Not sure. last year we saw alot of safety votes. People voting for familiar fanfics that had long since stopped being updated while newer fanfics were neglected due to the lack of people who read them. I'd rather see another Feyfolken.
Hmm... Well, if there are enough people willing to participate, both in writing and judging, I'd gladly do another Feyfolken. The Feyfolken forum's long dead, but I think a few people still have accounts over there. It was really just for judges anyway. But I would definitely like to see another short story contest; I'm just not sure how many people would want to do it :shrug:
True, still happens actually. If these do happen there should be judges selected. So that it wouldn't be safety, these judges take particular notes ok stories; characters; writers. I'm not sure if that's how it happened last year but it's an idea.
I would agree; we don't want people voting for someone just because they have a reputation as a good writer/RPer, we want them to vote for them because they have personally read/RPed with that person and acknowledged their fine work. I've been active most of the year, if not in writing and critiquing than definitely RPing, so I wouldn't mind volunteering to judge. I'm sure I can find some time to run through and make a list of all the year's best RPs and maybe even stories so we can narrow down the ones to put up for voting. Last year we kind of just said vote for whoever, maybe we should actually narrow it down to five or six things per category. Just an idea :thumbsup:
It's true that we lost a few good people along the way, but there's no reason we can't still have a bit of fun voting

I know last year was really exciting, with a good turnout of voters; I expect this year can be just as good.