO3 (less than 4 years), they would be withdrawn and cautious, nursing their wounds and egos in private, and becoming largely unheard of until they can replenish their numbers. Considering they prefer pure humans, or at least as pure as they can get, they wouldn't be likely to recruit from the general populace, who they consider mutants, and would spend a generation or more rebuilding their numbers from children born to the group.

Regardless, we shouldn't hear anything from the Enclave as an organization in New Vegas, though it is likely we may run into ex-Enclave NPCs, newly disillusioned deserters from a failed cause.

I Agree that the Enclave should not make a major (if any) appearance in FO:NV. What I am trying to argue is that The Enclave is not destroyed as a faction. They where beaten on the West Coast oil rig (And styles, from what I understand, Navarro holds the most advanced gear in the wastes. It has a whole bunch of soldiers, considering how many times you run into patrols trying to get to Navarro and the men actually in the base, and Vertibirds+Base defenses that could hold off almost any attack from the Brotherhood, Shi, or NCR. Otherwise what would have been holding these factions back before, considering they don't know about the oil rig.) And the Enclave moving east does not mean that the West coast Enclave would loose all their leadership. Col. Autum was probably just one of the "higher ups" the Enclave had at their disposal.

(also, the NCR and BOS would be somewhat weak at this point, They just fought a war against eachother where both sides had A LOT of losses. Moral and Men would be hard to come by for a attack on a group stronger than the BoS tech wise)

Another factor to take into regard is the fact that the Enclave could have had multiple bases. In FO2, if you are at the oil rig, on the same level as the president, the room right of the presidential office there is a map of the world. On that map there are 2 dots in California, 1 on the East Coast near DC, and many more scattered round the USA. I dont think they represent the Vaults, because there is only 1 on the East Coast near DC (while there are many vaults in FO3). If you where to look at them as Enclave bases, it would make out perfectly. 2 in Cali (Oil Rig and Navarro) and 1 on the East Coast (Raven Rock). It would not make much since either, having vault experiments on a map where you make you major strategic decisions. It would be more logical to have that information in a lab or observation terminal.

ANOTHER question to raise is: If they where sooo weak after FO2, how did they manage to create that mobile crawler + get hold of all those Vertibirds that we see flying out of RR after it is blown up? They either are not as weak as we think at Navarro or they had more bases scattered through the former nation. They even managed to create new and better Power Armor (meaning they have factories somewhere). Otherwise, it would be near impossible for them to get that equipment and manage a trek across the U.S.. It is even said that the Oil rig was only the HQ of the Enclave. That does not mean it is the only major base.

If, like you say, the MQ ending is only following the "good" trail, that would not eliminate the Enclave. Yes, it would weaken them, but they must surely still have more bases and soldiers elsewhere.

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Beulah Bell
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:50 am

NCR and BoS did not go to war with one another right after Fallout 2. With the Enclave on the ropes and the BoS wanting tech and they know of the Enclave. They would do what they can to take the base. NCR, BoS or even Shi could lay siege to Navarro of years if need be. Without the rig the base would run out of supplies.

Enclave were told to go East and East they went. They seem to have been weakend technologically, seeing as how their armour in the East is crap next to Advanced PA and Advanced PA Mk II. I don't know how they became so strong but that's one of the things I don't like about FO3. The Enclave should not have been able to rebuild that fast. They should have just been a small faction at best.

I don't think they would have been completely taken out in one shot as seen in FO2 but they would have been every badly crippled and slowly die over time. The head of the snake being cut off if you will. They got their head cut off again in Fallout 3. What ever is left should just give up or fight with themselves.

If we do see them again I don't think they will be out to kill all mutation again. They might try to really rebuild America. Isn't that what Augustus Autumn wanted, to give up with the Evil plans and just rebuild?

Also I think there are other threads on this topic.
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:50 am

NCR and BoS did not go to war with one another right after Fallout 2. With the Enclave on the ropes and the BoS wanting tech and they know of the Enclave. They would do what they can to take the base. NCR, BoS or even Shi could lay siege to Navarro of years if need be. Without the rig the base would run out of supplies.

Enclave were told to go East and East they went. They seem to have been weakend technologically, seeing as how their armour in the East is crap next to Advanced PA and Advanced PA Mk II. I don't know how they became so strong but that's one of the things I don't like about FO3. The Enclave should not have been able to rebuild that fast. They should have just been a small faction at best.

I don't think they would have been completely taken out in one shot as seen in FO2 but they would have been every badly crippled and slowly die over time. The head of the snake being cut off if you will. They got their head cut off again in Fallout 3. What ever is left should just give up or fight with themselves.

If we do see them again I don't think they will be out to kill all mutation again. They might try to really rebuild America. Isn't that what Augustus Autumn wanted, to give up with the Evil plans and just rebuild?

Also I think there are other threads on this topic.

But the siege scenario would have applied to the BoS as well when the NCR did go to war with them. Lost Hills would have been just as "seigable". Yet the BoS was not wiped out by the NCR. Maybe seiges don't work well in the fallout universe :shrug:

And there is that map in FO2. If they are Enclave bases on that map, that would mean a larger network of Enclave around the USA.

