Dear fellow forumites.
I am posting this thread in an attempt to advertise End Of An Era. This Rp has been on our boards for a huge length of time, and for most of us, it's the longest Rp we've ever seen. It has recently come to a halt, and I can only place it on the fact that we have very little "New Blood" so to speak.
End Of An Era is a story based/group/adventure RP where the Rpers are taken through the main quest of Oblivion (Defeating the daedric invasion.) Each step is done perfectly to the game, so all you have to do is look it up on a TES fan forum or play through the game!
I know that joining an RP when it's at chapter 44, can be.. Daunting to say the least. And definetly, there will be things you will have missed. But here, in this thread, I will tell you now; You need to know nothing about the group, their relations to one another or the minute details of their adventures. The only thing you will have to know is what part of the Main Quest we are at. And that, is thus: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Spies (The group is heading to bruma at the moment from Cloud Ruler.)
Now, I know alot of you are probably asking, "Why would I join an RP that's already been going for over a year?" Well, simple! Because it's been going on for over a year. You've also got some damned fine Rpers in EoEA, including Aulakauss and FC4! You will not only gain an experience, but you'll have fun in an epic storyline that's easy to follow, easy to get into and soon you'll find yourself looking forward to your next encounter with the daedra!
So, contact me (Adeth) on how to get into this RP and help us keep this saga alive!
PS. Uglius wrote the whole thing.