energy transfer - completely useless?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:59 am

i recently unlocked energy transfer and have noticed how it very often doesn't fill up after i get a kill.

i can see the animation at the energy bar, with the "white stripe" hovering over my current energylevel, indicating it will fill up after my kill, but very often it doesn't.

i've noticed how sprinting directly after a kill won't trigger energy transfer, neither will entering stealth or armor mode straight after the kill. as mentioned before, the animation with the "white stripe" is shown, but the energy never fills up.

this basically makes the whole module useless to me, as i'm a hit-and-run user with mobility enhance III equipped together with stealth enhance III in pretty much all of my classes.

anyone else experiencing these issues?
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:50 am

You need to get it to level 3 for it to fully recover it. It's doing for 20 percent when level 1. And it works like this: You kill a guy and it immediately gives you power, not after.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:10 am

Its one of the best, if not the best, modules on the game. As farmdve said you need to get it to rank 3 or at least 2 before it starts to shine.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:40 pm

of course, stupid me...

cheers for the answers. :)
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Helen Quill
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:16 pm

I THINK when it fails like that, it's user error. I use those same 3 modules (best set-up in the game imo). Anyway, it seems like you need to give the transfer about a sec to fully recharge itself before you use your suit will give you a chunk with every kill, then fill-in the last little bit over the course of a sec...IF you activate an abilty right after the kill, it will only give you that chunk.

I think when it bugs out and you're left with 0 energy, it's because you're really low, you get the kill, and try to power up your suit too quickly. It's hard to be certain because it happens rarely for me, and it happens so fast...but it definitely happens.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:59 pm

thats one of my favorite module :), well the thing is that it ONLY transfer the amount of energy remaining or the person you kill have left after they died. with rank 3 it actually transfer additional energy to you, even rank 3 you dont get full bar unless your victim have almost full energy. thats why its called energy TRANSFER, not energy RECOVERY
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:47 am

thats one of my favorite module :), well the thing is that it ONLY transfer the amount of energy remaining or the person you kill have left after they died. with rank 3 it actually transfer additional energy to you, even rank 3 you dont get full bar unless your victim have almost full energy. thats why its called energy TRANSFER, not energy RECOVERY

interesting! haven't thought of it that way. do you have any source to your statements?

from what i can find, energy transfer is supposed to:

Energy Transfer (Restores 50% energy with each kill)
Upgrade II = Restores additional Nanosuit energy with each kill
Upgrade III = Restores full Nanosuit energy with each kill

if it only transfers the energy from my opponent, i'd say nano recharge is a better choice tbh:

Nano Recharge (Faster health recharge)
Upgrade II = Faster suit energy recharge
Upgrade III = Shorter delay before health starts recharging
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:38 am

Once you get ET III you will be one hard nanosuit to kill. If your fast enough you will get multiple kills in seconds. More and more advanced players are using it now with Stealth Endurance III.. The counter module to this is Covert Ops III with ET III, and Mobility III., but you need good headsets(e.g. f540, G930, G35) with true surround to take advantage of it. Another counter module is AE III / SE III / LP III your faster but must use speed to your advantage as hit and run - hide recharge.

I like all three setups, it all depends who I am playing with that will tell me what modules I will load.

FWE Sultaan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:52 am

hilkariz is talkign crap lol. When you shoot an enemy they lose energy, ie when they are dead they have 0 energy so how the hell can you transfer 0 energy to you.

No, it just gives you a percentage of energy back with each kill. Lol.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:47 am

thats one of my favorite module :), well the thing is that it ONLY transfer the amount of energy remaining or the person you kill have left after they died. with rank 3 it actually transfer additional energy to you, even rank 3 you dont get full bar unless your victim have almost full energy. thats why its called energy TRANSFER, not energy RECOVERY

interesting! haven't thought of it that way. do you have any source to your statements?

from what i can find, energy transfer is supposed to:

Energy Transfer (Restores 50% energy with each kill)
Upgrade II = Restores additional Nanosuit energy with each kill
Upgrade III = Restores full Nanosuit energy with each kill

if it only transfers the energy from my opponent, i'd say nano recharge is a better choice tbh:

Nano Recharge (Faster health recharge)
Upgrade II = Faster suit energy recharge
Upgrade III = Shorter delay before health starts recharging

i played it most of the time, i do get small to large amount restore, theyre not the same all the time, yeah the module said that but if you asked me, consider how it only recover a certain amount and you have to wait for about 3 sec to get it to full (rank 3 restore), it makes more sense that it actually transfer from your victim first then recover.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:01 am

if it only transfers the energy from my opponent, i'd say nano recharge is a better choice tbh:

Nano Recharge (Faster health recharge)
Upgrade II = Faster suit energy recharge
Upgrade III = Shorter delay before health starts recharging

Now that depends on how you play the game. ET allows you to just keep on killing, as your energy is "reacharging" kill by kill, good for the run and gun type of player that keeps sprinting and using cloak alot while they bounce around the map to chase their targets. NR needs you to stop the action and wait till it kicks in, which serves the rather calm and sneaky approach a lil bit better, where players don't move that much.

Especially when playing free for all, ET personally serves my play style alot better. Being the sprinting and bouncing type of player I haven't seen a map yet that was so large that it wouldn't allow me to kill a player before I run out of energy while using ET.
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