end of year awards 2009 Results

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:04 am

Congrats to everyone!
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:15 am

Let's see here..... Fan-Fiction.....bobg....nope......bobg, nope, bobg, nope, nope, nope, nope, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NONONONONONONO. "Sigh."

Oh well At least I'm sure my friends mentioned me; OH YAH! here I am at the bottom of Treydog's list of authors that wrote something in 2009. "sigh."

"Anyway, it wasn't a waste of time. Angel, let me show you how to delete a bookmark from your web browser.' :)

Bobg, I'm so very sorry you were disappointed in the results. :sad: I did not publically mention my internal debates and second choices, beyond acknowledging the incredible talent on the forums and how hard it was to choose. :banghead:
You know perfectly well that Angel is much more than a character to me; Sarrah even more than that.

You are an amazing writer. I expect the reason your wonderful thread did not receive more mention was because of its tendency, quite frankly, towards neglect. It was your loving fans that finally coaxed you to bring Angel back to us. Even then, your brilliant flame lasted less than a dozen stories and less than five weeks. Repeated pleas, from those same ardent supporters, have been met by an echoing silence. We are not sure if you have abandoned your thread. . . .

When you review the comments you received during your latest short bout of posting stories, can you not see the adoration and passion for Angel and Sarrah that you engender?

Angel and her sister are the very reason my character exists. But. . . to keep Angel alive, you must write.

Please, bobg, WRITE. We so miss Angel and dear late Sarrah.

WRITE, and we will come. Please. :nod:

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Yama Pi
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:06 am

This is more in the nature of a general comment, rather than aimed at anyone in particular...(even if bobg's post did prompt me to write it).

I cannot convey how bloody HARD it was to decide in the fan-fiction categories, especially the "Started in 2009" and "Best Character" sections.

For best character, even if we divided it into Best Female character, that would still leave me struggling with Buffy, Angel, Teresa, Maxical, Morgiah.... OK, how about Best Female Bosmer character? Still a struggle.

In truth, I would have rather not voted, but I saw people voting for my work and felt I had to reciprocate. And I also wanted to recognize the level of talent we have here. If more people had voted, the results would have been different- more work would have been nominated, etc. But Solidor did a fine job with what he had...

I wish I had more time to read more work by more people here- I KNOW I am missing out. And the pace is such that threads get pushed several pages deep in a matter of days...

But let me reiterate 2 points- I am impressed by the vision, creativity, and talent of everyone who writes and posts; I wish I could have voted an award for every one of you.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:19 am

Congratulations everyone!

Off Topic: I won best RP in the Fallout Section :D.

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Sara Lee
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:18 am

Congratulations everyone!

Off Topic: I won best RP in the Fallout Section :D.

Are you ever going to shut up about you winning that award? I don't mean to be rude, but it's getting quite annoying.

Obviously, well done for winning and all, but you're getting a little arrogant about it.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:28 pm

Disappointment. :sadvaultboy:
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:12 pm

Are you ever going to shut up about you winning that award? I don't mean to be rude, but it's getting quite annoying.

Obviously, well done for winning and all, but you're getting a little arrogant about it.

Well sorry. But I am proud of myself so :meh: . And if it really annoying you I will stop, but when I feel like it. Which is soon, because it is quite annoying. Look a bird.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:14 pm

As much as anything, I just wanted to try writing in a stream-of-consciousness style and this thread seemed like a perfect opportunity.

I'm glad that the mods have not closed this thread since the voting has ended. It allows a great post-trauma spill-your-guts-and-heal session. Being the lone dunce in a classroom as brilliant as this forum has become is both frustrating and painful. Why do I stay? Because it is also enlightening, uplifting, encouraging, and engaging.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:57 am

Roleplay Categories

Most Improved RPer of 2009:

Woolymammoth45 is the winner with nine votes.

Congratulations every body :celebration:

Man, I didn't think I would win anything...

I found one of my first sheets: The Imp Sheet! I remember I had made it for some Imp RP... Goodness, I was terrible O.o

Name: Basher

Age: 21

Race: imp

Gender: Male

Birthsign: The warrior

Class: stealth solidier

Specialization: Combat

Major skills: blade, heavy armor, block, athletics, sneak, security, alchemy,

Equipment: steel armor and shield, silver sword

Rank: novice

And now, here is Jamaal:

Name: Jamaal Arhano
Gender: Male
Birthsign: The Steed
Race: Red Guard
Age: 29

Physical Appearance: Jamaal has compelling deep brown eyes, with short cut black at about 1/2 an inch. His hair is very thick. He has a deep muscle tone, and bears the usual Red Guard tan. His nose looks quite normal, not too short, not too long. The RedGuard's calf muscles are enormous, along with most of his leg muscles, from his birthsign. His Arm muscles are at a moderate size, along with his height, where he stands about the average man's size. He bears a lean body, and is careful to maintain it, for assassins need to be quick. Jamaal wears a large, thick scar along his right forearm, along with a scar just under his left eye. His overall muscle composition is moderate overall, with his legs as an exception. He is quite athletic and fast, through genetics, and the stars. He also keeps a black hood tied around one of his belt slots.

