Now I′ve played through Oblivion with a few characters and often end up with 100 in my favored attributes, I even have two Bretons both with 100 Endurance but one of them has a lot more health than my first one because I invested into endurance a whole lot sooner, but both of them have the same mana at 100 Intellect. It kinda looks weird to me how my Breton that is pure mage ended up with the same mana as my breton that is a battlemage, but not the same health, I don′t care too much about if they had ended up the same, or if my pure mage breton had ended up with a lot more mana and my battlemage with more health, but I don′t think it′s good when my pure mage is basically "lesser" than my battlemage just because I went the mage way and went first for intelligence and then for endurance, ending up just as good a mage as my battlemage, just with less health.
Best would be in my mind if every stat except luck worked the way Endurance does, that if I had a thief type character and I made him have high agility early on it should contribute to making the things agility affects stronger for him than perhaps a warrior I had made that hit 100 agility later, or if I had a mage that hit 100 intelligence early on that mage should have a lot more mana than my thief that perhaps just got to 100 intelligence on his last level.
But I would not really mind too much either if they all ended the same, but I would feel that was a little cheap, but I know a lot of people who would just want to play once, or feel the need to be as powerful as possible with one character (some people don′t have the time to play the game twice or more after all).
Please vote and discuss what you think about this matter and what ideas you may have for Skyrim, even possible outlines of how each attribute should affect each skill or stat in the game would be a nice start to discuss how it could work if every attribute was changed the way I′d like to see them work.