» Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:29 pm
I'm not sure. I don't know much about the DLCs since I only played the DLCs on consoles. I also doubt that there is a copy for testacles for the DLCs, so you may be out of luck.
Your best bet would be to use console commands, and add quests and finish them with commands. I remember in Oblivion, I could use a command to get a quest, and use a setstage so I would get to a certain point in the quest( where I want it to be, IE killing a guy rather than sparing him)
Of course, that's Oblivion. I have no idea if setstage is even in. Good luck, though!
If there is a setstage command, look at each quest in the wiki for stages, it should be at the bottom with the quest notes to know wihch is wihchj