Enclave history?

Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:08 am

I think the sole evidence that for the continued existance of the outpost is the Illinois Licence Plate used to repair it, google maps tells me that Chicago is in the state of Illinois so it is assumed that it was the Enclave there that conducted the shabby job, reluctance to share their own resources or because their in poor shape?

They could be in poor shape or its automated. Some old robots using any junk they can. Its possible that the outpost was shut down till ED-E gave a pass code or something. Maybe someone in the area found him much like he was found in the Mojave. The MWBoS started outside Chicago and are still there as talked about in FO3. So its possible that the MWBoS sacked the Enclave outpost.
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:46 pm

They could be in poor shape or its automated. Some old robots using any junk they can. Its possible that the outpost was shut down till ED-E gave a pass code or something. Maybe someone in the area found him much like he was found in the Mojave. The MWBoS started outside Chicago and are still there as talked about in FO3. So its possible that the MWBoS sacked the Enclave outpost.

Bah, pecimist, I like to imagine it's a bunch of Enclave Citizens in a bunker, they've been in the dark for a about 4 years now and unlike the Remnants (and rather ironically like the super mutants) are using their tech, expertise and infamy to stay safe, hidden and alive. Arcade says that the Enclave went many places after the Oil Rig was taken down, if the place is still in Enclave hands I don't think it's implausable to suggest that it's been occupied for at least 30 years. The way I see Arcade's statement is that the Enclave split up to avoid all being wiped out in one go like they nearly had, a "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" approach.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:16 pm

Bah, pecimist, I like to imagine it's a bunch of Enclave Citizens in a bunker, they've been in the dark for a about 4 years now and unlike the Remnants (and rather ironically like the super mutants) are using their tech, expertise and infamy to stay safe, hidden and alive. Arcade says that the Enclave went many places after the Oil Rig was taken down, if the place is still in Enclave hands I don't think it's implausable to suggest that it's been occupied for at least 30 years. The way I see Arcade's statement is that the Enclave split up to avoid all being wiped out in one go like they nearly had, a "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" approach.

Well now I am confused. Oil Rig went Boom killing most of the Enclave. A computer in DC starts working and tells whats left to go East. Some stay behind at Navarro which later falls to NCR. From what I got from Arcade was that many went all over the place to get away from NCR and start a new life much like the remnants in New Vegas. They no longer wanted to be apart of the Enclave but NCR and BoS were hunting them so they had to split up. Only the die hards I guess went East. So in the end FO3 had way to many Enclave. I don't recall Enclave having citizens as in people not in the Enclave but under their protection. Maybe a few Enclave scientist holdouts in a bunker in Chicago but thats not enought to say Enclave have a real presence there.

We don't know when the Outpost was built but the Midwestern BoS have been there since before the time of FO2 so its possible they did find the outpost.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:55 am

Well now I am confused. Oil Rig went Boom killing most of the Enclave. A computer in DC starts working and tells what's left to go East. Some stay behind at Navarro which later falls to NCR. From what I got from Arcade was that many went all over the place to get away from NCR and start a new life much like the remnants in New Vegas. They no longer wanted to be apart of the Enclave but NCR and BoS were hunting them so they had to split up. Only the die hards I guess went East. So in the end FO3 had way to many Enclave. I don't recall Enclave having citizens as in people not in the Enclave but under their protection. Maybe a few Enclave scientist holdouts in a bunker in Chicago but thats not enought to say Enclave have a real presence there.

We don't know when the Outpost was built but the Midwestern BoS have been there since before the time of FO2 so its possible they did find the outpost.

Actually reviewing what Arcade says, maybe it isn't as clear cut, I don't know, here's a good link to a For Auld Lang Syne walkthrough were the actual dialouge isn't skipped past by pricks who care nothing for lore.


"Where did the Enclave go?"

"A lot of different places. I only know what I was told. Some of them were cut down by the NCR and Brotherhood of Steel. Some went East."