Apparel: Jamaal is an assassin, but he always doesn't try to look like one obviously. He usually wears, unless disguising himself on certain events, Black Leather Armor, with Light, flexible leather boots. He bears an amulet, which he wears under his armor. His mother gave it to him in his childhood. It is said to give him luck, and it may possibly be enchanted with that ability. He also wears a black leather belt, with many slots of its own. He also wears leather braces, and fingerless leather gloves.

Weapons: Jamaal bears a rather small longsword that hangs from his belt. It is bigger than the usual short-sword, but is not as big as an average longblade (A longblade classified in history as a sword with the blade twice the size of its hilt, therefore, it may very in size somewhat to a degree.) He also bears a short blade, the hilt 6 inches, and the blade 9 inches. It is held in a tie up leather strap pocket on his right arm just below the shoulder, covering his horrible scar. He also wears a small iron dagger in a pouch above his ankle, for such needed instances. It is very light, and does not affect his running in a way that matters. The last weapon of his is a short steel and leather cross-bow, featuring steel in the middle, right on the straight section from which the arrow is aimed, and flexible leather covering it. It sits in his light flexible black leather quiver, slung across his shoulder, with 20 iron arrows. Short blades stick out of both ends of the head, allowing somewhat of a good killing technique.

Misc: Jamaal also keeps one minor invisibility potion handy within his gear belt. He saves it only for life saving instances.

Bio: Jamaal grew up in Rihad, Hammerfel, and studied the ancient Ansei as a boy. His Mother was a caring mother, a former Morag Tong Agent. His Mother taught him the arts of stealth, and the little combat that she new when he was young. His father was always away. He really knew anything about what he did when he was young. Later though, he finally realized his father was not a former member of the Morag Tong, but an active one of the sort. He was always away in Morrowind doing whatever he did, which Jamaal didn't know about at his young age. Meanwhile, he continued to study the Ansei, the ancient battles of Hammerfell, and the works of Destri Melarg. At the age of ten, his Uncle, a high ranking fighters guild member, taught him some advanced combat techniques, for his mother did not know much of combat. At the age of 16, his father retired, and trained him in stealth, and the art of the stealth kill as much as he could. He was an Ark'ay worshiper growing up, and also worshiped Julianos. At the age of 18, he forsook his parents will to become a member of the Morag Tong, and joined the Dark Brotherhood after being invited by an assassin that saw his talent. He therefore started to worship Sithis. Even though he wasn't as religious as some of the other members, he still pays his respects to the void.

He quickly rose through the ranks by doing contracts, and soon the leader of the Dark Brotherhood appointed him as Silencer. Now he stays in the waterfront with his friend (and fellow brotherhood member) Claud. When his life-long comrade, Renal, and his brother, Rhano, are there, they stay in the same building. Claud holds a house in the Imperial City, while another shelter lies in the Waterfront as well. Brotherhood safe havens are throughout Tamriel, whether being in the form of a residency or sanctuary. Jamaal currently spends his says in the Imperial City, a great place of commerce.


I guess I have improved...just a little bit :P
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kat no x
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:05 am

I would just like to say that it was an honor to be nominated. There are quite a few good writers here. I am sure far more than I realize, as I just do not have the time to read even close to all the threads out there. I am very thankful for all those talented people, as their insights and simply the opportunity to watch them in action has helped me greatly with my own writing.

Huzzah to all! :celebration:
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jadie kell
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:42 pm

I am very thankful for all those talented people, as their insights and simply the opportunity to watch them in action has helped me greatly with my own writing.

Huzzah to all! :celebration:

You are one of those talented people :P That's why you were nominated.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:12 pm

As much as anything, I just wanted to try writing in a stream-of-consciousness style and this thread seemed like a perfect opportunity.

I'm glad that the mods have not closed this thread since the voting has ended. It allows a great post-trauma spill-your-guts-and-heal session. Being the lone dunce in a classroom as brilliant as this forum has become is both frustrating and painful. Why do I stay? Because it is also enlightening, uplifting, encouraging, and engaging.

Sounds to me like bobg has been drinking a little bit of red wine over the Xmas. How else could he achieve such enlightened moments of self dialogue ?? :D

Seriously though, one thing I really craved for during 09 was MORE Angel and Sarrah stories. The best action scene of the year was without doubt the 'I'm cooking and sword swinging' at the same time story.

If there was a category for best action scene it would have been straight in for nomination. :nod:
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He got the
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:39 pm

I would just like to say that it was an honor to be nominated. There are quite a few good writers here. I am sure far more than I realize, as I just do not have the time to read even close to all the threads out there. I am very thankful for all those talented people, as their insights and simply the opportunity to watch them in action has helped me greatly with my own writing.

Huzzah to all! :celebration:

I 100% agree. I agree with who won should've won. BTW g'job mALX
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