I smiled at the lockpick story in your intro.

Your style of playing (only carrying about 70 pounds of stuff, and no huge extra pieces of armor, etc.) is very similar to how I play. I find it very helpful for immersion if I only pick up things I can imagine my character actually putting in a small to medium sized pouch (gems, small ingredients, a scroll or two, etc.). And, as you point out, that definitely helps to slow down the rate of gold intake.
Your concept for paying taxes (selling items for low cost and then purchasing back for high cost) is genius! I'll remember that for later on when Maia is higher level and wealthier and I wish to RP a more humble state of affairs. Thanks!
Actually, you need to thank Acadian for this idea. He told me about it, when I was lamenting my millionaire status on previous characters.
Oh, I'm certain. Who wouldn't need fifty rolls of yarn? And all those baskets? They're wonderful for organizing things. A man can never have too many pairs of calipers.
I like the low baskets, they hold varla and welkynd stones quite nicely, and you can actually make a pretty good heap of them. I do this when I want to light up a dark corner in my house.
The tall baskets can hold a fair amount of madness ore.
I need quills and parchment to put on my desks, however the parchment is weird looking, they look like the packages for old baseball cards, so I use low-level scrolls.
There are shallow and deeper silver bowls. On some desks I scatter a handful of semi-precious stones and maybe some keys, on others I fill the deeper silver bowls with gems. They give off a pretty glow. The matrices from the SI are beautiful, especially the tall Amber Hammer matrix. I display these around my home fires, to reflect the fire towards the viewer.
Yeah, I decorate.