Now I always took the fact that he was told by his folks they went lots of places to mean that the Enclave split up before Navarro was captured and that's how the parents know they went losts of places, otherwise they would have just told him some went east and the rest scattered.

I refer to everyone in the Enclave as citizens because that's what they are, they are citizens of the United States of America, Bethseda could have done to remember that before turning the Enclave into solely the US Army but... The people at Navarro only left because the NCR attacked, aside from the odd deserter it stayed operational for years after the destruction of Navarro and some people on the East Coast clearly still thought it was operational as that's were ED-E was origionally headed. And yes Fallout 3 had WAY to many Enclave unless there was some strict, forced pro-creation programme for the 30 years between FO2 & FO3. Personally I consider the base still operational in the manner described earlier, repairs were made to ED-E in at least the state of Illinois sometime in the last 3/4 years since 2277/78. I personally condiser that proof enough the outpost was still manned and operational till at least 2278, depending on ED-E's speed, and I see know reason why in those particular years they should be found and destroyed. I know some people are sick of the Enclave after FO3 turned them into soft, squishy, cliche, stock cannon-fodder but god-damnit that's the point, Broken Steel CANNOT be the end of the Enclave as a organisation.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:54 am

I think what Achade said makes it clear. Only some went East a very few. Many were cut down by BoS or NCR. Some stayed at Navarrow till it fell. Others tried to blend into NCR. The command structure fell apart. So after the total collapse of the Enclave there sould be very few left. Ones that went East also got their butts kicked, twice if you add broken steel. The Enclave there have a civil war between robot president :rolleyes: and Colonel Agustus Autumn which if I am not mistaken wanted the Enclave to change as in give up the idea of killing everyone and everything not Enclave.

Sure there cold be a base somewhere close to Chicago but I doubt its manned or if it is only by a few diehard holdouts. I hate what FO3 did to the Enclave they did not deserve to be "soft, squishy, cliche, stock cannon-fodder" for a game where things are Black and White. New Vegas did them justice.

Commonwealth should have replaced the Enclave. Enclave should have been a group of loyal offspring of Enclave diehards that have forgot or don't fully understand their own past. Few in numbers based at Raven Rock with no real role to play. Better yet they should not have been in FO3 at all.
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:07 pm

I think what Achade said makes it clear. Only some went East a very few. Many were cut down by BoS or NCR. Some stayed at Navarrow till it fell. Others tried to blend into NCR. The command structure fell apart. So after the total collapse of the Enclave there sould be very few left. Ones that went East also got their butts kicked, twice if you add broken steel. The Enclave there have a civil war between robot president :rolleyes: and Colonel Agustus Autumn which if I am not mistaken wanted the Enclave to change as in give up the idea of killing everyone and everything not Enclave.

Sure there cold be a base somewhere close to Chicago but I doubt its manned or if it is only by a few diehard holdouts. I hate what FO3 did to the Enclave they did not deserve to be "soft, squishy, cliche, stock cannon-fodder" for a game where things are Black and White. New Vegas did them justice.

Commonwealth should have replaced the Enclave. Enclave should have been a group of loyal offspring of Enclave diehards that have forgot or don't fully understand their own past.

Whilst I may disagree on the order of the events, those are certainly what happened, from what the Remnant's themselves I took that those who remained in Navarro got mostly killed by the NCR attacking, when the NCR learned the Enclave survivors were trying to integrate themselves into the NCR they started to hunt them down and even by the time of New Vegas they still arrest and try Enclave citizens (as we learn in one of Arcade's endings), the BoS hunted down survivors possibly for the APA they were wearing or to interograte them on Enclave infomation. I just love how they made the Enclave parallel the SS, I also love how they disregard FO3, "Some went east." Not "The new President ordered most east whilst a garrison stayed behind." It's clear to me that this was what was supposed to happen, after the rig, one Navarro, the NCR attack the Enclave is finished, [censored] Bethseda...

