LR Enemies Speculation Thread

Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:40 am

Only if they made sense and there's a good reason for a group to be there. Personally, I'm waiting for a good successor to Marcus as a super mutant companion (Fawkes and Lily didn't cut it, Fawkes was a different species and didn't have a enough depth and Lily was annoying and also without depth). I couldn't care less about cannon fodder super mutant enemies, especially because super mutants will be extinct eventually with no means of reproduction (both species). Anyway, nothing suggests Super Mutants would fit as an enemy and the voice actors and characters that have been detailed (likely the only ones) don't indicate a mutant or mutants.

Keep in mind that the Super Mutants would just use the voices already in the game files from the core game (like the Mr. Handys, Gutsys, Orederlys, Robobrains, and Sentry Bots in Old World Blues), so a voice actor wouldn't have to be listed. Also, the trek through lonesome road is supposed to be treacherous and dangerous. Super Mutants tend to prove that they can survive in much more dangerous places than humans. I think the devs could figure out a way to incorporate them.

And as for a Super Mutant companion with no depth, what about Dog/God? He's pretty dang awesome.

I think possibly recycle these creatures from

For example,

I found the enemy I want.

"Mutant cannibals are one of the results of environmental disaster in the Grand Canyon"

It fits so well with Lonesome Road! I know the Grand Canyon is not the Divide, but the Divide is described as having canyons, and suffers from some kind of disaster (maybe environmental, is going by the research Ulysses did in Big MT). AND, they would qualify as mutants! Just stick the generic sound bytes of Feral Ghouls/Lobotomites on them and you have a new enemy!
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Cat Haines
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:18 pm

Keep in mind that the Super Mutants would just use the voices already in the game files from the core game (like the Mr. Handys, Gutsys, Orederlys, Robobrains, and Sentry Bots in Old World Blues), so a voice actor wouldn't have to be listed. Also, the trek through lonesome road is supposed to be treacherous and dangerous. Super Mutants tend to prove that they can survive in much more dangerous places than humans. I think the devs could figure out a way to incorporate them.

And as for a Super Mutant companion with no depth, what about Dog/God? He's pretty dang awesome.

Mostly referring to a main game companion, but yes, I thought Dog/God was great, full of depth. But still, personally, if there's a group in the Divide that just attack on site I'd rather they not be in there. It's much better if they'd at least talk to you and then fight you. I'm not questioning whether it would make sense for any super mutants to be there, it's just that unless they are given a role beyond enemy I question if they are actually warranted. I think they're a really cool species in the Fallout series and their timed presence shouldn't be squandered like that.
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:17 pm

Some sort of creature that has adapted to the storms.

This, and hopefully some crazy, mutated (not super mutant or ghoul) survivors of Legion and NCR supply caravans in the Divide
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:28 pm

Not only that, but Ulysses refers to factions as "Tribes" like when he was talking to Christine about the BoS! :hubbahubba:

That, and there are two unnamed Ciphers "Cipher advlt" and "Cipher child", which are possibly the Dad and Son in the voice acting list of Lonesome Road. Also, the two Doctors are likely ciphers, and ciphers, with their experience, would likely have doctors.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:31 pm

It was very cold there.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:44 pm

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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:53 pm

Legendary Raven.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:29 pm

I don't want humans to be the only enemy there, I don't want them to be the dominant foe either!
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:04 pm

legendary mud crab F E A R the C L A W
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:33 am

Although it was cold me and my family would dance around the fire each night.
OH ha ha ha those were the days.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:23 am


Glowing Super Mutants (Stronger than the Super Mutant Master)

Sand Death Claw (Is a red/brown coloured Deathclaw, with the ability to disguise in sand, is a bit smaller than the normal Deathclaws)

Desert Ghoul (Ghouls who have survived the dangers of The Divide, they are tougher than normal feral ghouls)

Enclave Remnants (Survivors of the Enclave have settled down in The Divide, defending them selfs against any threat coming by, but their numbers are small and they are barely enough to survive)

BoS Ghouls (As one of the BoS airships crashed, it crashlanded in The Divide, killing many of the BoS soldiers, leaving a few of them behind... The survivors fled out, only to be victims of high radiation, killing some of them, and turning the others to dangerous feral ghouls, with their power armor on.)
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:20 am

My hope is that it is a vault with 100s of cryochamders like the Boulder Dome in Van Buren was going to have, but not a few scientists, but hundreds of real US solders and various other people from the old world. Then I hope it ends shortly after that discovery.

That would put a great new twist into the fo universe. They would not be large enough to really take any large groups over, but there would be another dead serious group in fo, with a goal that many fo players would relate to. Chances of bringing back the US are slim to none, but it would be cool to have a group that is the United States, and a goal to reunite the country useing several different methods.

That is my hope, but probably not what will be there.

The cryochambers that were going to be in the Boulder Dome would preserve pre-war US personal to the state they were in 200 years ago. So it is not far fetched since they were going to do it with scientists in VB
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:06 am

My hope is that it is a vault with 100s of cryochamders like the Boulder Dome in Van Buren was going to have, but not a few scientists, but hundreds of real US solders and various other people from the old world. Then I hope it ends shortly after that discovery.

That would put a great new twist into the fo universe. They would not be large enough to really take any large groups over, but there would be another dead serious group in fo, with a goal that many fo players would relate to. Chances of bringing back the US are slim to none, but it would be cool to have a group that is the United States, and a goal to reunite the country useing several different methods.

That is my hope, but probably not what will be there.

The cryochambers that were going to be in the Boulder Dome would preserve pre-war US personal to the state they were in 200 years ago. So it is not far fetched since they were going to do it with scientists in VB

I like everything you just said and Gojira should definitely make an appearance in Lonesome Road as a very tough boss. Hmm they haven't added Spiders in the game yet as far as I know and I would love the Wanamingos to come back.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:43 pm

Oh yes those were harsh times, but we got by.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:28 pm

I ate myself alot of polar bear, ho ho ho thats for sure.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:17 pm

  • Ciphers
  • Mutated humanoids
  • Mutated creatures that have adapted to the vicious storms
  • Abominations

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