I just finished running a LOT of dwellers to level 50 with various stats, and want to elaborate on the endurance stat. Some of this data has already been discovered in other areas, but I wanted to provide my findings here.
- ENDURANCE is the ONLY stat that determines how much HP your dwellers have.
- HP from endurance is received ONLY when a dweller levels up.
- Once a dweller is level 50, more endurance does NOT increase HP.
- Wearing an outfit with an endurance bonus improves HP gain per level.
- All level 1 dwellers, whether newborns or radio calls, have 105 HP.
- Rare and legendary children still only have 105 HP at birth.
- All dwellers will get at least 3 HP per level, no matter what.
- A level 50 dweller has levelled up 49 times, not 50.
- Each point of endurance over 1, whether trained or provided by an outfit, gives an additional .5 HP per level.
- Endurance over 10 makes a dweller immune to radiation while exploring.
For you math gurus, the formula for total HP by level 50, starting from level 1 is:
That breaks down to the following by level 50:
17E +11HP/lvl 644
16E +10.5HP/lvl 619.5
15E +10HP/lvl 595
14E +9.5HP/lvl 570.5
13E +9HP/lvl 546
12E +8.5HP/lvl 521.5
11E +8HP/lvl 497
10E +7.5HP/lvl 472.5
9E +7HP/lvl 448
8E +6.5HP/lvl 423.5
7E +6HP/lvl 399
6E +5.5HP/lvl 374.5
5E +5HP/lvl 350
4E +4.5HP/lvl 325.5
3E +4HP/lvl 301
2E +3.5HP/lvl 276.5
1E +3HP/lvl 252
+24.5 HP by level 50 for each point above 1. So, if you catch your dwellers early and boost them to 10 E, you might not have missed out on much HP. As for me, I am trashing everyone above level 1 except my legendary dwellers.
I do NOT recommend outfitting your dwellers with endurance gear that is common, like Wasteland Gear. While it does give your dweller a +3 E, when they find ANY rare, they will swap it out. If you decide to do it anyway, be sure to keep an eye on them and be ready with a recall if they do change it out.
When you receive rare or legendary dwellers, their HP will be as if they levelled to their current level, from level 1, with their base endurance and the endurance mod of the outfit they show up with.
For example, a level 25 Confessor Cromwell will have 273 HP.
His base endurance is 7, and his outfit gives +2E.
If you level a dweller from 1 to 25 with 9 endurance (using a version of the formula below) you get 273 HP.
The modified formula would be: 105+( (MY_LEVEL-1)*(3+((ENDURANCE-1)*.5))
All is not lost in this case, because he can be trained up to E10, then given +5E gear and will finish at level 50 with 513 HP, which is really good for these characters. It will also take considerably less time to max all of his stats and start working towards rare and legendary children. The lowest level legendary dweller I've seen is 20, and Lucas Simms is a GREAT legendary to get at any level because of his high endurance and +5 endurance gear.
A rare dweller with high endurance and low level might have missed out on some HP, but can still be trained and outfitted to hit the high 500's which still makes for an exceptional vault guard. The lowest level rare dweller I've seen is 5.