Autumn didn't want to kill all the mutants, he just wanted to lead them, to use the purifier to get them to accept Enclave government, the wrong choice I might add but seeing as how Bethseda toppled like a [censored] to public demand they wrote a [censored] DLC which rendered the Enclave posion entirely pointless anyway.

If the Enclave have to go then they deserve a dignified and respectable ending like the Remnant's in Broken Steel, either they decide to make up for their pasts lives and do some good or they decide it's time for some good old NCR ass wuppin', something which I myself am doing right now, reclaiming the glorious Poseidon Helios One for it's rightful owners! The Enclave as a whole should get a similar ending one day, either they disregard they're rightful right to govern and become a peaceful settlement/people, they continue to survive in secret or they go out in a blaze of glory for what they believe in; most certainly not that they get thrown at a giant robot, pathetically pew-pew-pewing at it with their weapons, SHOOT IT'S [censored] LEGS, FROM BEHIND, WITH THE VERTIBIRDS MISSILES!!!!!!!!
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:50 pm

Well we may not agree on the order of events that took place after the fall of the rig but we can agree about out come. Only some went East while most fought and died or started a new life on the run from BoS and NCR. There was to man Enclave in FO3. If we ever see the Enclave again it will be in the East. I just hope they aren't a major faction like they were in FO2 and FO3. I hope they are remnants of remnants and Bethesda will let Obsidian write the story for them to do them justice.
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James Rhead
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:54 am

I think what Achade said makes it clear. Only some went East a very few. Many were cut down by BoS or NCR. Some stayed at Navarrow till it fell. Others tried to blend into NCR. The command structure fell apart. So after the total collapse of the Enclave there sould be very few left. Ones that went East also got their butts kicked, twice if you add broken steel. The Enclave there have a civil war between robot president :rolleyes: and Colonel Agustus Autumn which if I am not mistaken wanted the Enclave to change as in give up the idea of killing everyone and everything not Enclave.

Sure there cold be a base somewhere close to Chicago but I doubt its manned or if it is only by a few diehard holdouts. I hate what FO3 did to the Enclave they did not deserve to be "soft, squishy, cliche, stock cannon-fodder" for a game where things are Black and White. New Vegas did them justice.

Commonwealth should have replaced the Enclave. Enclave should have been a group of loyal offspring of Enclave diehards that have forgot or don't fully understand their own past. Few in numbers based at Raven Rock with no real role to play. Better yet they should not have been in FO3 at all.

Maybe they could have whats left of the Enclave on the east cost head up too the commonwealth and take it over and have that in fallout 4.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:34 pm

Maybe they could have whats left of the Enclave on the east cost head up too the commonwealth and take it over and have that in fallout 4.

why spoil a unique faction idea such as the commonwealth by having the Enclave taking it over?
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Bedford White
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:26 am

why spoil a unique faction idea such as the commonwealth by having the Enclave taking it over?

Why spoil the Enclave by making them have anything to do with that ridiculous Blade Runner reference?
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:38 am

Did you see this page? (first time I saw it was today)

In FO2 if they go unopposed (IE. if the if the PC dies), then in one of the end quotes...
The narrator tells the future/past of how you died, and the Enclave triumphs ~and eventually the world dies.

They were bad people.

So if they won then the world would've died? Yikes; good riddance to them I say.
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:29 pm

So if they won then the world would've died? Yikes; good riddance to them I say.

No......it wouldn't have "died"

But it would have been free from mutants.....
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:30 pm

No......it wouldn't have "died"

But it would have been free from mutants.....

....and populated by about 1'000 people. :P

Well Mr House would still be around and I guess Vault 101 and any sealed environments, then again if it was a virus (Dr Curling describes it as Bio-Chemical) their filtration systems might not remove it so...
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:56 pm

No......it wouldn't have "died"

But it would have been free from mutants.....

As in every living thing on the planet not apart of the Enclave and even then not everyone in the Enclave was inculcated against their virus. :thumbsup:

So yes the world would have been dead all but for the people on the Oil Rig and to be fair the oil rig is a tinny dot on this big world of ours.
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Len swann
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:20 pm

No......it wouldn't have "died"

But it would have been free from mutants.....

