Nice how the bot just stepped on its own trap wire on the floor! Yeah, so the trap wire has been set as owned by robot faction by Obsidian, so what? Is there any code that considers this? No, there is not, so the trap is triggered. I extended the trap wire script like this:
if isOwner RobotFaction && actionRef.getinfaction RobotFaction returnendifif isOwner RaiderFaction && actionRef.getinfaction RaiderFactionreturnendifif isOwner FiendsFactionNV && actionRef.getinfaction FiendsFactionNVreturnendifif actionRef.hasPerk LightStep == 0 && actionRef.GetInFaction NVDLC01TrapFaction == 0 && actionRef.hasPerk NVDLC01InMyFootsteps == 0;....bla
So no trap triggering if the trap owner steps on the damn trap.