Any one can confirm if enemies do respawn in cleared spots this ?
Any one can confirm if enemies do respawn in cleared spots this ?
A lot of people have been asking this, but I haven't seen any definitive answer yet.
Yeah they respawn and so does loot. It just takes a long time like it did in skyrim, around 10-14 days for outside enemies and around 30 days for indoor/cleared areas. I have noticed that if you re-enter an area before stuff respawns it thankfully doesn't seem to reset the timer like it did in skyrim this time around.
Yeah it's the same as skyrim pretty much, I may be a little off on the exact number of days but i've had 5 cleared areas respawn multiple times aswell as general world enemies respawning constantly. I'd do a much more informative test but the wait/sleep system takes forever this time around lol. seems really laggy when wait/sleeping, hope it can be patched. (this is on xbox btw)
Yes, about 72 in game hours it seems, give or take, maybe be randomized
The answer i was looking for ..
It was one of my greatest fears.... There are such good places to keep coming and grinding ...
i think cleared places needs more time than that to get repopulate