Hello. As indicated by the title, I am trying to take power amor off enemies. At first I thought you could just kill them and take it, but my brother informed me that you have to sneak and pickpocket the fusion core. If you do that they will exit the power armor. After that you can take it. Well, I've done that a handful of times with no luck. I take the core but they don't exit the suit, they just start attacking.
Does it only work if I don't get caught? I noticed once that when I was pickpocketing a raider I accidentally took the wrong item, and from then on I couldn't pickpocket him. But the other times I did take the core, but they never exited the suit.[Edit: I guess I didn't take it, just thought I did, silly me]
What am I doing wrong? I would love some more power armor to keep at all my settlements so I can always have some close by where I don't need to keep fast travelling to a few spots just to get power armor.
Any help is appreciated. I'm on the PS4, btw.