And the mobile crawler from FO3:BS. How Did they manage to build it if they where so badly beaten as you describe? It would have taken a vast amount of resources and manpower to build that thing. Also look at the number of vertibirds flying out of RR after it is destroyed. Thats more than the few they had in FO2 (they had 2-5 if I remember correctly). They seem to have a lot lot more in FO3. Meaning they either produced new ones, or as I have suggested before, have multiple bases around the USA. Also, production of new armors means they have factories for making them.

(and the PA being weaker is because of the lack of DT in FO3, I believe.)
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:23 am

My understanding is their FO3 gear was obtained from Raven Rock, or flown from the west coast.

If there are enclave survivors, there can only be a handful or so left.
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:35 pm

What about Alaska they could be there i mean it has alot of military fortifications left from the war and would make a great base of operations. I would also like to see some enclave in New Vegas but not have them be the major enemy in the game maybe have the enclave become friendly but i doubt the enclave could ever be friendly.
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:23 am

But the siege scenario would have applied to the BoS as well when the NCR did go to war with them. Lost Hills would have been just as "seigable". Yet the BoS was not wiped out by the NCR. Maybe seiges don't work well in the fallout universe :shrug:

And there is that map in FO2. If they are Enclave bases on that map, that would mean a larger network of Enclave around the USA.

And the mobile crawler from FO3:BS. How Did they manage to build it if they where so badly beaten as you describe? It would have taken a vast amount of resources and manpower to build that thing. Also look at the number of vertibirds flying out of RR after it is destroyed. Thats more than the few they had in FO2 (they had 2-5 if I remember correctly). They seem to have a lot lot more in FO3. Meaning they either produced new ones, or as I have suggested before, have multiple bases around the USA. Also, production of new armors means they have factories for making them.

(and the PA being weaker is because of the lack of DT in FO3, I believe.)

Seige would work better on Navarro then Lost hills bunker. Navarro is the only base the Enclave have on the land. While the BoS have bunkers and bases all over. You pen the Enclave up in Navarro and they have no more help. While if you seige Lost Hills more BoS from other bases will come to break it. NCR has massive numbers and could seige the base. The great thing about a seige is you don't have to attack the base. All you do is cut off all supplies and keep them in. Then you shell the crap out of them for years if need be. Soon they will run out of food and water. Remember not all troops had PA and most would have gone East as ordered. Also the Enclave would not leave the Rig much to settle until their plan was done. Settling the USA would risk contamination.

The Mobile Crawler might not have been built by the Enclave. It looks alot like the Crawler NSA used for the Saturn Five Rockets. Enclave came across it and rebuilt it. I just hope they aren't in Florida. I also hope Beth Can think of a New Super Power Faction for FO4 insted of bringing back the Enclave. Fallout 3 they were not as awesome as they where in FO2 and they are far more stupid. They could have just taken DC by force with their numbers and tech but no they wanted to do it by some convoluted plan....
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:21 pm

Seige would work better on Navarro then Lost hills bunker. Navarro is the only base the Enclave have on the land. While the BoS have bunkers and bases all over. You pen the Enclave up in Navarro and they have no more help. While if you seige Lost Hills more BoS from other bases will come to break it. NCR has massive numbers and could seige the base. The great thing about a seige is you don't have to attack the base. All you do is cut off all supplies and keep them in. Then you shell the crap out of them for years if need be. Soon they will run out of food and water. Remember not all troops had PA and most would have gone East as ordered. Also the Enclave would not leave the Rig much to settle until their plan was done. Settling the USA would risk contamination.

The Mobile Crawler might not have been built by the Enclave. It looks alot like the Crawler NSA used for the Saturn Five Rockets. Enclave came across it and rebuilt it. I just hope they aren't in Florida. I also hope Beth Can think of a New Super Power Faction for FO4 insted of bringing back the Enclave. Fallout 3 they were not as awesome as they where in FO2 and they are far more stupid. They could have just taken DC by force with their numbers and tech but no they wanted to do it by some convoluted plan....

The BoS did have other bases but they where manned with only one soldier for each base (1 in the Den, NCR, and San Fran). Far too small of a number for them to break through a siege. Also, it would not be impossible for the Enclave to get resources even if surrounded. They do have vertibirds, they could simply fly over enemy defenses and fly somewhere more friendly and barter for supplies.

And, if the mobile crawler was the NASA Crawler from Florida that would support the idea of multiple bases around the US. That would mean they would be far from destroyed as a faction.

Then there is still the question of where they acquired all of the vertibirds and new and better PA we see they have in FO3. It would mean they have production bases around the US, Or bases that they convert into production areas.

I agree, I would like to see a new super power faction as well, but that does not eliminate the Enclave as a elusive, more cautions faction in FO4.

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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:40 am


It would be hard to just fly over a seiging army. Only a few would be left behind if any when the Enclave went East. BoS and NCR would have weapons that can shoot down the Vertibirds. Weapons like the howitzers would destroy any that are on the ground.

The NASA crawler could have been in a location outside DC. By 2077 I don't think America would be interested in going to space. Vertibirds they have in FO3 could have come from Navarro or they built some new ones or they were at the Rock. Also a simple reason why there are so many, the game makes them spawn over and over.

Enclave were not well thought out in FO3. I can see Enclave remnants back East but not in the West.
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