When I enage an enemy, its healthbar is displayed and gets stuck until I kill that enemy even when I switch targets. I'm using skyUI and immersiveHUD, and nothing else that might affect UI display.
How should I fix this problem?
When I enage an enemy, its healthbar is displayed and gets stuck until I kill that enemy even when I switch targets. I'm using skyUI and immersiveHUD, and nothing else that might affect UI display.
How should I fix this problem?
Why you don't try to disable SkyUI and then try again ???
It can be a compatibility problem with SkyUI. (I saw on the net that ImmersiveHUD had some problems with SkyUI 4.0)
If you have the latest version of IHud 2.4 you can download the latest verion of SkyUI 4.1 and try again.
or maybe you have set the health alpha blending too high or too low !!!
Console command: ' set iHUDHealthAlpha to X ' - > Sets the alpha of the health bar to X, where X is a whole number over 0.
100 is equal to whatever your HUD alpha is normally. Over 100 will make it brighter, but only up to a certain level.