No, their version of FEV was designed to kill every living thing in the world.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:35 pm

No......it wouldn't have "died"

But it would have been free from mutants.....

Don't lie! The planet would all be but dead. Sure the Enclave will still be alive but everyone else will be gone.
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:37 am

....and populated by about 1'000 people.

Whose side are you on The Enclave? :tongue:

As in every living thing on the planet not apart of the Enclave and even then not everyone in the Enclave was inculcated against their virus.

Nope, not every living thing, only Humans and human-based mutants would be eradicated. Animals and plant life would be left quite unharmed.

No, their version of FEV was designed to kill every living thing in the world.

same answer

Don't lie! The planet would all be but dead. Sure the Enclave will still be alive but everyone else will be gone.

Not seeing a problem with this.... :disguise:
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Solène We
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:19 am

Whose side are you on The Enclave? :tongue:

Nope, not every living thing, only Humans and human-based mutants would be eradicated. Animals and plant life would be left quite unharmed.

same answer

Not seeing a problem with this.... :disguise:

Then I guess I'll have to be the Brotherhood and stop you! I'll win cuz the good guys always win. lol :celebration:
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:14 am

Then I guess I'll have to be the Brotherhood and stop you! I'll win cuz the good guys always win. lol :celebration:

Laser pistols at ten paces then? :toughninja:
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:18 pm

Except the Enclave^
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:43 pm

Except the Enclave^

Alright finally some backup! :gun:
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:02 pm

On topic the enclave are an ongoing conspiracy to keep america "pure" at whatever cost.

Off topic, the remnants are no doubt going to either: A) find some people to train or,
B) go find those small groups fleeing from D.C.

So don't be surprised if a medium sized group of enclave are trying to set up a place for their own, relatively conspiracy free.
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:07 pm

If the Remnants don't try to persue the Enclave's agenda then they aren't Enclave, they're just ex-Enclave people, there is a chain of command. Why does nobody ever support the Enclave's genocidal plans, everyone's always going on about Autumn's Enclave being the best choice. The Enclave's goal is the survival and re-establishment of the American Government and the eventaully rebuilding of America from pure-human stock, the wastelanders have tiny genetic mutations which never-the-less makes then non-human from you and me at least. When you say "keep America "pure" at whatever cost" you make is sound like some sort of conspiracy now, pure? It's after a nuclear war, there is nothing left, there goal is survival and reconstruction but they feel the only way they will suceed is if there is no threat from the near-humans, if there is no threat that there genes can be contaminated.
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:56 am

If the Remnants don't try to persue the Enclave's agenda then they aren't Enclave, they're just ex-Enclave people, there is a chain of command. Why does nobody ever support the Enclave's genocidal plans, everyone's always going on about Autumn's Enclave being the best choice. The Enclave's goal is the survival and re-establishment of the American Government and the eventaully rebuilding of America from pure-human stock, the wastelanders have tiny genetic mutations which never-the-less makes then non-human from you and me at least. When you say "keep America "pure" at whatever cost" you make is sound like some sort of conspiracy now, pure? It's after a nuclear war, there is nothing left, there goal is survival and reconstruction but they feel the only way they will suceed is if there is no threat from the near-humans, if there is no threat that there genes can be contaminated.

yeah, the remnant's are all about the community, not the agenda.

We're better as slave labor, us unpure wastelanders,

you can be wasteland bob barker "spay and neuter your mutants"
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Post » Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:59 pm

Personally I think we have only touched the tip of the Enclave Spear I personally think that the bulk of the Enclave military is in Alabama the reason why is because we dont know what happened civil rights wise but before Civil Rights movement Alabama was a self suffcent state Birimingham alabama was basicly a steel mill city north alabama housed military bases/bread basket and so was the south...not sure it belongs here but I dont think we have seen the full brunt of the Enclave.
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